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22 Cards in this Set

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Mason-Dixon Line
a line that divided the middle colonies from the southern colonies; it was also a boundary line between Pennsylvania and Maryland
Act of Toleration
a law that provided freedom for all Christians
Bacon's Rebellion
a revolt where Bacons followers raided Indian homes and burned the Jamestown Capitol
a plant used to make valuable blue dye
people who owed money that they could not pay back
Slave Code
laws that set out rules for a slaves behavior. They treated enslaved Africans as property
the belief that one race is superior to another
Sir George Calvert
the founder of Maryland, he died before the colony could get underway, but his son finished the job
Lord Baltimore
he appointed people into the government of Maryland and he gave out land grants to attract more people
Great Wagon Road
an old Iroquois trail that was followed by many European settlers and that lead them into the backcountry of Pennsylvania
Holy Experiment
this was how William Penn thought of his community, modeling it on religious freedom and peace and Christian living
Owners of huge Dutch estates given to them by the Dutch government to encourage farming in New Netherlands
A Greek word meaning "brotherly love." A capital city located on the Delaware River
Peter Stuyvesant
an unpopular governor of New Amsterdam
Pennsylvania Dutch
The name given to a large number of German speaking Protestants who settled in Pennsylvania between 1730 and 1750
one of the most despised religious groups in England
Proprietary Colony
A colony given by the king to a single individual in return for a yearly payment
Royal Colony
A colony under direct control of the king
Chesapeake Bay
a bay that is across from Virginia
St. Mary's
the first town in Maryland
Margaret and Mary Brent
two sisters who set p two plantations that were about 1,000 acres each. Margaret helped prevent a rebellion among the governors soldiers
Nathaniel Bacon
a young planter who organized angry men and woman on the frontier to form a rebellion called Bacon's Rebellion