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34 Cards in this Set

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What type of depression occurred before World War 2?
World Wide Economic
What country owed a high amount of money due to war debt?
There was a high amount of what two things before World War 2?
High inflation & Massive Employment
A person who has total power in a fascist system of government is called what?
A Dictator
Adolph Hitler is the leader of which country?
Who was Great Britain's leader?
Winston ChurchHill
Benito Mussolini belonged to which country?
Name the two people that were the leaders of the United States?
Harry S. Truman and Franklin Roosevelt
What event started World War 2?
The attack on Pearl Harbor
What day did the attack on Pearl Harbor take place?
December 7, 1941
What was the turning point of the war in the Pacific?
The Battle of Midway
Hideki Tojo was the leader of what country?
Who was the leader of the Soviet Union?
Joseph Stalin
These two cities were hit by atomic bombs dropped by United States?
Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Prejudice or cruel and unfair treatment of jews is known as what?
Who was a fictional character and was an example of a woman who went to work in a factory during WW2?
Rosie Riveter
What group were forced into internment camps?
What was the turning point of the war in Eastern Europe?
The Battle of Stalingrad
What is Aryan Supremacy?
Superiority of German race
Enemies of Germany held in ___________ _____________.
Concentration Camps
What is the difference between Concentration Camps and Death Camps?
Concentration camps you are put to work.
Death camps as soon as you arrived they execute you.
What three things was Fascism rooted in?
Extreme Nationalism
Blind Loyalty
What type of barriers was broken down due to the need for workers?
What two words describe using less or saving to help the war effort?
Rationing and Conserving
What is a totalitarian state?
A totalitarian state is a sing party which controls the government and every aspect of people's lives.
In Nazi Germany, what THREE things did the government control?
The Press, Schools and Religion
What were Jews deprived of in Nazi Germany?
Why did Japan seize Manchuria in 1931?
To acquire the two resources, Coal and Iron, which were scarce in Japan.
What did Congress warn Americans not to do in the late 1930s?
They warned them not to travel on ships of countries at war.
In 1933, Hitler became ____________ of the German government.
What country did Italy invade in 1935?
The African Nation of Ethiopia
By limiting economic ties with warring nations, isolationists hoped to do what?
Stay out of any foreign conflict.
What was the Japanese state in Manchuria called?
What did the Neutrality Acts ban?
Arms Sales and Loans to Countries at War (1935)