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28 Cards in this Set

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What did the Oregon country include

Lay between pacific and Rocky Mountains north of California

(Includes Oregon, Washington, Idaho, half of British Columbia, parts of Montana and Wyoming)

What four nations tried to claim the Oregon country and why did they claim it was theirs

United States

( discovery of Columbia River and Lewis and Clark expedition)


( explorations of Columbia River)


(Controlled California)


(Settlements that stretched into Oregon)

Why did Americans want control of the Oregon country?

Who plays a key role in promoting this goal?

To gain access to Pacific Ocean

John Quincy Adams

What did Spain agree to do in the Adams/Onis treaty that benefitted the U.S. And their claim to Oregon ?


Spain agreed to set their territory at California's northern border and gave up claims to Oregon

When did Russia give up its claim to Oregon country ? What lands did they specifically give up claim to?


Lands south of Alaska

What agreement had Adams worked out with Britain in 1818 for control of the area?

Agreed to joint occupation

What is joint occupation

The possession and settling of an area shared by two or more countries

How were merchants first supplied with beaver furs? How did this change

Native Americas supplied them

Americans joined the trade

What kind of people were the first Americans to reach Oregon country?

They were fur traders

What did American men adopt to survive? What did they do about the mountains?

Adopted Native American ways

And married Native American wives

form routes throughout mountains

When the Beavers became scarce in the east and west, what did the mountain men do?

Acted as guides to lead parties of settlers now coming west

Among the first settlers of the Oregon country were missionaries who spread Christianity to the natives. Who was Dr Marcus Whitman and what did he do ?

Doctor who with his wife built a mission among the cayuse people , spreading Christianity

What did settlers accidentally bring to the settlement? What happened as a result

Brought measles to the mission, killing many of the native children

Who Did the cayuse blame for the death of their children? What did they do as a result

The Whitman's

Attacked and killed Whitman's

When did Oregon fever sweep through the Mississippi valley? Why?

Early 1840s

Depression in 1837. Wanted to start over out west

What were these pioneers called? What were the wagons called? How long was the journey out west


Prairie shooners

2000 mile journey

What are emigrants

People who leave one place to another in the same country

Where had most American pioneers headed to settle?

willamette valley south of Columbia River

The question of ownership of the Oregon country arose again when?

American pioneers increased

British did not

What was john Sullivan's idea of a national mission of the U.S.?

Declared it was Americas manifest destiny to over spread and posses the whole of the continent which providence has given us

What is manifest destiny

The idea popular in the 1800s that the country must expand ifs boundaries to the Pacific

The idea that the U.S. Should have sole ownership was a significant issue in 1844 election

Who was the democrats nomination for president and why?

James k Polk

Because he supported American claims for sole ownership of Oregon

What slogan did the democrats campaign and what did it mean ?

Fifty-four Forty or Fight

Referred to the line of latitude that democrats believed should be the nations northern border in Oregon

Who was the Whig opponent

What did in the have a strong position on

Henry Clay

On the Oregon issue

Who won the 1844 election and why

Polk Won because the antislavery liberty party took votes from clay

What did Britain and the U.S. Compromise and when

June 1846

Set boundary between the American and British portions of Oregon at 49•N

How did mountain men make a living

Made living by trapping beaver

Some sold to highest bidder

Some sold to fur companies

What did the Oregon country include

(Includes Oregon, Washington, Idaho, half of British Columbia, parts of Montana and Wyoming)