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66 Cards in this Set

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A country that has physical borders and a single government. They may be based on ethnic nationalism or civic nationalism or a combination of the two.


Between countries or nation-states. Nation-states may cooperate with one another to promote peace and security, trade, health, human rights, and the protection of endangered peoples and cultures.


Love of country and an interest in it's well-being. A sense of loyalty that may be expressed in various ways.


Racial, cultural, or linguistic characteristics. Many nations come into being because people share a collective identity based on ethnic characteristics.


The power to control one's own affairs. National __________ is the power of people within a nation-state or nation to make their own decisions about what is in their interest.


The political authority to control one's own affair. Sovereignty may be distinguished from, and can sometimes conflict with, self-determination, which is a people's right to control their own affairs.

civic nation

A nation created by people - no matter what their ethnicity, culture, and language - who agree to live according to particular values and beliefs expressed as the rule of law.

ethnic nationalism

Nationalism that is founded on shared ethnicity, culture, and language. People who share these traits may choose to create a nation-state based on their collective identity.

collective consciousness

An internal consciousness, or awareness, shared by many people. It may be based on a shared memory of and pride in specific events, which become myths and symbols of belonging.


The art of shaping language to influence the thoughts and actions of an audience.

contending loyalties

Loyalties that compete. People sometimes need to choose among various loyalties based on their commitment to those loyalties.

cultural pluralism

A belief of or doctrine that holds that collectives should be encouraged to affirm and promote their unique cultural identity in a diverse society.

reasonable accommodation

A legal and constitutional concept that requires Canadian public institutions to adapt to the religious and cultural practices of minorities as long as these practices do not violate constitutional rights and freedoms.


In Canada, people who support the idea of Quebec's becoming an independent nation-state to make their own decisions about what is in their interest.


People who support a federal system of government. In Canada, people who oppose Quebec soveriegnty and believe that Quebec should remain a Canadian province, ensuring it's place in Confederation.


An act of resolving differences and repairing relationships that enables people to come to terms with past injustices and to coexist in peace.

royal commission

An independent public inquiry established by governments to examine complicated issues, hear testimony from people involved, and recommend ways of achieving a resolution.

non-nationalist loyalty

A loyalty that is not embedded in the idea of a nation. People may be loyal to and identify with family, friends, a region, an idea, a collective or a group, a way of life, and a culture.


A rise in prices accompanied by a drop in the purchasing power of money. Increases in the price of goods and services can threaten the economic security and interests of people in a region or country.


The experience of feeling left out or being on the outside. People who choose one strong loyalty over another risk _______ from an important part of their identity and from sharing in the collective consciousness of the group.


The forced seperation of racial groups. Extreme loyalty to one racial group can lead to separate schools and living areas for racial minorities and eventually to ultranationalism and persecution of those minorities.

national interest

The interests of the people of a nation. May include economic prosperity, security, safety, and beliefs and values.


Armed forces who maintain peace by keeping enemies apart until a crisis can be resolved through diplomacy and negotiation.


Allowing armed forces that were originally sent to maintain peace in a region of conflict to use force for reasons other than self-defense.


A plan of action that has been deliberately chosen to guide or influence future decisions.

domestic policy

A plan of action that guides a government's decisions about what to do within a country. In Canada, domestic policy decisions may include changing federal laws, settling Aboriginal land claims, and spending tax revenues.

foreign policy

A plan of action that guides a government's decisions about it's official relations with other countries. Also called foreign affairs and external affairs.

gross domestic product

The value of all goods and services produced in a country in a year.


An extreme form of nationalisms, where people are often fanatically loyal to their own nation and hostile and racist toward other nations.


Information and ideas that are spread to achieve a specific goal. Extreme nationalists may use misleading and dishonest information to create fear and insecurity and to persuade people to behave in certain ways.


Giving in to demands. A foreign policy practised by Britain and the United States when they granted Hitler concessions in an effort to avoid World War II.


Compulsory military service. In Canada during World Wars I and II, the policy was controversial, especially among Francophones in Quebec.


The killing of members of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; and deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about it's physical destruction.

crimes against humanity

Widespread or systematic attacks against a civilian populations, including murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, inprisonment, torture, rape or sexual slavery, enforced disappearance of persons, and the crime of aparthied.

war crimes

Wilful killing, torture or inhuman treatment; wilfully causing great suffering; and intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population or against those who are involved in a humanitarian or peacekeeping mission.


The english term used to describe the genocide of about six million Jews by the Nazis during World War II.

Ethnic cleansing

A term that is used to make more socially acceptable to murder or expulsion of an ethnic nation from a territory.


The process that occurs in a former colony when an imperial power withdraws. Decolonized countries can exercise sovereignty under international law and can can join the United Nations.

successor state

A country created from a previous state. By international law, the people who lived in the predecessor state have a right to nationality in the successor state or to choose their nationality if the predecessor state is divided into more than one state.


The basic elements - food, water, shelter, health - that humans require for survival.


Things that people desire, regardless of whether the desired object contributes to their survival.


A policy whereby a country completely opts out of participating in international social, economic, political, and military affairs.


The policy of a country responding to events on it's own without agreements with, or support from, other countries.


Agreements between two countries to work toward resolving issues that concern both countries.


A policy that involves several countries working together to meet challenges and solve problems. The United Nations is multilateral in nature.


A policy by which countries agree to abide by the decisions of an international organization made up of independent appointed officials or representatives elected by member states.


The doctrine that all members of the global community accept collective responsibility for the challenges that face the world and that the motives of nations and nation-states must be respected in the search for solutions.

economic sanctions

The action of cutting off trade with a country in an effort to force it to follow a particular course of action.

collective security

The condition of protecting all members of a group or collective from danger. The United Nations tries to ensure the collective security of all member states.

gross national income

The total value of the goods and services produced by a country in a year, whether inside or outside the country's borders.

tied aid

Help that is given with strings attached. These strings may include agreements that the country receiving the aid will buy goods and services only from the country or organization supplying the aid.

voluntary balkinization

The seperation of like-minded people into isolated groups that are hostile to people whose values differ from their own. This seperation may result in a loss of shared experiences and values and can harm the structure of democratic societies.

responsibility to protect

A doctrine that says the United Nations must protect people within a state when that state violates or fails to uphold the rights and welfare and it's own citizens.

common human heritage

The cultural inheritance from the past that all people share and that is preserved in world heritage sites, traditional skills and knowledge, and the arts.

trickle-down effect

The theory that when people in developed countries have more money to spend, they will buy goods and services offered by businesses in less developed countries and that this spending will eventually help strengthen economies in the developing world.

absolute poverty

A condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education, and information. Absolute poverty may depend not only on income but also on access to services.

odious debt

A debt that is incurred by a despotic power, not to meet the needs of the people of the country but to strengthen the despotic regime.

responsible government

A government that answers to the people rather than to colonial governors. The concept was introduced in Canada by Louis Hippolyte LaFontaine and Robert Baldwin in the 1940's.


An organization extablished for and united by a specific purpose. They provide services such as social assistanve, education, and cultural events. They also often use national symbols and stories to define their identity and promote a sense of belonging.


Transferred from the control of the British government to that of the Canadian Government. The _______ Canadian Constitution of 1982 gave the provinces more rights and powers than they had under the British North America Act of 1867.

equalization payments

Revenues from federal taxes that are paid by the Canadian government to less prosperous provinces to ensure that public services are more or less equally available to all Canadians.

inherent right

The right to self-determination that exists for Aboriginal peoples in Canada because they occupied the land and governed themselves for thousands of years before Europeans arrived in North America.


An area of the earth's surface that represents a large ecological zone and has characteristic landforms and climate.

economic nationalists

People who believe that a country's businesses and industries should be protected against foreign interests.


Borrowing, adopting, and adapting values from many cultures.

assymetrical federalism

The concept that all Canadian provinces and territories may not share power with the federal government in the same way.