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64 Cards in this Set

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the trial of john t scopes illustrated a conflict concerning
religious beliefs and scientific theories
the neutrality acts of 1935 and 1937 were based upon the United States desire to
avoid participation in a european war
how did the U.S in the 1930s respond to the rise of toitarian powers?
by adopting a set of neutrality laws
the primary purpose of Franklin D. Roosevelt's good neighbor policy was to
improve relationships between the U.S and Latin America
what showed that the U.S was showing a policy of isolationism
they refused to join the league of nations
the failure of the U.S to join the league did what to it?
crippled it's effectiveness
which of the following agencies was created to provide protection for bank account savings?
federal deposit insurance corporation
why was the roaring 20's called that?
because of social change
what was a major cause of the great depression
factories and farms produced more goods than America could afford to buy
what did the new deal do for the government?
it expanded its power
which new deal program dealt with directly with correcting the abuses of the stock market?
securities and exchange commission
since the great depression of the 1930's which action has the government most often taken to lower the unemployment rate?
increased government spending
during the new deal what did franklin roosevelt want to change?
the amount of people in the supreme court
What did the FDIC do?
insured funds of depositors in case of banks failure
why was the antitrust legislation passed?
because they wanted to restore competition between similar businesses
what did jacob riss do?
he took pictures of the urban poor
what was a result of the takeover of cuba?
many cubans came to the United States
In the1950s what was the US foreign policy
Wanted to make sure communism wouldn't sprea
When farmers started to grow more crops what did they switch to?
Commercial farming
after 1945 what was the U.S foreign policy?
providing leadership for the western hemisphere
from 1865 to 1900 the gov helped the west prosper and expand by...
giving railroads land
support for the civil service reform in 1880s was a reaction to
the spoils system
what did the pendleton act require people wanting to run for government to do?
take a test
Federal Reserve system do? what is the difference with the FDIC?
it controls the banking system, the FDIC insures bank accounts
what is yellow journalism associated with?
the spanish american war
The U.S industrialists urged the federal government to
levy high protective tariffs
when was the social security act passed?
what was an outcome of the korean war?
south korea remained non communist
Woodrow wilson fourteen points were to
set goals for achieving peace for World war 1
when the south didn't want to listen to the governments new laws what did they do?
they enacted jim crow laws
what did the progressive party want?
reform in all parts of the government
what is an initiative
petition signed to force a certain vote
what is a referendum
to accept or deny a certain vote
what is the direct primary
where voters get to select who they want to run
who created vietnamization?
president nixon
what was the marshall plan for?
the economic recovery of europe
why was the U.S an arsenal of democracy?
because they provided war time materials even though they didn't fight in the war themselves
what happen as a result of the spanish american war?
became a colonial power
what is the sherman antitrust act?
it deals with the demands of farmers to end fix- rating by railroads
why were immigrants mostly attracted to the U.S for?
economic reasons
what did the lend lease do?
business organizations in the U.S combined into large corporations because
efficiency in production methods would increase
what was one of the greatest obstacles when created non segregated schools
the "separate but equal" principle was still in form
what was franklin roosevelts foreign policy toward latin america nations differed from earlier administrations because it
stressed hemispheric cooperation
what best describes the labor movement of the 1930s
it grew rapidly once the right to do so was protected
why do the united nations disagree?
because the strongest powers can't agree on fundamental things
what did booker t washington do?
he made a school of agriculture for blacks
the principle that the U.S has the right to act as the policeman of the western hemisphere and intervene in international affairs of latin american nations was established by
the roosevelt corollary to monroe doctrine
what did W.E.B dubois believer for african americans?
they should lead their fight for civil rights
what did the federal reserve act do?
provide a flexible money supply
what did the granger movement eliminate
the abuse of railroad practices
what is fifty four forty or fight talking about which territory
what does the spoils system do?
it gives advantages to people in the government that the president wants to appoint
the good neighbor policy and the alliance for progress were created to
promote regional cooperation in the western hemisphere
the process of acculturation will occur more rapidly when a society offers
universal free education
what did the trustbusting policies do?
encourage competition in business
what was the 18th amendment?
it prevented the usage and selling of alcohol
what caused the spanish american war?
humanitarian concerns about cuba, yellow journalism, us investments in cubs
what were some causes of World War 1
militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism
what did the truman doctrine say?
the U.S would help any country asking for help in fighting communism
what did the marshall plan do?
it provided economic aid to countries fighting in WW2
what did the good neighbor policy say?
it improved relations between latin america and america by not interfering
what does the roosevelt corollary say that president roosevelt has the right to do?
intervene in latin america
what did the monroe doctrine say
It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression,