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82 Cards in this Set

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What is fascism?
extreme nationalism and racism
What is a dictator?
leaders who controlled their nations by force
What is genocide?
The mass killing of a certain ethnic group (type of people)
What was the holocaust?
Genocide of the jews
What is island hopping?
taking over an island, and then going to another and taking over it
What is blitzkrieg?
German offensive, "lightning war", included tanks and such
How did Britian and Grance try to prevemt war with Germany?
They appeased him, which means that they negociated with him.They gave him the land he wanted, as long as he promised not to do it again.
What did the government do to ensure that idustries produced enough war materials?
Many of the resourced and goods needed for the war effort were rationed. women also worked to make weapons.
When did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?
December 7th, 1941
What was Operation Overlord?
D-day, the largest combines land-sea-air invasion in history. It was an invasion on beaches (omaha and utah)
Who succeded Franklin Roosevelt as president?
President Truman
What actions by the Japenese convinced the United States to use the atomic bomb?
they refused to surrender and didn't listen to us when we warned them of "prompt and utter distruction"
Explain the importance to Histler of Germany's 1939 non-agression treaty with the Soviet union
It freed hitler to use force against poland without soviet intervention
Why did the ALlies focus first on the war in europe rather than on the war in the pacific?
Who were the Members of the Allies?
It was originally great britian and france, and then the U.S. joined the war and joined the allies, and then the Soviet Union joined later on.
Who were the Members of the Axis?
Germany, and Italy, and later Japan
Who was the Leader of Japan?
The military
Who was the Leader in Italy?
Benito Mossilini
Who was the Leader in the Soviet Union?
WHo was the leader in the US?
FDR and later truman
Wh owas the Leader in Germany?
Adolf Hitler
Who was the leader in Great Britian?
Winston Churchill
What were the chain of events that led to the rise of the Nazi's?
People were bitter over the treaty of versailies->Hitler came and played on those feelings, saying germany was superior-> became chairman of Nazi's-> became chancellor-> established toptalarian rule.-> wanted to expand
What were the chain of events that led to the rise of MOSSILINI?
The people in italy were bitter over getting not getting enough in the treaty of versailles--> he played on those sympathesis-> he was very fascist
What was United State's early opinion of the war?
They wanted to stay OUT of it. cash and carry policy was put into effect and they only traded with countries that provided their own ships and had the money to pay for it. They passed a series of Neautrality acts.
How did the countries deal with the Nazi's?
Well, They kind of just gave into them. Britian and France appeased to Germany's demands and gave them sudentenland if they promised not to expand anymore. It didnt really work, but they tried. They didn't really do much to stop them.
What is the date of the invasion of poland?
September 1st 1939
Describe invasion of poland.
blitskrieg, britian and france declared war on germany, germany got one half and soviet union got another half
What were some of the countires that hitler invaded in april of 1940?
Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Dunkirk
What was the Battle of Dunkirk?
Belgium had asked for allied help when germany tried to invade. Now, after belgium collapsed, the troops had to get out. The battle of dunkirk was the MASSIVe retreat of all those soldiers across the english channel More than 800 british ships escorted 300,000 troops of safety (all while under fire)
Give details about the surrender of france
WELL I WILL TELL YOU. Ok so, First of all those silly germans kept advancing into france. This made france people mad. oh well for them, says hitler man, and bentio says "I AM MOUSSILINi, HEAR ME ROAR!" and joins in on the other side and THEN germany AND russia are attacking france and then the french are like whoa.. and then the germans march into france all happy like because their blitzcreig worked and the french are all like scared so they say " I GIVE UP!" the end.
Describe the Battle of Britian/
It was the air battle between germany and britian. and the RAF. Germany started bombing the cities and shipyeards and such. He did this just to break down their moral. but winston my man was all like "WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER!" and hitler was all like "ok" sad face and it continued for like a lot of months but germany never won because of the RAF inflicted heavy losses on german air force
Why did Germany break his pact with the soviet union and invade them?
He was sad about losing the battle of britian and he realized his old "dream" of conquering the soviet union and such and so he attacked them and the soviet union was all like "GASP! IMMA BE FRIENDS WITH YOUR ENEMY!" so they joined the allies.
How did America begin to prepare for war?
they strengthened the navy, new neautrality act with cash and carry basis, selective training and service act,
What was the lend-lease act?
;it allowed a,eroca tp sell, lend or lease arms or other military supplies to any nation considered "vital to the defense of the united states"
Why did american ships begin escorting convoys of british merchant ships?
germans had been singing british ships, america issued a shoot on sight order if they found german or italaian ships in certain areas,
What is the Atlantic Charter?
It set up goals for the world after the final destruction of the nazi's. It was between the us and britian, the two nations pledged that the people of every nation would be free to choose their own form of gov. and be free. They urged ppl to give up miliutary weapons.
What events led up to the attack on pearl harbor?
The us prevented the japanese from obtaining funds they had in the united states and stopped sale of things they needed with them. Japenese ppl got all mad. They got a new leader who wanted to attack the US.
what were the effects of pearl harbor?
destruction of many battleships, planes, and death of 2300 people. US stopped arguing about entering the war and just did it. The US declared war on japan.
Who were the allied nationsa fter the US joined?
The US, China, France, Britian, Soviet Union
How did Women help in WW2?
about 250,000 women served in the women army cops and volunteering and the womens units in war. They didn't fight in combat, but they played important roles in war effort.They also took over men jobs
What is mobilization?
military and civilian preparations for war
What was the Revenue Act of 1942?
it raised corporate taxes and required almost everyone to pay income taxes. They also sold war bondsr
How did A.A. help in WW2?
they were finally allowed on combat assignments. The 332nd fighter group, the tuskegee airmen were A.a.
How did Native American's help in the war effort?
they worked in defense industries and served in armed forces. The Navajo formed the code talkers.
Who were the code-talkers ,what did they do and why?
Najavo's who used a special code based on the Navajo language to send messages- They did it because the japense were intercepted troops movements and such transmitted through radio and the japs never broke the code
How did the Hispanic America's hep in the war effort?
They served in the armed forces, they were recruited for farm and railroad work by teh US through teh bracero program (simulated immigration)
How were japenese american's treated and why?
They were resented because of pearl harbor. the US worried about the loyalty of the japs if the japenese decided to invade AMERICA. They were relocated to internment camps
Who was Rommel?
Desert Fox because of his success in desert warfare, he was the leader of the axis forced (german)
why did the allies focus on the war in europe instead of the war in the pacific?
Hitler was moving fast and the situation was dire. If the germands defeated the soviets, they would be unstoppable
Who was Dwight D. Eisenhower and what did he do?
Commander of Allied Forces in europe. directed D-day
Who Was Montgomery?
Desert Rat, Main Military General of The americans
Who was Patton?
Blood and Guts, American General, drove the germans out of north africa. helped with the battle of the buldge
What happened at Stalingraud?
They fought literally house-to-house and street-to-street. It was terrible times for the people that lived there. Not much later after the germans had taken over stalingraud, the soviets surrounded the city and cut off german supplies. The germans held out for as long as they could, but they finally surrended and it marked a major turning point in the war
What happened on D-day? Why did D-day happen? What was the result?
Allied troops landed on the coast of Normandy. They had to wade through the water and get to land while fighting the germans. They had to get into france and get the germans out of france. The result of D-day was that the allies took france from the germans and pushed them back
What is the date of D-Day?
June 6. 1944
Why did Truman become president? Who did he come after? what did he order?
Roosevelt died and he was the vice president. FDR. The dropping of the atomic bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki
Who fought the germans from the western front?
The British and Americans
Who fought the germans from the eastern front?
What was the Battle of the Bulge?
Germans last resort, marked the end of serious german resistance.
What is V-E day?
Victory in Europe, When germany signed unconditional surrender
What was Hitler's final solution?
Holocaust, built death campos where they killed thousands of people a day in gas chambers, then burned bodies in ovens.
What were the initial steps of Hitler's final solution to get rid of the jews?
1) isolate specific groups
2) spread rumors about how terrible they are
3) forfce relocations to ghettos and such
4) transport them to work camps (later death camps)
What was AUschwitz?
The worst nazi death camp, 1-2 million were killed here
What groups of people were victiums of the holocaust?
jews, gypsies, ppl with handicaps, soviet prisoners, poles, anyone that hitler didnt like mostly
Who was Gerneral MacArthur?
American General, recaptured the philippines
Who said "I shall return"?
General MacArthur
What was the battle of coral sea?
America vs. Japan, crippled japan and halted their advance towards austrailia
What was the U.S. plan to defeat Japan?
island hopping?
What happened at the battle of midway?
it was a victory by the us and it destroyed four japenese aircraft carriers and hungreds of airplanes
Explain the battle of midway.
First the us sent out its torpedo planes, those got shot down. Then they send out their bombers (but some of them were lost and werent there yet), the japenese fighters go to attack them and follow the bombers away from the ship. The japenese ship is unprotected. Now, the lost bombers show up and attack the japenese aircraft carriers uninterrupted.
What is the signifigance of the battle at leyte gulf?
it was the biggest naval battle in history, most of the japenese fleet was destroyed so they were no longer a huge naval threat
When island hopping, What were the last too islands that the americans took over before japan?
Iwo Jima and Okinawa
Why did the japanese start using kamikazes? what are they?
Kamikazes are suicide pilots. they are pilots who load up their planes with explosives and then crash the planes into american ships and such. They started using them because they were desperate
What was the name of the top secret project by the united states that concerned working on the atomic bomb?
The manhattan project
Why did the US decide to drop the atomic bombs? who decided it?
The japenese refused to surrender, truman
What was the postdam declaration?
it was warning the japense that if they didn't surrender it would be prompt and udder destruction.
When was the first atomic bomb dropped and where?
August 6, 1945, Hiroshima
When was the second atomic bomb dropped and where?
August 9, 1945 Nagasaki
Who was one of the people who worked on the atomic bomb?
Robert Oppenheimer
What was V-J day?
Victory over Japan
What battleship did the Japense sign the surrender abord?