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155 Cards in this Set

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the process used by a legislative body to bring charges against an elected official
o Compromise of 1877
an agreement used to settle election of 1876: democrats agreed to except republican Rutherford b, Hayes as presidents and republicans had to pull troops out of the south
o Freedman’s bureau
an agency established by congress in 1865to help poor people throughout the south
John wilkes booth
the assian that killed president lincoln
Black Codes
laws passed in the southern states during reconstruction that greatly limited the freedom and rights of the African Americans
Ku Klux Klan
a terrorist group in the south that terrorized the African Americans from obtaining their civil rights
Civil rights act
a law the that gave African Americans the same rights as white people
Carpet Bagger
a derogatory nick name given to northern republicans who cam to the south to help with the cleaning up during reconstruction
Southern Homestead act
a law that set 45 million acres of farmland for African American farmers
solid south
the name given to the south after reconstruction because it was so solidly democratic
Dawes Act
a act passed by congress that split up Indian land among individual Indians and promised them citizenship
Laizzes Faire Capitalisim
a business system were businesses are allowed to conduct business with out government interference
chisholm trail
a trail that ran from Texas to Kansas for cattle drivers
Homestead Act
a act passed by congress to encourage settlement in the west by giving government owned land to small business farmers
Morill act
a law passed buy congress where the government gave money to western states to encourage them to build colleges
African Americans who settled western land in the late 1800’s
an economic system were most of the businesses are privately owned
Social darwinisim
a society based on Charles Darwin’s theory of only the strong survive
vertical intergration
the business practice of owning all the businesses that supply them with supplies to make their products
Horizontal intergration
owning all the business in the same area dealing with the same item or business
Sherman Anti Trust Act
a law that made it illegal to create monopolies and truest
fear of foriegners
Knights of Labor
the first national labor union in the united states
Benevolent Society
an aid organization set up by it’s community to help it’s immigrants
Social Gospel
the idea that the gospel should be expressed throughout good works
Populist party
-a political party formed in 1892 that supported the coinage of silver, work reforms, and immigration restrictions
Gilded age
elected officals who used the postions illegally to get bribes in exchange for jobs and contracts
a term for journalist who raked up the filth of society
Plessy vs. Ferguson
seperate but equal does not violate the fourteenth amendment
19th amendment
women's right to vote
o Jim Crow law
laws that enforced segregation in the south
racial etiquette
strict rules in that governed the social and business of white and black people
a ban on anything that had to do with alcohol from 1920 to 1933
Carry Nation
little old lady went around destroying pubs and bars and stuff
Square Deal
Theodore Roosevelt’s 1904 campaign slogan: that the needs of workers, business and consumers should be balanced
Upton Sinclair
wrote the jungle
Reasons for U.S. Impearalisim
everybody else is doing it, and trade
Reasons for entering world war 1
the sinking of the lusitania, public outrage, tired of staying neutral for so long
woodrow wilsons 14 points
1. covenants of peace
2.freedom of navigation of the seas
3.the removal of economic barriers
4.domestic safety
5.evacuation of all russian territory
6.belgium-evacuated and restored
7.a of france freed and restored
8.readjustment of the frontiers
9. people in austria and hungry should be safe
10. serbia should be evacuated
11.turkish portions of the ottoman empire remain sovreignty
13. poland
14, leauge of nations
the practice of extending a countries empire by obtaining foreign territories
bayonet constitution
a constitution the king of Hawaii wad forced to sign restricting and deprived the natives of Hawaii the right to vote
sphere of influence
an area were foreign countries control the trade or materials of another nation or area
yellow journalisim
the reporting of exaggerated in newspaper to increase sales
de lome letter
a letter written by the Spanish diplomat making fun of president McKinley which was published in a major newspaper.
rough riders
a cavalry regiment organized by Theodore Roosevelt
battle of san juan hill
battle in the Spanish American war for control of san Juan hill
dollar dipolmacy
taft’s policy of influencing Latin American through economy
central powers
- alliance between Germany, austria, and Hungary -- WW 1
allied powers
alliance between France, the united states and Russia
U- boats
alliance between France, the united states and Russia
trench warfare
- a form of warfare were soldiers dig trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire
convoy system
a technique to protect supply ships were they are surrounded by destroyers and cruisers
people who seek equal distribution of the wealth and money and the end of all private property
big four
the name given to the leaders of the allied powers
scopes trial
teacher gets arrested for teaching evolution in the classroom gets arrested but later decision gets overthrown because judge made illegal moves
harlem renissance
blossoming of African American arts and music in the 1920’s
a young women in the 1920’s who had bobbed hair, wore make up, wore skimp and flashy clothes and lived a free lifestyle
Cause of the great depression
buying on margin
the stock market crash
the new deal
FDR's plan to help the untied states recover from the great depression
palmer raids
a series of government attacks on suspected radicals led by U.S attorney general Mitchell A. Palmer
radicals who believe in the destruction of the government
- amount of product or material a machine makes
-“ sub – urban” a smaller town situated outside of a much larger town
installment buying
paying for a bunch of items of a period of time with a bunch of smaller payments
illegal bars were alcohol were sold during prohibition
buying on margin
-buying stocks with loans from brokers
black tuesday
- the day the stock market crashed beginning the great depression
a homeless person normally one traveling in looking for a job
when a lender takes over the ownership a property were the owner has failed to pay for it
no rain
o Associative state
Hoover’s vision for partnerships between business associations and the government.
o Smoot Hawrely Tariff
an extremely high tariff on farm and manufactured goods
o Fireside chat
conversational radio chats given FDR
o New Deal
a plan by fdr to give the country recovery relief an reform after the great depression
social security
a system to provided pensions for Americans of 65
sit down stirkes
-a strike were workers refuse to leave workplace until dispute is settled
o Executive order 9906-
a law that gave the army to make protection zones and gave them permission to kick people out of the protection zones.
o Lend-lease
gave the government power to lend weapons to great Britain with outs regardless whether they can pay or not
Manhattan project
the building the atomic bombs in new Mexico
code talkers
Navajos who worked for the Americans translating important army messages into the Navajo language
a government held by a leader or group that holds unchanging powers and authority
o Adolph Hitler
o Francisco Franco
o Joseph Stalin
o Hailer selassie
communist dictators
a German word meaning lightning wars.
Vichy France
a French government set up with the Germans
someone who does not believe in or taking part in violence
Neutrality act
an act aimed at helping the united states stay out of the war
Rosie the Riveter
a popular symbol to represent the working women in ww2
the devastating invasion of Normandy, France
Operation Overlord
the code names for the allied invasion of Europe starting with d-day
tuskegee airmen
a unit of African American airmen in ww2
concentration camps
detention site created by the government to keep, terrorize, and sometimes even kill civilians
an area where people from a certain ethnic background live as a group
war refugee board
a group created by FDR that helped over 20,00 Jews who would have died at the hands of the Nazis
the killing of millions of Jews and other in Nazi Germany
the final soloution
the Nazi party’s idea to kill all the Jews in the entire area of Europe and the soviet union
o Kamikaze
in world war 2 a pilot who agreed to load his plane with bombs and crash it into enemy ships
Bataan Death March
forced march of the American and fillipino prisoners in the of war captured by the Japanese during world war
limiting the amount of product each individual gets
potsdam conference
meeting of the allies near the end of world war 2
Island hopping
fighting and flying from island to island in ww2
Truman Doctrine
Trumans pledge to provide economic support to the countries who where terrorized by communisim
Marshall Plan
The plan to reconstruct Europe after world wars one and2 as metioned by George C. marshall
the fear of communisim speard around by senator joe mcarthy in the 1950's
the first original suburb
russian satalite that cause a lot of fear in the united states
Korea/ Macarthur
Macarthur said to nuke korea which cause him to get fired
Planned obsolesence
making it so when people will buy a product they will always have to buy the newer one
Iron Curtain
a term by winston churchill that drew a imginary wall built by communist soviet union and that seperates them from the rest of western europe.
Berlin airlift
berlin was blocked off from supplies on the ground so the united states and england flew supplies and landed inside berlin
GI Bill
a bill that gave veterans money for college or advanced job training
Fair deal
a plan proposed by president truman that had many of the same programs as the new deal
Mao Zedong
Vietnamese communist
alger hiss
arrested and executed for apprentley telling the secrets of the manhattan project to germans
Hollywood Ten
hollywood writers and directers named as radicals and served short sentences in prison
38th parallel
the pre korean war boundrays between north and south korea.
a major battle in the korean war
o Panmonjum
a major battle in the korean war
Central Intelligence agency
warsaw pact
a military allience in 1955 of the soviet dominated eupropean countries
Eisenhower doctrine
declared the right of the united states to help on request any nation in the middle east trying to resist armed communist agression.
a meeting of the heads of goverments.
Hydrogen Bomb
a nuclear weapon that gets it power from the fusing of hydrogen atoms
Space organzation
small electric devices that can be found in computers and other machines
a shot
Cuban Missle Crisis
confrontation between the untied states and the soviet union about some soviet missles in cuba
Genetic enginerring
artificial modification of genes or genetic material
Hurricane Katrina
a masive hurricane that struck the gulf coast in 2005
Patriot Act
a law that makes it easier for the FBI to get information on suspected terrorist
Contract with america
making sure that americans have rights
Operation dessert Strom
a U.S. leaded war end iraq's control of kuwait
o Perestroika
russain word for reconstructing
o Glasnost
opening - refrences a new era of media in russia
Iran Contra affair-
the us sold weapons to iran which they a re know using against us
budget deficit
debt in the budget
young urban professionals
Camp David Accords
a peace meeting between the U.S.A, Egypt, isreal
Saturday Night Massacre
nixon told attorney general to frie special prosceuter and then attorney general quit
watergate scandal
a politcal scandal that resulted in president nixon's eventual resignation in 1974
pop art
a style of art in the 1950's and 60's to appeal to popular taste
Flower children
a slang term for hippies
Free speech Movement
counterculture movment in 1960's
social justice
the fari distribution of rights and disadventages living in society
the principle that women should have the same rights as men
pentagon papers
papers found by journalist that helped let the american public know they had been lied to
My Lai Massacare
a massacre that happended on vietnamese new year
Betty Friedman
wrote the feminine mystique
26th amendment
lowered the voting age to 18
silent majority
working class that didn't like the hippies
freedom riders
people who rode buses throughout the south to protest segregation
little rock nine
the first african american children who went to an all white school
new frontier
a satalite made to destroy enemy missles