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27 Cards in this Set

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Nobles forced King John to sign the...
Magna Carta
Under Magna Carta nobles formed the...
Great Council
Is a group of people who have the power to make laws
to impose; to force to be paid
to keep
made up of nobles, most inherited their titles
House of Lords
Only few rich men and landowners had the right to vote for the...
House of Commons
Parliaments greatest power was the...
right to approve new taxes
Power struggles between King Charles I and Parliament started the...
English Civil War
Who won the English Civil War?
Parliament removed King James II and invited..
Mary and William
When Mary and William ruled, England called it the...
Glorious Revolution
Is a written list of freedoms that a government promises to protect
Bill of Rights
The principle that a person cannot be held in prison without being charged with a specific crime.
Habeas Corpus
Massachusetts legislature
General Court
Jamestown legislature
House of Burgesses
Pennsylvania legislature
General Assembly
50 to 75% of ______ _______ can vote in American colonies.
white males
People that couldn't vote are...
Native American
African Americans
the right of journalism to publish the truth without restrictions or penalty
freedom of the press
or the publishing of statements that damage a person's reputation
Who was Zengers lawyer?
Andrew Hamilton
Name the 1 Navigation Acts
1. Shipments from Europe to English colonies had to go through England first.
Name the 2 Navigation Act
2. Any imports to England from the colonies had to come in ships built and owned by a British subject.
Name the 3 Navigation Act
3. The colonies could sell key products such as tobacco and sugar, only to England.
What ways did the Navigation Acts benefit the the colonies
1.Traders had a sure market for their goods in England.
2. Started a booming ship building industry in New England.
How did people get around the Navigation Acts