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33 Cards in this Set

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generalist social worker

engages in a planned changed process involving individual persons, groups, orgs and communities

bsw practioner

social work at the bachelors level


council on social work education

clarity organization society

founded in england in 1869

restricts outdoor relief distributed by the poor law guardians

jane adams

pioneer american settlement social worker

feminization of poverty

phenomenon in which women experience poverty at rates that are disproportionately high in comparison to men

strengths perspective

the belief all clients have innate strengths and abilities despite their situation

system theory

interdisciplinary study of systems in general with the goal of educating principles that can be applied to all types of systems at all nesting levels in research

the person in the environment

maintain simultaneous focus on person and environment

republican party

conservatism involves supporting free market capitalism opposing regulation and labor union and supporting socially conservative policies

democrat party

promoted a social liberal platform supporting a mixed economy and social justice

liberal views

voting rights for adults , civil rights, environmental justice,government protection of freedom

conservative views

respects for tradition, support of republic

lilly ledbetter fair pay act

the new act states that the 180 a day statue of limitation for filings an equal pay lawsuit regarding pay discrimination resets with each new pay check affected by that discriminatory action

children in poverty

1 in 5

affirmative action

an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination especially in relations to employment or education positive discrimination


ended entitlement to cash assistance for low income families meaning that some families may be denied aid even if they are eligible

institutional perspective

social welfare should be offered routinely as part of normal, non emergency, problem solving process have no stigma attached

residual perspective

should normally be able to meet all their needs through their own family or through the job market

elizabethan poor law 1601

it formalized earlier practices of poor relief distribution in england and wales

settlement house jane adams

an institution in an inner city area providing educational, recreational, and other social services to the community

charitable organization mary richmond

a charitable organization is a non profit organization. it focuses on other types of npo by centering on philanthropic goals and social well being

the new deal

a group of government programs and policies established under president roosevelt

was designed to improve conditions for those suffering from the great depression

speenhamland act

a form of outdoor relief intended to mitigate rural poverty in england at the end of the 18th century law was an amendment to the elizabeth poor act

food stamp program (SNAP)

is a government assistance program to help low income households pay for food. SNAP used to be called the food stamp program. The amount of snap food stamps a household get depends on the household size income and expenses

welfare bill under reagan

each state must operate a jobs opportunities and basic skills program to educate, train and find employment for afdc recipients. state will be able to receive 6.8 billion in federal matching funds over seven years to pay for employment

changes in welfare

states became responsible for programs, tanf state block state block grant

war on poverty

legislation first introduced by lyndon b johnson , this was given and responded to a nations poverty rate of 19 percent

dorthea dix

an american activist on behalf of the indigent insane who, through a vigorous form of lobbying and the united states congress created the first generation of american mental asylum

in home child service

prevention of child maltreatment is linked to strengthening protective factors for families and communities so that children can remain safely with their families, communities, and tribes

out of home service

resources and information about out of home care (also foster care), including family foster care kingship care, treatment foster care, residential and group care

new york aid for society and children

the orphan train movement lasted from 1853-1900s more than 120,000 children were placed. This ambitious, unusual and controversial social experiment is now recognizes was beginning of foster care

1980 adoption and child welfare act

to establish a program of adoption as asistance, strengthen the foster care assistance for needy and dependent children and the child welfare social services and aid to families with dependent children programs