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26 Cards in this Set

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What is the connection between societal movements and social studies education?
Life is constantly evolving, More children are in abusive families, divorce families, single parent homes, in gangs, involved with drugs. The world is evolving with more technology and we need to prepare children for this world. We need to teach with a problems approach. We need to help students become problem solving. In our teaching we need to give students opportunities to solve problems so they can be more equipped for the future
What is the problems approach in social studies?
Teaching students to problem solve. We need to give students opportunities to resolve new or different difficulties. And sometimes they need to be problems that may not have one right answer or no negative result from any reaction. We need to teach students to learn how to learn
What are the goals of social studies education?
i. Preparing responsible citizens for the nation, the state, and the local area
ii. Preparing students who have the knowledge and skills in social studies needed for college
iii. Developing awareness and understanding of contemporary social issues
iv. Developing healthy self-concepts
v. Teaching the methods of social scientists
vi. Motivating students to want to learn about the social sciences
vii. Developing the ability to solve problems and make decisions
viii. Developing “global” citizens with a world vision
What benefits will students gain from studying social studies?
i. The jobs they have and the way they do their jobs
ii. The way they feel about themselves
iii. The way they handle responsibility
iv. The way they treat other people
v. How they meet and resolve problems and difficulties
vi. Their motivation and overall attitudes
vii. What they value and how they treat the things they value
viii. How they relate to their heritage
ix. How they relate to their environment
x. How they relate to and deal with people of other cultures, nationalities, and ethnic groups.
Who influences social studies education?
The National Commission on the Social Studies task force (NCSS)
What steps do teachers need to take to prepare effective lessons and units?
a. Schedule your time
b. Make lists of planning jobs and prioritize them
c. Examine and change your patterns of behavior to avoid distractions
d. Do the worst first, meaning, complete that which you most dread and want to put off before you do the easier or more satisfying things
e. Learn to be rude politely and without feeling guilt, turning off and away those who would interrupt your planning time
f. Record and celebrate your planning successes in ways that you can remember and then repeat
What challenges do teachers face in preparing lessons and units?
a. Not enough time
b. Failure to set time priorities or give priority to planning: Because teaching is time intensive.
c. Depending on previous material: Once teachers have taught a topic a few times, they begin to accumulate a quantity of “stuff that works.”
d. Procrastination
e. Failure to communicate
f. Experience
g. Lack of interest or enthusiasm of content fear
h. Low energy
i. Inability to deal with peer pressure
Why is planning such an important part of the social studies educational process?
a. Because there is a lot of material out there and you need to be able to find what is most useful and what needs to be focused on most
b. It helps your lessons become more interesting because you will come to know your material
c. It helps you to get out of your comfort zone of just using the textbook
What are some different types of units that teachers can use? Who prepares them and what advantages/disadvantages come with each type?
a. Expanded Textbook units
i. The writers of the textbook and they can be confining.
b. Collaborative Units – Units that you have developed with a team
i. You need to find out what level of conformity you are expected to follow
c. Teacher Developed Units
i. They take more time to develop and so it can be more challenging.
ii. You can include personal resources
How do objectives (outcomes) connect to the decisions about what is taught?
a. They allow you to have clear direction and help you in planning activities
b. They are helpful in evaluating learning
c. By clearly identifying what the outcomes should be, everyone can tell when they are achieved.
What is an appropriate unit plan for social studies classrooms? Any that does the following:
a. Helps the teacher keep a focus on the intended learning outcomes
b. Aids the teacher to gather the best available resources quickly and efficiently
c. Aids the teacher in assimilating social studies within the whole students’ learning
d. Helps the teacher in building in motivational, creative teaching ideas
e. Reduces the time needed for the teacher to plan effectively
How can teachers keep the unit from being too large for individual student learning needs?
a. Focus on the most important facts and spend the most time on what is important to learn
b. Give the students outlines
c. Do direct teaching
d. Explain objectives
e. Check for understanding
f. Provide guided practice and independent practice
Why is there controversy in social studies?
a. It is a lot more complex than developing a skill or ability such as reading and math
b. It has a richly varied array of curricula with may at times be contradictory
c. There is flaws in anything that humans put together
d. Cultural change is constant
e. People have differing values, priorities, and viewpoints so it is hard to satisfy everyone
f. Special-interest groups influence curriculum and it is hard to meet their expectations
g. Social studies represents an enormous changing body of knowledge
Why are social studies curricula sequenced differently?
a. Because there are multiple task forces that are involved in planning out what should be taught
b. Different areas have different priorities
Why is sequencing in social studies courses so important?
a. Because it helps students to understand the topics on level of difficulty
What historical educational thoughts have influenced the development of social studies curriculum?
a. A greater sensitivity to the representation of various ethnic groups and women in social studies material
b. Focus on inquiry and values
c. Greater global consciousness
d. Focus on social sciences other than history and geography as sources of insight and methods of inquiry about the world
e. Greater awareness of and ability to deal with controversy in the social studies classroom
f. An emphasis on learning concepts and generalizations rather than isolated facts
How do themes connect to standards?
a. It helps to focus on ways to meet the standards in developing traits and in ways that are simple to understand
b. It helps apply all of the elements of social studies
What is the role of multi-culturalism in the classroom?
a. All students should have equal chances of achieving their full potential
b. Students must be prepared to live and work in an increasingly intercultural society
c. Teachers should be enabled to effectively facilitate learning for every individual student, no matter how culturally similar or different from her- or himself
d. Schools have to be active in ending oppression and prejudice, first within their own walls, then by developing all students to be socially and critically active and aware
e. The role of schools is essential to laying the foundation to change society and eliminate oppression and injustice
f. The goal of multicultural education is to effect social change
What are the key disciplines within a social studies classroom?
a. History
b. Geography
c. Anthropology
d. Economics
e. Political Science
f. Psychology
g. Religious Studies
h. Sociology
What does the word “values’ mean in social studies?
a. What in life is important
b. Our values are the principles or standards of quality we use in making all our decisions
c. They shape our attitudes toward actions, people, and things
d. They direct our aspirations and ambitions
Who determines values and how do the conflicting ideas about values and values education impact social studies classrooms?
a. Family
b. Society
c. Culture
d. They control what we can teach and how we can teach certain material.
e. We cannot enforce our way of thinking
What is character education and what must teachers be careful about in teaching it?
a. It is teaching students character traits that allow them to be successful in life
b. We need to avoid using religious traits that we follow or enforcing a certain way to live upon our students
What types of decision-making skills should be involved in social studies character education?
a. Determining Alternatives
b. Choosing among Alternatives
c. Distinguishing Fact from Speculation, conclusion from Opinion Fantasy from Reality, and truth from falsehood
d. Determining relevance
What types of questions should teachers ask themselves when preparing lessons on values and character education?
a. What is my goal
b. Is this forcing my view on the students
c. What am I required to teach
d. What am I required not to teach
e. What values are enforced in this community
What are specific methods for teaching values in social studies?
a. Giving students options to identify fact vs. fiction
b. Brainstorming activities on thinking on how to respond to something
c. Give students a series of arguments and ask them to judge if a case has been made
d. Give students a series of events and have them predict what will follow
e. Have them relate relevance of events
f. Read stories with a moral and let them describe in their own views of what the moral is
g. Examine personal actions of self and others
How does one incorporate a worldview in values education and what types of challenges are inherent in such an approach?
a. Giving students different values that different cultures follow
b. Possibly showing favoritism to one. You need to present it democratically