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76 Cards in this Set

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Cold war
Conflict after WWII. A time of tension between the u.s and sovient union
Sovient Union
Communism, restricted rights, totalitarian Police state
Policy of Containment
u.s./west should prevent further expansion of communiwm(an attack on 1 is a considerd an attack to all)
Berlin Airlift
Russia closses off W. Berlin to the Western countries. In response the us flew in supplies to w. berlin until russia ended blockade (1 yr)
Marshal Plan
aid given to European countries to rebuild after wwII
Truman Doctrine
US will aid countries that are threated by communism. (in hopes to contain communisim)
Domino Theory
the belief that if one country falls to communsim other countries around it will also fall to communsim
United Nations
international organization formed in 1945 to help solve conflicts between nations and keep world peace (includes its own army to "assist" in conflicts) *us britain and russia have permanent seats
Cause of Korea War
Communsit North korea invaded south korea
General Mac Arthur
commanding gerneral in korea war, until removal of presidant Truman. Macarthur was an asshole
impact of Korea war
north Korea stayed communist and south korea stayed noncommunsit
Cuban Missile Crisi
u.s wanted the soviet nuclear weapons removed from cuba (90 miles from Florida) *john kennedy was presidant)
Vietnam War
u.s action to prevent comminsim to south korea, put the domino theory. Many Americans were against it
Guerilla Warfare
fighting who used hit and run attacks (used in vietname and U.S. revolutionary war)
growth of suburbs (levittown) interstate Highway System (Eisenhower) Baby boom. (1945-60)
overblow belief that U.S. infiltrated by comminsts
Watergate Scandal
Nixion's people tapped into democratic headquarters in watergate bldg. (he converd up evidence) made nixon resign
End of Cold war
fall of Berlin Wall, end of communsim in Russia and eventual breakup of soviet union into 15 separate countries
Main economic system in U.S (pirvate industry)
rise in prices decreased in value of money
current american issues
budget fecicit, pollution, war on terrorism, illegal immigration,decline in % of whites and rise in % of miniorties
Transcontinental Railroad
A railroad that spans the content
Le Land Standford
owned the central pacific railroad
Chinese and Irish Workers
Travled from homeland to america to serach for gold and work for the railroads
Battle of Little big horn
on June 1876
Farmer on the great plains in the late 1800s
Cattle Kingdom
Region dominated by cattle industry and its ranches
longhorn steer
horns of longhorns could be six feet wide or more
spanish word for cowboy
cattle trials
herding and moving of cattle for long distances
Homestead act
160 acre plot for free, if you farm for 5 years
Totalitarian state
nation in wich a single party controls the goverment and every aspect og peoples lives
Fair deal
A program under Truman that called for new projects to create jobs, new public housing and an end to racial discrimination in hiring
group of corpoartions run by a single boared of directores
political system based on militarism, extreme nationalism and blind loyality to the the state and its leader
free enterprise
economic system in which each privately owned business decides on what to do (no goverment)
land that is unsetteld in u.s
the income from taxes licenses etc
sphere of influence
area of one nation where another nation had economic control
spoils system
act of replacing goverment officials with supporters of a newly elected president
movement of large numbers of people from rural ares to cities
womens right movement
organized campaign to win property, education and other rights
womens suffrage
women to vote
yellow journalism
style of reporting away that disorts the truth
affirmative action
program to provide more job and education opportunities for people who faces discrimination in the past
baby boom
large increase in birth rate from 1940s'- 1960s
bullying on margin
borrowing money in order to buy stocks *one of the causes of great deppresion
economic system in wich people put money or capitial, into business in order ti naje orofit *economic system in privatly owened business*
civil disobedience
idea based on nonviolence that people have a right to disobey a law they conider unjust
america's method to limit soviet expansion during the cold war
avoding invlolvement in other countries affairs.
Little Rock
high school in Arkansas, that had 9 black kids
Guerilla Warfer
hit and run tatics * in favor of people who the land
Brown v Boared of education
made the "separte but equal" unconsituional
us efforts to stop communisim
truamn doctrine/ marshal
3 dictators in WWII
Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin?
first city to get atomic bombed
This fire in a New York City factory led to the passage of laws to ensure safer working conditions
What was the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire?
type of warfare in WWII
trench warfare
President Woodrow Wilson’s goals for peace after WWI
What are Wilson’s 14 Points?
*league of nations
quota system
reduced the number of immigrants from certain countries
effects on great depression
high unemployment, soup kitchems, hoovervilles, bank closed, hoover was blamed
foundation of capialisim
land, labor, capital and investment
process if becoming part of another culuter
causes of great depression
over production of consumer goods, buying on credit, stock market crash *black tuesday, poor banking syste, buying stocks on margin
important muckrakers
upton sinclair-author of the jungle, Ida tarbell- expose unfair practices by big oil, thomas nast-cartoonist
date of pearl harbor
dec 7, 1941
date of d-day
june 6, 1944
world warII begins
sept 1, 1039
rockefeller (oil) caregie (steel) ford ( cars) vanderbilt (railroads
spanish american war
the u.s war to liberate cuba from spain
bell- telephone, edison-light bulb ford- assembly line
giving intoagressive nations demands in order to preserve peace
causes of WWII
rise of dicatorrs due to econonmin deppresion (hitler, mussoni) failure of league of nations, failure of treaty of versailles, appesement
causes of cold war
russian take over of eastern europe. U.S. USS.R distrusted eachother
what did americans due during cold war
arms race, anti communsim/mcarthysim, SUPPORT FOR NON COMMUNISIM GOVERMENT abroad