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49 Cards in this Set

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wealthy planters, merchants, and other successful people in the colonies, top of social class.
indentured servants
signed contracts to work without wages for 4-7 years, in exchange for passage to america and land at the end of their contract.
Jonathan Edwards
He set of the religious movement called the great awakening. (in the colonies)
Young boys in the colonies hos parents wanted them to learn a trade or craft, and so they worked under a master to learn the trade.
It was a movement in the late 1600s and early 1700s that caused many to believe in scientific method and reason.
George Whitefield
ministe rwho helped spread the Great Awakening in America.
Benjamin Franklin
Was an American thinker and one of the founding fathers, he was an example of the Enlightenment spirit.
John Peter Zenger
He was put on trial for libel, and was a pivotal point for freedom of the press.
defacing someone's reputation to the public without true facts.
The Economic theory that a nation becomes stronger by strictly controlling it's colonies trade.
Trade goods brought into a country
trade goods sent outside of a colony
Glorious Revolution
During it the English Parliament replaced King James with Will and Mary.
Great Awakening
Colonists won more rights because of it.
triangular trade
was a trade route involving Europe, America, and Africa.
The law making body of the government.
Navigation Acts
Laws that strictly regulated the trade of England's colonies.
Mason Dixon Line
Formed the boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland.
Sir George Calvert
Planned to build the colony of Maryland, where Catholics could practice their religion freely.
Lord Baltimore
Realized the plan to build the colony of Maryland because Calvert died before he could build it.
Chesapeake Bay
the Bay that England's first colony was settled on
Act of toleration
A law passed in Maryland that gave religious freedom to all christians
Nathaniel Bacon
The leader of Bacons Rebellion
A cash crop used to make valuable blue dye.
James Oglethorpe
Founded the colony of Georgia, it was to be a new start for people who were buried in debt.
people who owed alot of money, and lost everything.
Tidewater Plantations
were very large farms in the south, located close to the shore line, these created alot of cash crops that were labor intensive, (required slavery).
Middle Passage
It was the passage that slaves were carried from Africa over the Atlantic to America by.
Slave Codes
Laws passed that denied slaves their basic rights.
the belief that one race is superior to another.
Great Wagon Road
A old trail used by the indians that had been used by the settlers to get into the rockies.
Holy Experiment
It was a phrase used by William Penn to describe his colony of Pennsylvania.
Owners of huge Dutch estates that were given to them by the dutch government.
Capital of Delaware, it means brotherly love in greek
Peter Stuyvesant
The Dutch leader of New Netherlands, he was not liked by the Dutch and so when the English attack them no one helps and he surrenders.
Pennsylvania Dutch
The name given to the german immigrants when the colonists couldn't pronounce deutsch correctly.
One of the most despised religious groups in England, pennsylvania was founded on quaker beliefs, (all are equal).
Proprietary Colony
a colony given by the king to a single individual.
Royal Colony
A colony under the direct control of the king.
they led the migration of massachusetts Bay in the 1630s, they were a religious group.
Charles I
Became king of England in 1625. He didn't like Puritans, and had some jailed.
John Winthrop
Became the first governor of Massachusetts bay colony.
General Court
An assembly set up by puritans in Massachusetts Bay
Great Migration
15,000 people moved to America during 1629, and 1640.
Thomas Hooker
settled Hartford
Roger Williams
began Rhode Island
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Created a government of Connecticut
King Phillip
Chief of the Wampanoags who waged war against the settlers.
The holy day of the Puritans