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54 Cards in this Set

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What does the word 'civics' mean?
It is from the word 'civis' and means adopted from Greek and Roman principles.
What does government in the United States emphasize?
rights and responsibilities
What are American Ideals?
- equality
- freedom
- citizens are requires to protect their liberties
In the United States what are some things you are free to do?
- say and speak what you feel without harming others
- choose a career
- get an education
-own a home
- have a family
- believe in a religion
What did the colonists do to the Native Americans?
Force them off their lands.
When did Spain colonize the New World?
What were some other reasons for colonists to come to America?
Own land and practice their religious beliefs.
Who were indentured servants?
Poor people who came to the new world and paid back the cost of their voyage with labor.
Who were slaves?
People who were bought and sold.
What was a difference between early America and England?
A lack of class distinction. (No kings or lords etc.)
Where was the first settlement in North America? When?
Jamestown in 1607
What crop was a major money maker in Virginia?
What caused people to settle in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620?
Religious Freedom
When was the Massachusetts Bay Colony established?
What was the original name for New York?
New Amsterdam
Who settled Delaware? When?
The Dutch in 1631
When was Pennsylvania formed?
What city was called the 'City of Brotherly Love'?
When was Maryland given a charter?
When were North and South Carolina given charters?
When did Georgia become a colony?
Who founded Georgia?
James Oglethorpe
Who helped found Maryland?
Lord Baltimore
Name the original 13 colonies.
1. Maine
2. New Hampshire
3. Connecticut
4. New York
5. Pennsylvania
6. Rhode Island
9. North Carolina
10. South Carolina
11. Delaware
12. Virginia
13. New Jersey
When were the French and Indian wars fought? Who fought them?
England and France (England won)
Who forbid colonists to settle west of the Appalachians?
King George III
What were the Navigation acts?
General set of laws to regulate the colonies.
What was the Sugar Act (1764)?
Tax on sugar, molasses, wine and coffee.
What were the colonists angry about?
Taxation without Representation.
What is a tariff?
Tax to regulate trade
What is duty?
Tax on imports.
What wast the Stamp Act (1764)
Tax on paper goods.
How many colonies participated in the 'Stamp Act Congress' (1765)?
What was the Declatory Act?
Said the British government can tax without representation.
What was the Quartering Act?
Said the colonists must provide food and shelter to British soldiers.
What is a boycott?
Refusal to buy goods from England.
What were the Townsend Acts?
Tax on tea, glass, lead, paper and paint.
What were the writs of assistance?
The British searching for tax cheaters.
What was the Boston Massacre (1770)?
Troops fire on a crowd and kill protesters.
What were the Committees of Correspondence (1772)?
Increased communications with the colonies.
What was the Boston Tea Party (1773)?
Colonists dumped tea into Boston Harbor
What were the Intolerable Acts (1774)?
Punishment for the Boston Tea Party
When was the First Continental Congress?
1774 (all but Georgia)
What was the first battle in the Revolutionary War?
The battle of Lexington and Concorde. Minutemen from Massachusetts fired on British soldiers attempting to steal supplies.
What were the German soldiers called who helped the British?
Name some battles of the Revolutionary War.
Bunker Hill, Saratoga, Charlestown, Valley Forge, Savannah
When and where was the final battle?
Yorktown in 1781
When was the war officially over?
In 1783 when the King recognized the United States as a free and independent nation.
At the end of the revolutionary war where was the western boundary of the U.S.?
The Mississippi river
What are the key points of the Articles of Confederation?
- states govern themselves independently
- they act like separate countries
- make their own laws, money and have their own troops
- the national government can't interfere with the states
- did not want a strong central government
- national government cannot collect taxes
- no court system
What is the Preamble of the Constitution?
States its purpose
What are the articles of the Constitution?
I. Law Making
II. Executive Power given to the President
III. Legal Judgement to the Supreme Court
IV. States must respect each other's laws
V. Amendments are allowed under certain conditions
VI. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land
Originally freedom and rights were left up to the states but later...
The Bill of Rights was Added (1st 10 Amendments to the Constitution).
Ideas for the Constitution were borrowed from...
Democracy (ancient Greece)
Roman Republic (3 branches)
Magna Carta (limited government power)
Parliament System
Mayflower Compact
Judeo Christian Values
Age of Reason