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55 Cards in this Set

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- a collection of different ideas and activities
- political movement
- crossed party line
- believed that industrialism & urbanization created many social problems
What caused social problems?
- industrialism
- urbanization
Progressives agreed on what?
- that government should take a more active role in dealing with these problems
- a collection of different ideas and activities
- political movement
- crossed party line
- believed that industrialism & urbanization created many social problems
Progressivism was a reaction to ___________________.
- laissez-faire economics
What caused social problems?
- industrialism
- urbanization
Progressives's doubts:
1) ____________________
2) ____________________
1) free market's ability to address those problems
2) doubted that government in its present form could fix those problems
Progressives agreed on what?
- that government should take a more active role in dealing with these problems
Progressivism was a reaction to ___________________.
- laissez-faire economics
Why did progressives believe people could improve society?
- they had a strong faith in science and techonology
Progressives's doubts:
1) ____________________
2) ____________________
1) free market's ability to address those problems
2) doubted that government in its present form could fix those problems
- amongn the first people to articulate progressive ideas was a group of crusading journalists who investigated social conditions and political corruption.
List 2 beliefs of Efficiency progressives
1) commission plan- city's govt. would be divided into depts. & placed under the control of an expert commisioner
2) council-manager system
Why did progressives believe people could improve society?
- they had a strong faith in science and techonology
- amongn the first people to articulate progressive ideas was a group of crusading journalists who investigated social conditions and political corruption.
List the 3 new reforms

1. initiative
2. referendum
3. recall
List 2 beliefs of Efficiency progressives
1) commission plan- city's govt. would be divided into depts. & placed under the control of an expert commisioner
2) council-manager system
Initiative reform
- allowed a group of citizens to introduce legislation and required the legislature to vote on it.
List the 3 new reforms

1. initiative
2. referendum
3. recall
Initiative reform
- allowed a group of citizens to introduce legislation and required the legislature to vote on it.
Referendum reform
- allowed proposed legislation to be submitted to the voters for approval
Recall Reform
- allowed voters to demand a special election to remove an elected official from office before his or her tem had expired
Why did charles Edward Russell condemn the Senate?
- because political machines or large trusts often controlled the elections, gaining contracts and jobs
What amendment was passed in 1912 and ratified in 1913?
- 17th Amendment
What happened in Seneca Falls?
- First Women's rights convention
Who organized the women's right convention?
- Elizabth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott
- the right to vote
Reasons for suffrages movement's slow start
1) suffragist were accused of being unfeminine and immoral
2) physical attacks
3) many preferred to concentrate on abolishing slavery
2 Suffrage Movements
1. National ________ Suffrage Association led by ______________ & _____________
1) Woman
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
- Susan B. Anthony
National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) group's focus was __________________-
- to pass a constitutional amendment allowing women to vote
How was the National American Woman Suffrage Association formed?
- the debate over the 14&15 amendments split the suffrage movement into 2 groups
Middle class women and working class women had different reasons for wanting the vote. What were they?
-Middle class women needed to vote to promote social reforms they favored
- working class women wanted the right to vote for labor laws protecting women
Alice Paul
- Quaker
- __________ Worker
- leader of ___________
- Organized __________
- for the purpose of ____________
- Social
- Washington march
- wanted to force President Wilson to take action on women's suffrage
Why did Alice Paul leave NAWSA?
- she was considered too extreme
What did Alice Paul form?
- National Women's Party
Carrie Chapman Catt
Leader of ________________
Carrie Chapman Catt developed what she called her "Winning _____"
She used __________ to support ____________
- plan
- Wilson
1st constitutional amendment failed because ________________
- the senate couldn't pass it
Who lobbied for the amendment?
- Wilson
What amendment was finally passed, when it was ratified?
- 19th amendment passed in 1919 and was ratified in 1920
Child Labor
What changed that caused child labor to become more of a problem?
- factory work was unhealthy and momotonous
Who wrote a book?
What was the title?
- John Spargo
- The Bitter Cry of the Children
This and similar reports resulted in ______________________.
- laws with limits on child labor and on compulsory education
Health & Safety
A fire in ___________ which was located in ___________ prompted ____________
- Triangle Tshirt company
- New York
- building codes
Job related injuries resulted in _________________
- worker's compensation laws
___________ laws were seen as a way to protect the public
- zoning
- laws banning the manufacuting, sale and consumption of alcohol
Alcohol cause many problems such as:
1. wages were spent on alcohol
2. physical abuse
3. illness
4. hurting workers' efficiency
5. saloons were informal headquarters for political machines
Temperance movement
- advocated the moderation or elimination of alcohol
Temperance movement groups
1. Women's Christian Temperance Union
2. Anti- Saloon League
1st goal of these groups was ____________________.
Later the goal was ____________
- the reducation of alcohol consumption

- prohibition
Progressive concerns
1) A _____ people had ________ of the wealth
1) few, most
2) ___________: combination of frims or corportations formed by a legal settlement, especially to reduce competition
2) trusts
3) _____________ companies whose primary business is owning a controlling share of stock in other companies
3) holding companies
Sherman Antitrust Act
- What was its purpose?
- to break up big companies and restore competition