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90 Cards in this Set

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Whats is a guru
a guru teaches upper class children before they go to school
what was a reason buddism became popular
it didn't defend the cast system
Which religion belived that all life is sacred
list the four noble truths
1.life is full of suffering
2.people suffer because they desire worldly things and self-satisfaction
3.the way to end suffering is to stop desiring things
4.the way to stop desiring things is to follow the eight fold path
what is a caste system
A caste is a social group that someone is born into and can not change
what are the four levels in the caste system
which religion believes that the way to stop suffering is to stop desire
What is reincarnation
the idea of passing through many lives to reach brahman
what are Kashatriyas
the second highest level in the caste system
who were part of the kshatriyas
Warriors and rulers
in hinduism, what is the name of the Universal Spirit
who founded buddism
Siddhartha Gautama
What are tenant farmers
Farmers who rented lands and gave part of the growings to the land owner
what chinese emperor based his rule on legalism
Qin Shihuangdi
What was the main belief of daoism
people should give up worldly desires
which philosophy/religion believed that people needed a strong ruler to maintain order
what is the Mandate of Heaven
this mandate state's that the king is chosen by a heavinly order and would rule with goodness and wisdom
who was the head of the chinese family
the oldest male
what was sent out and traded using the silk road
silk, spices, tea, and porcelain
how much of china's land is good for farming
a little over one tenth
what are warlords
Military leaders who command there own armie
What did confucious believe about duty
he believe each person owed a duty to another person
what is a filial piety
children had to respect there parents and older relatives
what did laozi believe about nature
he encourages people to treat nature whith respect and reverence
what was the teaching of legalism
Society needs a system of harsh laws and strict punishment
Why was 600 BC known as the greek dark ages
Greek forgot there written languge, people stopped teaching how to write and do craft work, and Greek slipped into a depression
Who could be a citizen in Greek city-states
Free native-born men who owned land
Which alphabet was the Greek alphabet based on
the phoenician alphabet
who makes the decisions in a direct democracy
all citizens could take part in deciding the law
why did they start the delian league
it was formed to defend against the persians
which civilization was the 1st to start in Greece
the Minoans
how did the Greeks please their gods
they prayed and offerd gifts to them
who wrote The Odyssey
What are modern examples of drama
movies, plays, and televsion
whats was the name of the library that attracted scholars from around the world
using mythology, the Greeks expressed their what
religious beliefs
greeks performed_______as part of their festivals
comedies and tragedys
what were the 3 main types of Greek columns
Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian
what does philosophy mean
love of wisdom
who is the "father of history"
who is the "father of medicine"
according to legend, who founded Rome
Romulus and Remus
in Rome who could not hold palitical office
what were the twelve tables
they were laws put in writting so no one would be confused on what the laws were
what happened on the Ides of March
Caesar was stabbed to death
what was Hadrian's wall
a wall built to keep out the Picts and Scots
Describe Italy's shape
it looks like a high heeled boot
what were the patricians
wealthy land owners
what was Rome's 1st code of law
The Twelve Tables
what happened , in 200s AD, when Rome's coins lost value
Government could not afford to pay soldiers
Horace wrote satires about what
human weaknesses
What did Ptolemy do
He mapped over 1,000 different stars
what did Diocletian do when he first took power
He introduced reforms
what did the Justinian do
He conquered Western Europe and Northern Africa
what was the Roman Forum
an open space that served as a marketplace and public square
what were some of the things that caused Rome's fall
Inflation, a plague, poor leadership, attacks by invaders and a declining economy
where did Constantine move Romes capital to
Rome finally fell when _______ groups of people invaded from northern Europe
which roman ideals of government are still used today
we still use the Twelve Tables today
Justinian reforms of_______ still influence Europe
how did early Christians organize the church
they used a hierarchy
what is included in the new testament
the four Gospels
During the time of oppression, the Jews hped that god would send a ______ to save them
What does Christianity teach about jesus
jesus is the sun of god
what did Roman officials see as a threat to government
who was the first emperor to accept Christianity
the gospels form part of what
the new testament
Early Christian churches used ______ to spread their message to others
what does Christian tradition state
Mary Magdalene was the first to see Jesus alive again
what is an oligarchy
Government in which a small group of people hold power
what is a Tyranny/Dictatorship
someone whos takes power by force and rules with complete athourity
What is a Democracy/Republic
All citizens share in running the government
what is a monarchy
Government where kings and Queens rule
what is an aristocracy
scientist who learns about past human life by studing fossils and artifacts
what is an anarchy
No government, on ruler
what is a direct democracy
system of government in which people gather in mass meetings to decide on government matters
what is a representative democracy
Systemof government in which citizens choose a smaller group to make laws and governmental decisions on their behalf
where was the first democracy
Athens and greece
Where was the first republic
Rome and Italy
where did our idea of checks and balances come from
Roman Republic
what was the code of Hammurabi
the first written laws in the world
who was on charge in a Democracy/Republic
How many branches of government do we have in the USA, name them
3, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial