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40 Cards in this Set

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What do you call the amount of goods?
What do you call a way of life of a group of people?
What do you call a group of people who share the same customs and languages?
ethnic group
What do you call a system for producing and distributing goods?
What type of government do people elect representatives to make laws and run the government?
How often does the government do a census?
Every 10 years
What do you call people who leave one's country to go live in another country?
What do you call the official count of all the people in the United States?
The Census
What is a word that means important beliefs?
What is a written plan of a government?
What do you call a member of a country?
What type of government do people have the power to make decisions about their government?
What do you call something that is owned by individuals or groups?
Personal Property
`What do you call an economy that is based on the idea that people are free to start their own businesses and own their own property?
Free Enterprise
What do you call the money a business has left after it has paid all its costs?
What is the amount of a good or service that people are willing to buy called?
What is the word that means the value of your next best choice?
Opportunity Cost
What are 2 freedoms given to us under the free enterprise system?
1. Freedom to start your own
2. Freedom to own property.
What do you call a good that one country sells to another country?
What is a good that one country buys from another country?
Using the basic laws of supply and demand, What happens to the price of something when MANY people want to buy it?
The price goes up
Using the basic laws of supply and demand, What happens to the price of something when only a FEW people want to buy it?
The price goes down.
What were the top 3 major US exports in 1999?
1. Electrical Machinery
2. Motor Vehicles
3. Airplanes and parts
What were the top 3 major US imports in 1999?
1. Motor Vehicles
2. Electrical Machinery
3. Computers and Office Machinery
What are some rights of consumers?
1. The right to expect producers to supply safe, quality goods.
2. The right to expect producers to be honest in their ads.
How can the free enterprise system encourage inventors?
Inventors know that if they think of a good invention, they may be able to sell it. Like Thomas Edison who sold an invention for $40,000 when he was only 23 years old.
How does scarcity limit our economy?
Scarcity means there are not enough resources to meet all of our wants or needs. Because of limited resources consumers must make economic decisions based on scarcity.
Who was the first African American woman who start her own beauty product business with only a few dollars and become a millionaire?
Madam C. J. Walker
What do you call a person who starts a new business, hoping to make a profit?
What are the 3 basic ideals that Americans share?
1. Freedom of Speech
2. Freedom of Religion
3. Freedom to live and work where we
What does "E. Pluribus Unum" mean in english?
Out of many, one.
Why is "E. Pluribus Unum" a good motto for the US?
Because a variety of people from 13 different states were coming together to form one country. (Out of many, one.)
Why do immigrants continue to come to the United States?
They continue to come to America because this is the land of opportunity and liberty.
What type of government is it when all the voters in a community get together to make decisions about what their government should do?
A direct democracy
What is the difference between a direct democracy and a republic?
In a direct democracy all the voters get together to make decisions and in a republic the people elect representatives to make the laws and run the government.
What year was the US Constitution written?
Who was famous for saying "And so, my fellow Americans-ask not what your country can do for you-ask what can you do for your country?
President John F. Kennedy in 1961.
Who was the president of the US from 1861 to 1865?
Abraham Lincoln
How did Abraham Lincoln describe the government as?
He described the government as "of the people , by the people, and for the people."
Why are the words "We the People" a good beginning to the Constitution?
Because the Constitution sets up a government that is run by the people.