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27 Cards in this Set

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Primary source
Fristhand information about people or events. Includes official documents.
are people who study of evidence left by early people in order to find out about their way of life.
is the way of life that a people have developed
Mayan Accomplishments
Incan Accomplishments
Vasco da Gama
Sailed for Portugal; Sailed around Africa to India (1497-1498)
Ferdinand Magellan - Sailed for Spain; Led first expedition to sail around the world (1519-1522)
John Cabot
Sailed for England; Discovered Newfoundland (1497)
Northwest Passage
a waterway to Asia, through or around North America
Mayflower Compact
On November 11, 1620, the 41 male passengers on the Mayflower signed a binding agreement for self-government.
Iroquois Confederacy
James Oglethorpe
Founded Georgia in 1732
House of Burgesses
representative assembly in colonial Virginia; it first met in Jamestown, Virginia, on July 30, 1619
Triangular Trade
Colonial trade route between New England, the West Indies and Africa
o New England to the West Indies: Fish and lumber
o The West Indies to New England: Sugar and molasses
oNew England to Africa: Rum, guns, gunpowder, cloth and tools
o Africa to the West Indies: Slaves
a group of English Protestants who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony
Protestant reformers who believe in the equality of all people
Acts of Toleration
a 1649 Maryland law that provided religious freedom for all Christians
Roger Williams
a Puritan who challenged the leaders of Massachusetts Bay; believed in religious tolerance
Navigation Acts
A series of laws to regulate trade between the colonies and England
o Passed to ensure that only England benefited from trade with the colonies.
§ Encouraged colonists to build their own ships!
§ New England became a prosperous shipbuilding center!
§ Colonial merchants did not have to compete with other merchants BUT….
o Many colonists resented them because they felt that ONLY England benefited from them!
Economic theory that a nation becomes strong by building up its gold supply and expanding trade
Middle Passage
The trip from Africa to the Americas that started the slave trade.
French and Indian War
a war that took place from 1754 to 1763 that led to the end of French power in North America
Albany Plan of Union
proposal by Benjamin Franklin to create one government for the 13 colonies
Treaty of Paris 1763
a 1763 agreement between Britain and France that ended the French & Indian War; peace treaty between the US and Britain, ratified in 1783, that recognized the US as an independent nation
Proclamation of 1763
a law forbidding English colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains
Stamp Act
a 1765 law that placed new duties on legal documents, and taxed newspapers, almanacs, playing cards, and dice