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34 Cards in this Set

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Warren G Harding
A president during the 1920s. He was an isolationist, believed in Laissez-Faire, and is a republican. He was the first president women could vote for. He follows patronage.
The belief that the gov. should stay out of big business.
Calvin Coolidge
Also believes in Laissez-Faire. Against the U.S getting involved with the League of Nations.(ISOLATIONIST) Also a republican.
Herbid Hoover
Another president during the 1920s. He was an isolationist. And believed in Laissez-Faire.
Teapot Dome Scandal
Albert Fall was the secretary of the interior, and is from New Mexico. He was leasing land to oil companies. He took bribes. He has a ranch in New Mexico. He fixed it up for $125,000. He is going to be fined $100,000. And one year in prison. He embarrasses the government.
does not want to get involved with foreign politics.
The U.S is 1 of 15 countries that signed this pact not to go to war unless in self defense of country.
Installment Plan
buy an item, and you have to pay a certain amount of money over a certain period of time.
Layaway Plan
The buyer purchases an item with a down payment, and claims it only after paying the full balance.
Assembly Line
It made things more affordable. It lead to mental imbalance in people. It was repetition. A car was being made every ten seconds.
New Gadgets during 1920s
washing machines, radios, refrigerators,vacuum cleaner.
Charles Lindburgh
Created the first commercial airline. Pan American Airways. His plane was the Spirit of St. Louis. He was the first person to make the first trans-atlantic flight. It was from New York to Paris and took 33 hours.
The Flappers
The were a group of women that changed the way people look at women. They were the first women to cut their hair short, and to wear pants to work, and drink with guys at the bar, and smoke in public, and wear dresses that were right below the knee. They were the first women to go out with men without a chaperone. They were rebels. They were looked down upon but made it popular.
Margaret Sanger
She is an advocate for birth control.
Nellie Tayloe Ross
She becomes the first female governor. Wyoming is the first state to elect a female governor.
Charlie Chaplin
He did his own stunts, filmed, made songs for his films,kicked out of America for being communist, and he is known as "The Tramp"
Lon Chaney
designed his own costumes,and makeup, and stunts. He did Phantom of the Opera, and the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Cecil B. Demile
Director and Producer. Made historical epics, very long. He did the talking and silent version of the Ten Commandments, and The Buckaneer.
Douglas Fairbanks
He was an action hero, and was the originated part of Zuro.
Clara Bow
She was the number one actress and always played a flapper.
Rudolph Valentino
He was a famous actor. When he died, women followed his casket throughout the streets crying, and passing out.
In Pittsburgh, it was the first advertising commercial radio station.
Gertrude Stein
An American who lived and was part of a group called the Expatriates.
a person who lives in one country but is a citizen of another.
What to do to be part of the Jazz Age..
Listen to Jazz
Drive fast cars
Throw or attend wild parties
Plan and go on a trip to Europe.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Died young from excessive alcohol. American writer. Wrote about the Jazz Age. wrote "The Great Gatsby"
Ernest Hemingway
most famous of the Expatriates. Wrote "A Fairwell to Arms" and "The sun also rises."
The Red Scare
Communist Russian leaders, called upon the workers of the world to come together to overthrow their bosses and their gov.
the fear of anything foreign.
Come back into power, and are against Asians and anarchists.
Socco and Vanzetti
they are both anarchists. They were killed because of this even though the gov. had no proof that they did anything. They were electrecuted, and blamed for murdering a payroll and guard.
The 18th amendment. A lwa that prohibited the making and the selling and the consuming of alcoholic beverages.
Volstead Act
Congress passed this and it gave them the power to enforce the ban of alcohol.
Scopes Monkey Trial
John Scopes gets arrested for teaching the theory of evolution to a H.S class. It is illegal to talk about the theory of evolution. He goes to court against William Jennings Bryan, Bryan wins case, Scopes is fined $100. It was all a hoax. They did this so they could make money, and Dayton, Tennessee could become better known.