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15 Cards in this Set

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Where it took place and that country's capitals
France/Paris, England/London, Italy/Rome, Scotland/Glasgow, Sweden/Stockholm, Portugal/Lisbon, Switzerland/Bern, Ireland/Dublin, Turkey/Istanbul, Greece/Athens, Norway/Oslo, Belgium/Brussels, The Netherlands/Amsterdam
Average Life Span in Middle Ages
25-30 years
30% of children dead before 1st birthday
Called Dark Ages because...
Disease from lack of hygiene
Lack of knowledge and literacy
Little was recorded or left behind
Little art
Lack of new ideas
Lived in dark castles
In the Dark Ages, Everyone believed...
The heaven, hell and god existed, and that the only way to get to heaven was if the church let them. Everyone was scared of hell!
Payments of crops, a tax paid by serfs. This helped the church own 1/3 of the land in Europe
Monks and Nuns
Servants to god, some of only educated people in Europe. Lived together in a MONASTERY
Where monks and nuns live, always connected to catherdral. Living a MONASTIC LIFE
The church used this to control the people. It is the spreading of information in order to influence others using fear or emotion.
The Hierarchy- The King
Gave: land to the lords to rule over
Got: Lords gave King loyalty, taxes and some crops
The Hierarchy- The Lords
Gave: King loyalty, taxes and some of their crops
Knights weapons, horses and rewards
Got: Protection from knights, land to rule over from King
The Hierarchy- The Knights
Gave: Serfs protection, Lords protection
Got: Rewards, weapons, horses and land from Lords and help in battle from serfs
The Hierarchy- The Serfs
Gave: The knights help in battle, Lords everything they farmed
Got: Protection from Knights, shelter, protection, food, farm land from Lords
The plague spread by rats coming from Asia and wiped out tons of people, mostly serfs. People thought it was God so people prayed instead of studying bodies. Europe was in ruins as everyone was dying and disease was everywhere.
Symptoms of Plague
Swelling, fever, extreme thirst, vomiting, muscle aches, exhaustion, diarrhea, bubos, internal bleeding
The changes the Black Death caused
Shops boarded up, not a lot of money
Shortages of everything, food/lawyers/physicians
Peasant labour shortages
Peasants rebellions
New taxes angered people, which caused them to attack their lords in mobs