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80 Cards in this Set

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Inventor of the printing press(1455) so that books no longer needed to be copied by hand.
Johannes Gutenberg
How did the Anglican Church come to be founded?
The Anglican Curch was founded by Henry the VIII, king of England.The church was founded because Pope Leo X wouldn't let him divorce his wife, making him split from the Roman Catholic church, and,thus, he founded the Anglican Church.
German people who left the Roman Catholic church to side with Martin Luther....they were protesting some of the practices of the Roman Catholic Church.
Name 3 Protestant religions and their founders.
1.Lutheran;Martin Luther
2.Calvinist;John Calvin
3.Anglican;Henry VIII
Catholic leader from Spain who founded the Jesuits, a religious order that spread Roman Catholic ideas to Asia and Latin America.
Ignatius of Loyola
A list of arguments for reform of the Roman Catholic church written by Martin Luther.
95 Theses
In the Roman Catholic church, a pardon of punishment from a sin in an exchange for an offering.
German monk and leader of the Reformation; wrote the 95 Theses.
Martin Luther
Pope when the Reformation began.
Pope Leo X
King of England from 1509-1547 and founder of the church of England.
Henry VIII
Queen of England from 1533-1603
Elizabeth I
How was Martin Luther able to spread his argument across the entire continent?
Martin Luther used the printing press, an invention of Johannes Gutenberg, which helped him spread the argument around faster.
What did Queen Elizabeth I do to rouse her troops against the 130 warships of the Spanish Armada?
The Queen gave the navy and army a stern speech that promoted patrionism.
What family helped launch the Renaissance?
The Medici Family
How did the Medici's make most of their money?
The Medici's were bankers.
How was the Renaissance's social structure during the Reformation?
The Renaissance during th Reformation created a bigger middle class.
Who had the first idea of machine gun's, tanks, and warplanes?
Leonardo Davinci
Where did the Renaissance begin?
Who sculpted the statue of David?
Western European Countries were divided into _________
and Roman Catolics.
What kind of religious nation did Queen Elizabeth I make England?
Protestant Nation
Why did Henry VIII want to divorce his wife?
The wife couldn't have a kid.
Why did much of Germany become Protestant?
When Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses, he wrote in German.
An idea important to the Renaissance that focused on human values and what people can achieve in this world is called ______.
What is a patron?
A supporter of the arts.
A technique used by artists during the Renaissance that seemed to create three dimensions on the flat surface of a painting.
A period of great cultural and artistic change that began in Italy around 1350 and spread throughout Europe.
The Renaissance
Lorenzo Medici was.....
..a famous banker and patron during the Renaissance.
Science during the Renaissance brought....
...The printing press,telescope,and gunpowder.
Name the largest peninsula in northern Europe.
The Scandinavian Peninsula
What ocean lies north of Europe?
The Arctic Ocean.
What sea forms the southern boundary of Europe?
The Mediterranean Sea
Name the largest peninsula in southern Europe.
The Iberian Peninsula
What river empties into the North Sea?
The Rhine River
What river flows through central Europe to the Black Sea?
The Danube River
Which two mountain ranges seperate the continent of Europe from Asia?
The Ural and Caucasus Mountains
What landform covers more than 50 percent of Europe?
The North European Plain
The process of clearing forests is...
A fjord is?
Where the sea surges in between cliffs.
If something is navigable, it is...
...able to be traveled by boats or ships.
Describe temperate.
Mild/moderate temperature.
Europes waterways and plains are important for...
growing crops,hydropower,and economic trade.
What brings warm air that creates a temperate climate in Europe?
The wind
What peninsula is Greece,Albania, and Macedonia?
The Balkan Peninsula
What peninsula is Italy?
The Italian Peninsula
Frankish king and emperor from A.D.800-814.
Capital of Charlegmane's empire;city in present-day Germany.
What are the Crusades?
A series of wars that lasted 700 years between the christians and the muslims for the Holy Land/Jeruesalem.
Who ordered the crusades?
Pope Urban II
A region in present-day france.
Duke of Normandy; in 1066 he became the first Norman king of England.
William the Conqueror
Land a king or a powerful would give to nobles.
Nobles who took an oath of loyalty to their lords.
A peasant who was bound to work on a noble's manor.
A large self-sufficient estate granted to a lord and worked on by serfs.
A code of conduct that knights believed they should follow.
Queen of France and later England;encouraged ideas of medieval art,poetry,culture, and chivalry in c.1100's.
Eleanor of Aquitaine
King of England;signed the Magna Carta in 1215.
King John
A legal document written by english lords in 1215 that limited the power of kings and stated rights for nobles.
Magna Carta
Starting in Europe around C.E. 800,a system for organizing and governing society.
What Italian banker came to power in 1469?
Lorenzo Medici
List the Impact of Writers and thell me what they wrote.
1.Petrard-(italian poet)
2.Niccolo Machiavelli-(The Prince)
3.Christine de Pisan-(personal subjects)
4.Miguel de Cervantes-(Don Quiote)
This famous playwrighter wrote 37 stories and 154 poems;loved very much by Queen Elizabeth I.
William Shakespeare
A famous artist in the Renaissance;studied engineering,music, and the world.
Leonardo da Vinci
A famous Renaissance sculptor. Created the Pietro and the statue of David.
Where did Monks live and what did they do?
Monks lived in Monasteries where they farmed,studied,made wine,medicines,and craftbooks. They also transcrypted books in the Scriptorium.
What did people consider very valuable of monks?
Their writing.
What are nuns noted for?
Nuns are noted for helping the poor.
Where do nuns live?
A famous nun is...
Hildeguard of Bigen
What caused the Bubonic plague?
The bacteria spread from fleas and rodents.
What percent of people survive the "Black Death"?
How much of western Europe died from the plague?
A journey for religios purposes is...
During the crusades,what two ethnic groups were slaughtered?
The Jews and the Muslims.
A long war fought between Christian armies to capture Spain from the spanish Muslims in 1718-1492.
The Reconquista
Who crowned Charlegmane emperor?
Pope Leo II
Who defeated the Saxon king,Herold, and declared himself king?
William the Conqueror
What king claimed the power to imprism people without trial?
King John I
What pope declared that if you were in a crusade, you'd got to heaven with all sins forgiven?
Pope Urban II