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43 Cards in this Set

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What are estates? What are the 3 estates?
Estates are classes, they are 1) the clergy-church, most power and $$$
2) the nobility- gov & militart
3) everyone else- 80% of pop.
What is a bourgeoisie?
Middle classes
top gov. leaders are suddenly replaced by force by a new group of leaders
coup d'etat
Asked nobles and clergy to pay taxes. Called meeting of the estates general. Killed on the guiotinne
King Louis XVI
lawyer, created comittee of public safety. Reign of terror is often accosiated with me.
Maximilien Robespierre
I am the military leader of france. I was born in Corsica and was 24 years old when i was a general. WHo am i?
Napoleon Bonaparte
What caused the French Revolution?
People of the third estates became angry. They felt like they had no voice and had to pay taxes
What was the Reign of Terror?
Maximilien Robespierre started commitee of Public safety and killed anyone who disagreed with him. up to 40,000 people were exected.
Who were Napoleons Enemies?
Russia and Britian.
So what happened with Louis XVI?
Well food was scarce and there was little money in france. King Louis decided that all three estates should pay taxes to get more money for he called a meeting of the estates general (all 3 classes). The nobles and clergy refuse to pay so the 3rd estate starts to write their OWN constitution. They attaacked the bastille for weapons when they heard that king louis was getting weapons. The king was then overthrown and was later executed.
Bastille? What's that?
Bastille is a prison and royal fortress that the 3rd estates attacked for weapons.
What is Versailles?
King Louis XVI's palace at versailles, where he held the meeting of the estates general
What is the guillotine?
a machine designed to quickly execute (beheading) people.
Who are the Girodins/Mountains?
groups that split from the Jacobins, The girodins wanted to rev to stop while the moutain group wanted it to continue
Who was Robespierre?
built new school, tried to create a new religion, taught peasants, had new farming skills, and worked to keep prices low. He was finally executed because he wouldn’t stop the reign of terror, which killed 40,000.
WHat was Napoleons story?
Napoleon was born in Corsica, general at 24. Most famous battle was at water loo. At 1804 he crowns himself king. He was a powerful military leader. He was also the emperor of France. His enemies were Britain and Russia.
What took place at waterloo?
In belgium, waterloo napoleon was finally beaten. He fought against the british, who had a good military strategy by putting all their troops into reinforced squares. Napoleon and his troops were on horse back so they had people shooting at them from every which way.
THe industrial revolution, where was it? what was it?
It started in Great Britian in 1870. People began to industrialize and became much more dependant on machery rather than farming. Industry changed lives and there was many inventions.
I designed a steam engine that powered the "spinning jennys" or a machine that could spin cotton into thread very quickly. or the loom, which is a machine with water powering it
James Watt
Who elects or appoints Senators?
The population of the state.
I developed a boat powered by a steam engine
Robert Fulton
I discovered magnetic currents and led to invention of electric generators.
Michael Faraday
I am edisons rival. We did most of the same things. I invented robotics
What was factory life like?
Life in the factory was hard, long hours, with minimum wage. Woman and children worked and often lost limbs or fingers. COnditions were HORRIBLE
political philosophy based on ideas of the enlightenment
idea in 1800s believed means of production should be owned and controlled by society through goverment
I created an idea which states that government should be in control. I am a german thinker. I predicted that over time that the working class would rise up and create a communist society than the classes would be no more.
Who was Louis Pasteur?
He discovered germs and proved that they cause disease. He showed that killing these germs would help prevent diseases.
E=MC2. IM A GENIOUS i let to the invention of the atomic bomb and i made the theory of relativity which states that space and time were relative and changing rather than permanent and unchanging
Einstein. Albert Einstein.
In the I.R. Why would the biggest cities be along the rivers?
Most machines were powered by water in the factories and it was easier to transport things to the cities if they were close to the factories.
What did Women do in the work force?
They tried to get equal rights.
economic system in which people rely more on the use of machinery and technology then on animal or human power
movement of people from rural areas to cities
association of workers who unite to improve wages and working conditions
labor union
what is a textile?
woven cloth
business people invest in
raises money by selling shares in the company to investors
2 or more ppl owned a business,pooled $$
Who was charles darwin?
He said that all things evolve as their environment changes. He made people question mankinds origination
what does "Laissez-faire" mean? Where does this come from?
let it be. liberalism and adam smith. It's an idea that states that if goverment stayed out of the economy and let businesses compete it would lead to more prosperity and a better society.
What is marxism?
Ideas of Karl Marx, basic ideas of socialist political parties in many countries. Believed Competition amoung classes harmed society, over time working class would rise up
strong leaders, made it difficult for democracy and prosperity to develop. Dictators, usually rich men. favored wealthy over poor
a movement to end slavery