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16 Cards in this Set

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How did the Ancient Greeks introduce their culture throughout the Mediterranean Region?

By establishing one colony after another

Explain the one principle of Democracy?

Majority rule. This mean that a law is passed only when more than half of the representatives vote for it.

By competing with one another the gods influence human events, what is this called?

Greek Mythology

What is the name of the fort built high on a hill in Athens, it was also a center of religious worship in the Greek City-State?


What is it called when the government rules the people with a few wealthy and powerful aristocrats ?


Name an example city whose government was ruled by an oligarchy of elders where laws were approved by citizens and during wartime two kings shared the Leadership?


What type of league did Sparta form when they joined with other city-states to protect themselves form the mighty Persian Empire?


How were women regarded in Sparta?

The Sparta women were well respected. They could made their own decisions about business, their homes and families.

What type of government was developed after the tyrants were overthrown in Athens Greece?

Decisions were made by majority rule and many citizens were allowed to serve in the government.

How did Solon reform the society in Athens?

By freeing farmers who sold themselves into slavery and revising the laws so that they were fair.

What was the name given to early Greeks?

The Mycenaeans

Name a city in Asia Minor?


Where is present day Greece located?

On a peninsula, which extends into the Mediterranean, Aegean and Ionian Seas

Who were the independent city states in Greece were ruled by whom?


Why was Mount Olympus so important to the Greeks?

They believed that the mountain top was the home of Zeus and Hera, the king and queen of the gods.

How did the Greek bard Homer know about events that happened way before his birth?

He knew several facts about the Trojan War because he probably heard about them through other bards and storytellers.