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33 Cards in this Set

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A region's geography will affect the way in which people support themselves.
Studies artifacts to learn about how people lived.
A society's traditions and language.
Latitude and Longitude
Used to show exact location.
New Spain, New England, New France
This shows the European influence in North and South America.
Native Americans
Many died from disease when they came into contact with the Europeans.
Common Sense
A document wrtitten by Thomas Paine and started with the fact that it was "common sense" that the colonists should break away from England.
People born of both Spanish and Indian parents.
Native American tribes
Iroquois, Navajo and Apache
Zenger Trail
This trail strengthened the colonial freedom of the press.
Problems with English rule
Parliament taxed colonists without permission of colonial representatives.
Navigation Acts
Laws that controlled trade between England and the colonies.
The first English colony set up in 1607.
French and Indian War
Britain insisted that the colonists help pay for the debt caused by the war.
Rocky and Appalachian Mountains
Regions that have the highest level of elevation in the United States.
Indentured Servants
Servants who paid off there trip to America by working for the person who paid the tri[p. They could not get married, were not givent he right to visit friends. They did learn the craft of leatherworking.
The 13 colonies in 1775
The largest enthinc group at that time was the English.
Florida is a peninsula
Appalachian Mountains
The mountains were a barrier to early westward expansion.
Goods shipped from England to the colonies
These were manufactured goods - not fresh produce etc.
Exchange of money and it also includes trade.
13 Colonies
They were told to either unite together or perish (fall apart).
William Penn & Quakers
They established Pennsylvania
A period of renewed interest in culture and learning.
They made European ... and trade increase.
The House of Burgesses
This was the first elected representative assembled in the colonies.
James Oglethorpe
He set up Georgia as a haven (safe place) for debtors.
New Netherlands
The Dutch lost New Netherlands when the English warships forced Peter Stuyvesant to surrender.
The English encouraged Americans to ship tobacco and other goods exclusively to England.
Southern "cash-crops" led to the use of slaves on the southern plantaions.
Representative Assemblies
These features of government were developed during the colonial era.
Middle Passage
This was the voyage that slaves took to the New World (Americas); the conditions on the ship were very bad.
Declaration of Independence
The purpose of this document was to justify the actions of the colonists in overthrowing British rule.