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45 Cards in this Set

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what 3 things are required in order to become a world power in 1890?
a. strong, unified central government
b. strong economy - industrial power
c. "overseas" empire
what is required for having an "overseas" empire?
1. raw materials (natural resources)
2. market for finished goods
3. influence - "show flag"
4. coaling stations
how does the u.s. compare with the world power criteria?
a. strong government after civil war
b. strong economy - industrial revolution
c. overseas empire
what was charles darwin's justification for empires?
"survival of the fittest" - biological theory based on study and observation
what was josiah strong's justification for empires?
- strongest nations were england, france, germany
common characteristics: white, (caucasion), northern/western european, germanic, anglo-saxon, christian
-u.s. is like europeans, therefore it's our destiny to aquire colonies
-"to take up the white man's burden" - rudyard kipling - result: justification for having colonies in asia and africa
what was alfred mahan's justification for empires?
1. prosperous nations have colonies
2. in order to protect the colonies, and protect the power, we must have a strong navy
what is imperialism?
extension of political/economic control over another nation/country
where did we get alaska from, how much did we pay for it, when, and why?
- 1867, russia
- $7.2 million
- to prevent british from taking it, trade with asia (seal skins), gold rush - 1898
what were the pacific atolls?
midway and wake
how did we get samoa?
there was a dispute over samoa. england lost the dispute, and germany and the u.s. claimed arbitration. pago pago was the best harbor in the south pacific
why and how did we get hawaii?
we wanted the sugar plantations, and it was annexed by u.s. in 1898 after the u.s. marine led a rebellion
what were the spanish-american war dates?
april 11, 1898 and lasted for 4 months
what were the long range causes of the war?
- rebellion in cuba vs. spain - threat to u.s. investments
- yellow journalism, hearst and pullitzer, atrocities, deliberate killing of civillians in war
- jingoisnm
- jose marti, cuban patriot, newspaper writer, supported rebellion vs. spain
- u.s. interests - sugar plantations
- delome letter - delome to canalejas - upsetting because it critized our presdident
what were the immediate causes of the war?
february 15, 1898, "maine" blows up in havana harbor
- cause unknown - spanish blamed
- spain refuses to negotiate with
- war declared april 11, 1898 and
lasted for 4 months
where was manila bay and who was involved?
- in the phillipines
- theodore roosevelt send george dewey
- emilio acquinaldo led phillipines rebels
where was san juan hill?
what were the rough riders?
cavalries led by theodore roosevelt
who and what were the 9th and 10th cavalry?
african american - john j. pershing - (buffalo soldiers)
what were the two major diseases?
yellow fever and malaria
what were the three results of the war?
1. cuba free - platt amendment - u.s. could intervene (interfere) with cuban affairs
2. puerto rico and guam
3. phillipines
what is a sphere of influence?
an area, usually around a seaport, where a nation had special trading privileges
what was the open door policy and how was it started?
john hay send a letter to all nations that had spheres of influence with china. he wanted them to keep an "open door" in china, permitting any nation to trade in the spheres of others
who were the boxers?
people in china who resented foreign policy and attacked westerners.
how did japan build their society?
the had other countries help them in different areas.
what treaty was admiral perry responsible for starting?
what role did theodore roosevelt have in the russo-japanesse war and what recognition did he get?
he offered to negotiate for peace and was the first american to win the nobel peace prize because of it.
what were the years of the panama canal construction?
why did we want to build the panama canal?
it would benefit american commerce and military, and reduce shipping costs
who tried to build the first canal in panama?
who owned panama at the time?
what happened during the panama revolt?
u.s. supported the rebels we stopped the columbian troops. we also intimidated columbia with our warships and marine
what were the two diseases in panama?
yellow fever and malaria
who helped stop those diseases?
dr. william gorgas
who was the cheif engineer of the panama canal?
colonel george goethals
when and who did we get the virgin islands from?
denmark in 1917 so the u.s. could control the caribean
what was roosevelt's famous quote in his collary?
"speak softly and carry a big stick"
why was this collary needed?
u.s. could intervene (interfere) to maintain stability (situations that might cause other nations to become involved.)
what was the dollar diplomacy?
u.s. investments will bring stability to develping nations
why was the dollor diplomacy needed?
to maintain stability when investments are threatened.
why were we intrested in mexico?
u.s. investments - mines, ranches, railroads, oil
what problem did wilson get involved in?
he refused to accept dictator, general huerta, "bloody hands"
what happened in vera cruz?
an incident that almost lead to war
what was happening during mexico's civil war?
threat to u.s. investments
who was pancho villa?
a bandito - raids into u.s. mexico cannot stop
who tried to stop pancho villa?
general john j. pershing