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54 Cards in this Set

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How did business practices change during this period?
big businesses were formed and a lot of people became rich.
How did Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockefeller and Morgan influence business practices?
Those men became very rich from their business practices, so other people wanted to copy them to become rich too.
What is their legacy?
They all became rich because of being successful business men
What new inventions encouraged industrialization?
A generator, light bulb, a system to deliver electricity into buildings,telegraph, telephone.
What were working conditions like for laborers?
low wages, hot, dangerous, unsanitary.
Why did labor unions form?
They wanted to get better working conditions.
Was this a gilded age for everyone.
No because not everyone became rich. For example; some people lived in tenements and some lived in mansions.
How did railroads encourage industrialization?
It would encourage people to settle the West and develop its economy.
Bessemer process
A new way of making steelthat was developed in the 1850s and caused steel production to soar.
A business owned by investors who buy part of the company through shares of stock. Start of the stock market.
Laissez Faire
A theory that stated that business, if unregulated, would act in a way that would benefit the nation. Government used a lot.
A company that eliminates its competitors and controls an industry. companies would get too powerful.
A legal body created to hold stock in many companies, often in the same industry. companies would join together.
Sherman Antitrust Act
A law passed in 1890 that made it illegal for corporations to gain control of industries by forming trusts. stopped corporations from becoming powerful.
Captain of Industry
Robber Baron
A business leader who became wealthy through dishonest methods. These people were considered 'bad guys'
A person who gives large sums of money to charities. These people were considered good people.
Gilded Age
An era during the late 1800s of fabulous wealth. When a lot of people became rich.
A national organization of labor unions founded in 1886.
Transcontinental railroad
A railroad that spanned the entire continent. Brought a lot of people to settle in the West.
Meat Inspection Act
An act passed that all meat must be inspected before served to people because of the unsanitary meat that used to be served. People would get very sick and die.
Pure Food and Drug Act
a law passed in 1906 to remove harmful and misrepresented foods and drugs from the market and regulate the manufacture and sale of drugs and food involved in interstate trade.
Federal Reserve Act
A law passed in 1913 that "created" the nation's banking system and instituted a flexible currency system. Now banks could be used properly.
Clayton Anti-trust Act
A law passed in 1914 that laid down rules forbidding business practices that lessened competition; it gave the government more power to regulate trusts. Less power would be given to companies.
Why did Italians, Russians and Jews flee their homelands?
Usually because of bad treatment in their homeland and because of hearing about a lot of oppurtunities in the US.
Describe a pogram.
For example; After World War 1, pograms took place in Jewish ghettos. People were killed during pograms. It made a lot of families want to leave and go to America.
What happened to the immigrats at Ellis Island?
They went through many procedures before entering Manhattan. They wanted to make sure they were legal and weren't bringing over any diseases.
In what ways were immigrants victims of discrimination and hostility?
New Yorkers would get angry that their jobs would be taken by immigrants, so they would discriminate them.
What was the Chinese Exclusion Act? Why was it passed?
Enacted in 1882, this law banned Chinese immigration for ten years. It was passed as a result of restrictions on immigration. This shows how prejudiced America was.
What other limits were put on immigration during this time period?
Placed taxes on new immigrants, banned specific groups because of disease and begging. This is because the government didn't think there would be enough jobs for everyone.
What were the push/pull factors of immigration?
People would not want to live in their home countries because they were treated really badly. They would come to America because they heard that there was a lot of oppurtunity and the streets were paved with gold. This is important because these would be major push and pull factors for most people.
Describe life in the tenements.
Very small, no ventilation, unsanitary, rodent infested, people slept on floors and in the kitchen, could not suit a family. Important because most immigrant families lived in these conditions.
What contributions did immigrants make to the nation.
Their generations brought many famous people and important people. Important because if they never came, half of the US would not be here.
Ida Tarbell
She accused Standard Oil of using unfair tactics to force small companies out of business.
Upton Sinclair
Wrote the book "The Jungle" which influenced Roosevelt to regulate the meat-packing industry.
Lincoln Steffens
A muckraker who tried to reform corrupt governments throughout urban America.
John Muir
He convinced Theodore Roosevelt to open national parks.
Jane Addams
Provided social services to the poor at Hull House. Also helped the unemployed.
Jacob Riis
He was a reformer who wiped out whole blocks of rookeries, the making of small parks, and the regulation of the tenements.
Theodore Roosevelt
The 26th US president. He created a lot of national parks, and passed a lot of laws that made the US a better place to live in.
Carry Nation
Campaigned for prohibition after being married to an alcoholic that died.
Susan B. Anthony
The second president of the NAWSA. She expressed frustration over the difficulty of gaining suffrage.
Boss Tweed
an American politician most notable for being the "boss" of Tammany Hall, the Democratic Party political machine that played a major role in the politics of 19th century New York City and State.
What conditions existed in America that encouraged the Progressive Movement?
In what ways did government during the Progressive Era differ from government during the Gilded Age?
I think the government was a lot better during the progressive era because Theodore Roosevelt created a lot of national parks.
What legislation was passed during the Progressive Era
In what ways does the Progressive Era impact America today?
Now people have more of a say in what the government does.
Civil Service Commission
The commission was created to administer the civil service of the Unied States federal government in response to the assassination of Presient James Garfield by Charles Guiteau, who is said to have been a rejected office seeker.
Interstate Commerce Commission
purpose was to regulate railroads to ensure fair rates, to eliminate rate discrimination, and to regulate other aspects of common carriers, including interstate bus lines and telephone companies.
a petition signed by a certain minimum number of registered voters can force a public vote.
a direct vote where an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a proposal.
When voters can remove an elected official from office through a direct vote before his or her term has ended.
Settlement House
Settlement Houses grew out of the social reform movements of the late nineteent century.
Hepburn Act
Gave the Interstate Commerse Commission the power to set maximum railroad rates.