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15 Cards in this Set

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Why was the floor of the Colosseum covered in sand?
to soak all the blood
What was the purpose of the secret underground passageway in the Colosseum?
emperor to gave a quick escape
How are ancient Roman cities similar to Wyandotte in terms of design?
grid pattern
What was an aqueduct?
a system that would bring fresh water into city buildings
How did an aqueduct work?
How was the anciet Roman Colosseum similar to modern stadiums of today?
bathrooms, food court, many gates
What piece of the arch holds it together?
On what country and continent will you find the city of Rome?
Country: Italy
Continent: Europe
What is a republic?
citizen elect representatives to run the nation for them: NO KINGS!!!
Why wasn't ancient Rome a democracy?
All citizend did not share the right to vote: only nobleman served in the senate
What were the three branches of govt?
magistrates, senate, assembly
How did they keep one branch from taking all the power?
dividing power among different branches of govt
Who could travel? What were the hardships?
merchants, government officials, getting lost, sickness, weather, starving
What were the upper social class families called? What were the lower class called?
Lower: Plebeians
What was the focal point of Rome?
The Forum