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62 Cards in this Set

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Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?
It began in England.
When did the Industrial Revolution begin?
17-early 18th century.
What does industrialized mean?
When a nation relies in industries as its main source of income rather then agriculture.
Why did the Industrial Revolution begin where it began?
1. Britain had a large labor supply because of people(Former farmers who lost their lands thanks to enclosures) moving in from the country to the city in search of employment
2. Britain had a middle class controlled government which allowed businesses to grow.
3.Puritans were dedicated to businesses
4. Government didn't restrict scientific discoveries
5.Large deposits of raw resources such as coal
What was the Test Act?
A law which bans anyone who is not apart of the Church of England (Anglican) to be a part of parliament.
What was the old method of farming used in Britain?
Britain used to use the strip farm method of farming, which was not very efficient.
What was the new method of farming that emerged during the Industrial Revolution? How did it work?
The new method was a method called enclosures, in which combined the small strips of land into a large field which increased efficiency because farmers had to spend less time working the land and could work it more profitably. These large fields used to be owned by the village which allowed anyone to use them, but they eventually became privately owned, and land owners charged rent on people using the land, which caused poor farmers to not be able to farm, which caused them to move into the city to find employment.
Where did the poor farmers move out? Why?
The poor farmers moved out because they couldn't afford the rent on the former commons land which they used to use for farming. The land was now privately owned, and the land owners charged rent which the poor farmers could not afford. This caused farmers to move to the Industrialized cities in search of jobs.
What were the new breeds of animals? What was the benefit of having new breeds of animals?
-New cattle produced more meat
-New sheep produced more wool
-New breeds much sturdier and healthier
-Gives people with new breeds a competitive edge against other farmers
What is fodder?
Fodder is animal food.
What did Jethro Tull invent?
The seed drill
What did Lord Townshend invent?
Came up with the 4 year crop cycle.
Explain the old method of broadcasting?
Basically throwing seeds onto a field by hand
What were the 6 things that made farms much more productive?
1.Seed Drill (Better seeding)
2. 4 year crop cycle (Crop rotation)
4. Improved animal breeds
5. Fetrilization
Explain the crop rotation.
Crop rotation is a farming technique that was invented by Lord Townshed in which you planted the 4 crops, turnips, barley, grasses and then wheat year after year, which allowed you to skip the fallowing because the turnips and clover releases nitrogen into the soil. making the soil recover its nutrients while still producing a crop.
A person who runs a business, taking the risk in order to earn a profit is an
What is the economic policy called Lassiez-Faire?
An economic policy which states that that businesses would be free as possible from government regulations.
How did some men take advantage of the Laissez-Faire system and exploit the needy?
Business people who supported this were against any regulation which would make a cut in their profits, which caused terrible conditions for their workers.
What are man-made cloth products called?
What raw material does linen come from?
Linen is made flax.
What cloth comes from a special kind of worm?
What cloth is made from sheep?
Name 3 of Britian's colonies
Indea, New Zealand, and Halifax
Name 4 textile inventions and their inventors
Flying Shuttle by John Kay
Spinning Jenny by James Hargeaves
Waterframe by Richard Arkwright
Mule by Samuel Compton
What was the first breakthrough which provided power for factories , who invented it and what does it harness in order to pump water out of mine?
Steam engine, Thomas Newcomen, Compressed steam
Who made the Steam Engine more efficient?
James Watt
In what way was the more efficient Steam Engine adapted so that the engine could drive what?
So that it could drive machines
Who invented a better process for making cast iron, and when did he do it?
Abraham Darby in 1750,
What was cast iron used for?
Pots and pans, support needed to hold up bridges,
Which industry grew along side the iron industry when the demand for cast-iron was going up because they were closely linked together?
The coal industry.
What cheap fuel did the British burn for heat in the winter?
Why was working in coal mines dangerous? Name 3 factors.
1. Highly explosive methane gas produced by coal
2. Toxic coal dust
3. Possible death by accidents or from "Black Lung"
What did the goods be used to be packed on before transportation was improved in Britain?
On mules or pack horses.
What was the name of the system in which private businesses improved roads and charged tolls for their use?
Turnpike System
Who was the most successful turnpike engineer?
James Macadam
What did the most successful turnpike engineer name the roads he built?
Macadam roads
How did the most successful turnpike engineer build his roads, which he named after himself?
3 layers, largest stone on bottom and finest gravel on top.
Sides sloped away from center to shed water.
What were the man made waterway connections between river to river throughout Britain called?
How many kilometers of man-made waterway connection between river to river were there by 1800's?
Over 4000 Kms of canals.
The new form of transportation powered by the steam engine was called, who built them, what did the person who built them call it, and how fast did it go?
The new form of transportation was called the locomotive
The Stephenson brother invented it.
They called it the Rocket
It went as fast as 39km/hr
What was the system in which people brought and made products in their homes called?
Cottage system.
Who would pay people to make products in their homes, pay the cottager a fixed price, and sell the goods in the market for profit?
Name 2 pros and cons of the cottage system.
Able to work at home and not in terrible factories
Able to live at home and not in terrible workhouses
Unskilled labor + Large labor force looking for work = extremely low wages
Since workers worked alone, they had little influence over their employers.
Where did factory workers live?
In large housing development
The manufacturing process was usually carried under one
What did Arkwright have the workers do in the same factory?
Clean, spin and weave fibres.
Name 4 disadvantages to the factory system.
1. Low wages due to the high demand of employment
2. Dangerous and loud
3. Factories provided housing and often paid employees in food which allowed them to completely control their employees
4. Employers avoided improvements because it cut into their profits
What could the working class children not do because they did not go to school?
They could not read or write.
Why were children useful in factories?
Because of their small size.
Name 3 reason why children would have suffered in their work environment.
1.Children were often beaten
2. Exposed to coal dust and/or other industrial pollution
3. Microscopic fibres going into their lungs
4.Deafening sounds of industrial machinary
What are the association in which people tried to improve their working conditions called today?
Labour Union
What changed did the factory acts provide?
Children can work no more then 12 hours a day
Children under 9 cannot work
What was the evils that the upperclass did not want the working class to fall into?
Drinking and Gambling
Describe the upperclass.
Went to the "Right" schools, churches, ect...
Known by reputation among other upperclass
Could tell by accent
Very wealthy
Describe the upper middleclass.
Grew enormously during Industrial revolution
Professionals such as doctors, lawyers, engineers
Business owners
Military officers
Describe the lower middleclass
White collar workers
Store workers
Small store owner
Teacher lower than University level
Describe the working class
Working in trade/factories
Divided into 3 categories, Skilled, unskilled and casual (Can find no permanent employment.)
Lowest class
What 3 main areas did women start working in in the Industial Revolution?
Became servants
Worked in textile factories
Worked as agricultural laborers
What diseases were common in the slums?
Scarlet fever
Where did families move into when they were desperate?
What did the emigrants endure before they had success?
Great hardship and misery
What food product came from overseas and became a food staple for Britain, more specifically Ireland? What happened to the crop in 1845?
Potato famine