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35 Cards in this Set

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What does emigrate mean?
to leave your homeland
What people are in ethnic groups?
minorities that speak diff languages or follow diff customs from those of most people in a country
What is a steerage?
cramped, nosy quarters on lower decks of immigrant ships
WHat is a dark, crowded workshops where workers made clothing?
What is to assimilate?
to become part of the american culture
What is a tenement?
a building in which several families rented rooms or in the 1800s it was an apartment building in the slums
What was the slums?
poor run-down urban neighborhoods
What was a suburb?
residential areas that sprang up outside of city centers as a refult of improvements in transportation
What was theGilded Age?
America of the late 1800s. It was also a book written by mark twain and charles dudley warner. The name refers to something covered with a thin layer of gold
What is a settlement house?
establishments for the porr that provicded med car, nurseries, playgrounds, etc.
What was the immigration process like?
Most had to travel in steerage. They then went to either ellis island or angel island in california. there they registered and possibly had their name shortened. Also they had to go through health exames and were asked questions ab themselves
Where were the people that immigrated from?
Most from europe, and there were also mexicans, chinese, and japs
Why did the immigrants come?
New jobs, opportunties, to escape persecution, land, economic troubles
Where was the statue of liberty from?
How did the statue of liberty stay in NY?
Pulitzer asked for everything to send it money
Who wrote the poem on the bottom of the statue of liberty?
Emma Lazarus
Describe immigrants work in america
most had difficulty even finding work. many worked in sweatshops
Describe living conditions of immigrants in america(Sec. 1)
Most lived in cities, but some lived in ethnic groups
What was the Nativist Movemnt?
Native-born americans opposed immigration and called for restrictions
Why did the nativist feel the way they did?
They didnt want to immigrants taking their jobs or they thought the imigrants would drive down everyone's wages. They also said they didnt fit into society
How did the nativists work toward their goal?
They made immigration laws
What were slums like?
they had tenements and crowded. poor run-down. filfthy, rotten
What were the suburbs like?
A lot more comfortable than tenements, they had hot water, electricity, indoor toliets. for middle class
Who was Jacob riis?
A photographer that exposed life in the tenements for what they really were--unhealthy, crowded, and bad. Wrote "how the other half lives"
Who was Andrew Carnegie?
He funded the public library project
What were solutions to the problems in city life?
YMCA, settlement houses, skyscrapers, health screenings, public health clinics, garbage removal
What were some types of transportation that were established in city life.
Well, cable-cars, trolley cars, subway, paving of streets
How was there change in education?
Expansion of public schools. more people were schooled. Progressive education. Higher education-landgrant colleges
WHy was there a change in literature?
More people could read, so literature was more important to them.
What were some changes in newspapers?
more people were reading them because they knew how to read so you amount of readers increased. yellow journalism. ethnic newspapers and magazines occured
What was some change in music?
Jazz, more american kinds of music. ragtimee.
What were some changes in sports?
Basketball and Baseball were invented and football. people had more free time because they weren't round the clock farm work
Who were some famous artists of the time?
Remington, Winslow, Whisler
What were some books mark twain wrote?
Huckleberry Finn, Tom Saywer
What were some books Jack london wrote?
White Fang, the call of the wild