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105 Cards in this Set

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Europe in 1945
- was in ruins, factories were ruthless
- shattered buildings
- Germany was the worst but it wasn't alone
- Italy
- France and Belgium were main exceptions, they had gotten off relitavely lightly
- physically governments were ruined
- Soviets were in process of dismantling governments
- 6 million European Jews dead
- losses in art and architecture
- lost great deal of history
- continental suicide, lay "near death"
- Yugoslavia, local communists fought way to communism already
- Greece, had unstable situation
-Italy- socialist and communist sympathies on one hand and those more sympathetic to the catholic church on the other
Russian expansion and western fears
- expansion of Russia was Euro fear
- End of Napoleonic wars brought Russian army as far west as Paris, fears Europe would fall under dominatioin
- Crimean war, got together to limit western influence
-Great Gain, limit Russian influence in Asia, by Britain
- European thinkers also feared Russia
-fears intensified with Bolshevik rev.
Russian History
- authoritarian governments
- conspirital international relations
- reliance on secrecy and espionage
Moscow's view of the west- 3 themes
1. fear
2. isolation
3. expansion
Russia had endured in relations with the west 10 centuries of moral fear brought on my warfare and invasion
- been invaded by west many times, Nazi invasion was worst
- fear of western influences and western ideas
-effort to keep them out
-Stalin's anti-western campaign
- go back 500 years, had been expanding in all directions for 5 centuries
- 1945- looked like more was in store
-Red Army controlled almost all of eastern Europe and Soviet Ambitions appeared to be extensive
-Traced to Stalin
Stalin Factor
- absolutist dictator who seemed to view whole world as enemy
- in his Soviet union there was no distinction between state, party and interets of those himself
- national security was equal to his own security
-committed mass murder
- strong element of paranoia, no one had his trust
-spreading communism via expansionism
- in WWI one country went socialist
- WWII many countires went socialist
- WWIII all countries socialist
- Stalin's advisor
War with west?
- did not want war with west, knew his country was too weak for that
- he didnt want a cold war and he was prepared to stop in face of western resistance
- wanted control over Eastern Europe
U.S and the World
- 1945 most prosperous nation in the world
-only one left undamaged
- only real functioning economy
- had atomic bomb, biggest air force and world's greatest navy
American people's wants
- wanted peace time needs, cars and homes not aircraft carriers
- demobilization was substantial but not great
Roosevelt and Truman
- believed that U.S had to fufill committment on global scale
- WWII had left widespread political and economic dislocation
- worried about Europe, increasing Soviet power and communist ideology
key point
- developing new definition of how to keep a country secure
- instead of defense we spoke of national security, all nations having affect on their security
Importance of Europe
1. industrial economy was viewed as crucial to American economy and security, if hostile force dominated this it could be threat to our own security
- Cultural sense- home of the fundamentals of our civiliztion and bulk of our population
- had been fought to prevent domination of Europe by 1 power, this threat appeared again from Former ally soviet union
- Eastern europe under Soviet control, France and Italy- U.S feared them taking money and advice from moscow
Washington's views on Moscow
- when asked what he wanted, how far he was going to go, Stalin replied not much further
- uncertainty with how to deal with soviets
- opinions ranged
2 axioms of opinion
- Yalta axiom- associated with Roosevelt who went to Yalta, Soviet was conventional soviet state, not driven to world domination and was possible to deal with them
- Rega axiom- was marxist, leninist state committed to world domination, foriegn policy reflected totalitarian dictatorship
- sought middle way between British and soviets
- looked at Soviet union, talked about Russia as well
foriegn policy
- took 2 years to fully emerge
- went through 3 stages
-confusion- contention that expansionism has to be resisted, little is done to distinguish between primary and secondary needs
- new policy emerges
Yalta Conference
- Feb 19th 1945, cold war begins but no one really knows
- needed Soviet Union to finish war with Japan
- worse tension was over Poland
- U.S wanted an independent Poland
- Soviets wante to control Poland
- agreement had all kinds of loop holes for Soviet union to do what it wanted to do
- Roosevelt knew this
- when he reported to American people he was not frank about these loop holes, he created false feeling of optimism that quickly turned to anger
- split between east and west beginning to emerge
1946- getting tough with the Russians
- increasing toughness with dealing with Soviets but on an issue by issue basis
- no overall policy- no coherence
- failure of soviets to withdraw wartime forces
- united states strongly backed Iran, sent stiff note to Soviets
- Soviets backed down and withdrew
- over straights
- U.S backed turks, sent naval task force and again Soviets backed down
Atomic bomb
- Baruth plan, dealing with atomic weapons
- strict conditions to which we would give up information
- Soviet's had to allow for inspection and stop their plan
Kennan's long telegram
- he was asked why the Soviets are being so difficult, why are we having so many problems
- warned that the Soviet union was a police state regime
- warned that it would continue to try to expand, undermine western Europe and threaten the U.S
- while avoiding specific proposals he said the west needed cohesion in dealing with the soviets
- secret and followed by Stalin's speech that upset many observers
Winston Churchill's Iron Curtain speech
- warned American people unless they are militarily strong they can't deal with the soviet union
Greece and Turkey
- British sent telegram saying they were moving out of Turkey and Greece
- leader of Yugoslavia named Tito
- feared if something happened in Greece or Turkey this would destabilize Italy and France who had strong communist parties
-Sovites could expand into Med.
- by 1947 had demobilized our military
- American people were not interested in what was going on
- explains Truman's urgent tone
Truman doctrine
- very urgent speech
- went to congress for 4 million dollars to free Greece and Turkey
- U.S must help free people from armed minorites- pledged to save free people from communist agression
- called it the first half of the walnut, it did nothing to solve real problems
De Tocqueville
- there are today on earth two great people, Russians and Anglo Americans
- suddenly taken places in 1st rank among nations
- both growing, all others stopped
- one allows individuals to act freely without directing them
- one has all power of society in one man
- points of departure are different, pasts are divergent, each seems soviergn
- irony to this prediction beofre WWII stood apart from IR
- had few competing interests prior to 1945 but in post war era as they had emerged as superpowers as he predicted their view points clased on almost every major issue
Soviet Bomb
- at end of one of conferences, truman went up to Stalin and told him that they had a very powerful bomb and Stalin didnt give expected reaction
- Stalin knew about the bomb longer than Truman had, spies
- Soviet union in 1930s were advanced in nuclear physics, very up to date
1940 -Soviets
- set up Uranium commission to investigate whole quesiton of developing nuclear weapons
- wheere to find uranium deposits, isotope separation
1942- Soviet war work
- Spies finds out British are doing something really serious with bomb and are interested
- some kid reading physics journals notices absense of famous physicsts and informs Stalin the Americans are making bomb before his spies even know
1945- Stalin finds out we have a bomb
- right after the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Soviets began a full-on project to build a nuclear bomb
Most important spy
Claus Fuchs
- from 1942 to 1943 he was working on Manhattan project and he was reporting constantly to Soviets
- reporting on how to make plutonium bomb
- arrested in Britain in 1950
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
- worked on implosion in the office of where they worked
- he provided valuable evidence for the cases and Rosenbergs were only people executed for spying on their country
August 1948
- soviets tested their first bomb and it was amazing to U.S that they had succeeded in making a bomb so soon
- found out about all spying and it upset the administration very much
- werent just working on bombs, soviets became aware of how to build ballistic missles
- weapons programs- rockets
Germans and Rockets
- both countries tried to get as much as possible from the the Germman remains
- whether it be scientists or evidence to make their ballistic missles
- soviets got some and so did we
nuclear weapons
- first soviet bomb becomes known in August 1949
- Truman wanted to know what we should do, go ahead with hydrogen bomb?
- Russians very ahead of us, 1948 go ahead with hydrogen bomb before u.S even debates the point
H- bomb
- in wake of Soviet atomic test, Truman approves it in Jan 1950
- Fuchs confesses at this point what he has done and Truman speeds up work on H bomb
Who was first
- first thing to explode was thermonucelar not nuclear bomb, wasn't pure device
-1953, soviets have one, first semi hbomb
-1954 we explode first hbomb ever, bravo test
- Truman thinks we were first
- the a-bomb surprised us but as late as 1953 US. intelligence concluded there was no evidence the hydrogen was working on a bomb
- 2 years later Soviets dropped off a bomb
-development of atomic bomb, spying importnat because made up difference
Vietnam war and U.S foriegn policy
- Ho Chi Minh was demon of American containment policy
- father was brilliant scholar and he was brillant student, had passionate interest in freedom of Vietnamese people
- 1919 asked Wilson to force France to give independence to Vietnamese people
- then became member of French Communist part, sent to Moscow to meet Stalin, Trotsky and Lenin
-dismayed at political problems he witness after Lenin's death
Ho Chi Minh
- not happy with Japanese colonial rule in Indochina and in late 1940 he reorganized the indochinese communist party in Vietnam
- an army designed to fight the people of southeast asia
- communist and nationalist
-committed to both communism and country's national freedom
- thought capitalism brought pain to people and had deep roots in international communist movement
- tried to lead nation away from colonial domination and desperately wanted Vietnam's independence
- pragmatism led him to hope that if he worked with Americans during WWII we'd help them achieve independence in 1940s and we did
- Truman turned his allegience to France when they asked to re-establish their empire in IndoCHINA and we needed their help in Europe
- we were officially neutral in the conflict but we spent billions of dollars in bankrolling the French/Indochinese war effort by the summer of 54-Vietnamese forces beat the French
Geneva accords
- a ceasefire on both sides, extended to Laos and cambodia
- regroup military forces in southern or northern portion- Vietnam in North and French in south
-only to be temporary and later unified with elections
- North or south vietnam would never enter into agreements with another country
- or have military base in north or south U.S
- u.s didnt sign but wanted to try and prevent reunification of the country under Geneva accords because they feared the communist influences of Ho Chi Minh
- thought perhaps they could get other nationalist to do it
- person was Ngo Dinh Diem
Ngo Dinh Diem and Vietnamese nationalism
- French didn't support Diem but Eisenhower was convinced that he woud be America's miracle man in Asia
- well respected, mandarin born in vietnam, deeply devoted to nationalism and so critical that even Ho Chi Minh didnt serve in his government
- he hated the brutality of the Vietminh, hated communists and minh
-U.S decided Diem was their man and if he didnt suceed our whole business would fail
- although he was nationaist he remained out of step with rest of his country
-Roman catholic in buddhist country, permitted church special privelages and hired catholics in cabinent
- brother ran vivioucs police form, didnt undertake sufficient land reform
- didnt want to be puppet to U.S but he was dependent on our aid against Minh
- he wasn't a democrat or man of poeple he knew what was best and ran autocratic state in south
- ran elections that were not authentic
- 1960- own military formed a coup against him and engulfed the country for next 3 years
National liberation front emerges
- vienamese rebelled against the country
- committed to remove Diem from power so they started a war against southern government and it's American supporters
- wasn't a creature of Minh and North Vietnam, it was inspired by local situations in south but made up by northerners
- tended to mute their communist idealism and support national and anti-colonial ideals
what NLF wanted
- overthrown disguised American regime and Diem
- Land reform for peasants
- greater reliance on industry rather than foriegn aid
- neutrality in Cold War politics
- higher wages for civil service jobs
- peaceful reunification of the fatherland and elimination of U.S presence in Vietnam
- revolut against south Vietnamese government became popular and created enormous instability, threatening the survival of the government and forcing the U.S to bolster military and financial aid
- spending milliosn trying to keep up hopeless regime in south
JFK and Vietnam
- flexible response and military intervention
- Kennedy wanted to focus on improving Diem's regime
- first thing he increased presence of U.S military advisors from 1000 to 17,000
- encouraged military to learn new tactics rather than counter/insurgency wars
- employed CIA to perform psychological war efforts against Vietnamese
- created strategic hamlets- moved villagers into secured hamlets fortified by watch towers and moats in essence a prison, while trying to protect villagers
- despite all these plans the U.S was not able to maintain any stability or fight the Vietcong or NLF
- dissatisfaction with leadership in S. Vietnam came to worst in 1963
Buddhist crisis
- Buddist political agenda was peace negotiatios, independence and human treatment for Vietnam
- Diem didnt want any of this
- protestors fought against oppressive regime and reached crisis
- man burnt himself as protests to Diem's repression
- Kennedy slashed U.S aid and publicly critisized south vietnamese government
- in late summer of 1963 Vietnamese asked JFK about a coup, when he found out that Diem was about to work with Vietcong he relented and gave support for the coup
- the coup began and within a few years Diem had been assassinated- this horrofied him and Diem's absense made things worse
Lyndon Johnson's war
- after the assassination in the south everything became worse
- guerilla war and collapse of regime in south underscored any success of Vietnamese government
- Johnson agonized over what the U.S should do in Vietnam, make a commitment or just quit
- he feared a war and he feared doing nothing
- for Johnson administration our commitment to Vietnam continued to grow
- realized he had made a mistkae and by 1968 was trying to seek a way out
Gulf of Tonkin
- 1964 a destroyer ship called Maddox was in the north
- being attacked by torpedos and returned to Gulf of Tonkin and again indicated that North Vietnamese were firing torpedos against U.S ships
- they werent hurt
- many people doubt there as actually an attack on ship, believe was pretext for agreesive military action in n. vietnam
- wihtout proof passed the Tonkin Gulf resoultion- take any measures to retaliate to any act of agression
- had been written weeks before Tonkin Gulf attacks
Expanding U.S commitment- Operation rolling thunder
- operation rolling thunder
- U.S military assumed that afflicting war on n.VIETNAM would affect ho chi minh
- bombing campaigns continued into early 1970s but they were never able to stop North's ability to revolt in South
Search and destroy
- were created by U.S military
- would locate air forces and then use air power to defeat them
- people thought of them as pointless meandering and destroying innocent villages
- stop vietcong rebellion by eliminating ground cover for NLF
Free- fire zones
- allowed U.S fire to shoot anything that moves despite risks, figured that killing everything in area would kill Vietcong
- anything that moved was a target
Solider's experience
- Vietnam lacked any front line, you might die in jungle or in bar
- experienced battle through booby traps, snipers or bombs
- draft calls increase for more and more troops
- american troops called it senseless and indescribable
- hamlet program was failure
Mcnamara said we had 3 possibilities
1. we could withdraw- humilitate ourselves
2. we could continue at present level- not working
3. we could escalate- only option at producing a settlement
Tet offensive
- NVA launched a surprise attack throughout Vietnam and terrible damage was inflicted on Vietnamese villages in South
- U.S embassy in Saigon temporarily fell under their control
- although stunned by boldness of offensive, they did drive Vietcong out of the cities and U.S announced victory despite time it took them to do it and 50,000 losses
- with domestic crticism of war increasing, johnson reached breaking point, he addressed nation calling for peace negotiatons in Vietnam to begin in Paris later that year and dramatic reduction of bombing
- despite his hope for reversal, years of fighting lay ahead for Americans
Conclusion- 1968 Presidental Election
- Tet offensive was not only shocker of the year
- several assasinations and revolts at home
- Nixon was peace candidate but war continued for 4 more years
- lasted almost 30 years and not only caused so much damage to Vietnam but to the U.S image
- spent 170 billion dollars, failed to defeat north, failed to defeat Vietcong and failed to keep government in S. Vietnam
Nixon and Kissinger- Odd couple
- Kissinger liberal, Nixon despised it
- Nixon antisemitic, Kissinger Jewish
- proved to be a good cohesive theme
- viewed world similiarly
-hard realists
- concerned with power much more than ideology
- play power poltics and are willing to take risks and threaten and eventually use military force where they will believe that in doing so will advance nations security and interests
- had similar perspectives on how to structure foriegn policy poltics
- preferred secretive, conspiratory manner
- appointed to national security advisor in beginning of term, held till 1975
- 1973, appointed to secretary of state held until Ford's presidency in 1977
- only person ever to hold top 2 foreign policy assignments
-worked with liberal politics
- skillful and hard bargaining, could trust diplomatic assignments with him, especially North Vietnam, China
- dominated foriegn polcy from 1973 to 1977
- odd individual, intelligent and ambitions but was shy and insecure and try to compensate by acting tough
- mean and paranoid
-smile seemed phony
-difficult to believe, unforgiving
- could be merciless to those he considered his enemies
-desipised liberalism
- would have to share credit with Kissinger who was very well liked by media
- came to despise this and it was certain he was planning on dumping him in early montsh until 2nd term before watergate broke out
International setting 1969
- international position of U.S was clearly in decline
- had over half million troops in Vietnam fighting a destructive war that was producing tremendous domestic turmoil
Frustration and failure in Vietnam
- Soviets had taken advantage of JOhnson's obsession with saving S. Vietnam
- while U.S was pouring resources into Vietnam, Soviets engaged in building up of nuclear forces in effort to gain equality with the U.S
- by 1969 achieved this
- soviet leaders felt very confident about positions
- arrogantly issued Breshnev doctrine that proclaimed they would use force whenever necessary to keep empire intact
- despite hostile relations between soviet union and china- U.S chinese relations remained bitter
- middle east- U.S strengthened relationship with Israel during Johnson's presidency and 6 day war
Egypt and Syria
- major soviet states
- Nixon and Kissinger were coming into power at a very challenging time
- their broad objective was to stop the U.S decline relative to the Soviet Union, they were determined to restore American's confidence, help nation regain its balance and improve international position
problem with Vietnam
- most urgent problem was war in Vietnam
- while kissinger believed that Johnson's administrations commitment to war had been mistake, he also believed this point was no longer relevant
- 1/2 million troops made preservation of S. Vietnam important to U.S
- line of reasoning continued that Nixon administration couldn't afford to withdraw but would seek "honorable peace"
Violence and Disengagement
- clearly misguided and highly unfortunate
- first 3 years in power, honorable peace was same as Johnson Administration
- preservation of independent, non communist S. vietnam
-efforts to achieve this assumed 3 part strategy
3 part strategy
1. increase military pressure against enemy, escalating bombing of N. Vietnam and extending war into Cambodia where enemy had established sanctuaries
2. turn ground war over to S. Vietnamese forces, called Vietnamization, would enable president to withdraw U.S soliders and quiet critics of war
3. try to convince soviet union and china to stop sending supplies to N. Vietnam as a condition of improved relations with U.S
- strategy simply didnt work
- N. Vietnamese and Vietcong were formidible and absolutely determined to achieve their goals of unifying vietnam under communist government whatever the costs
- soviet union and China didnt want to improve relations, neither was going to go as far as to stop suplying north Vietnam
- sent message to N. Vietnam that time was on their side with decision that U.S wante to pull out troops
presidental elections 1922
- heaviest bombings
- year when U.S and Kissinger neogtiating in Paris, the U.S abandoned it's demand for mututal withdrawal from S. Vietnam
- instead agreed U.S troops would be withdrawn while N. Vietnamese troops could stay
- Although S. Vietnam would be different country, it's survival would be precarious
Paris Peace Accords 1973
- Kissinger and N. Vietnamese counterpart signed
- said Nixon and Kissinger had undermined U.S credibility and American's willingness to undertake commitment
- dragged on for 4 years
- although successes were notable
Dramatic reversal in U.S China Policy
- worried that Soviets might want to conquer China
- played 2 powers off each other in triangular democracy
-Nixon and Kissinger reversed longstanding refusal to dealing with communist government in China
-Kissinger secretly visited China to lay groundwork
- Developement of friendship between him and Zhou Enlai
- Discussed many issues despite wide cultural gulf
- had similar interests, both pragmatists rather than ideologues
- in wake of Kissinger's visit, Nixon went himself to institute new friendlier relations
Nixon's trip in Feb 1972
- meeting with Mao was sight many thought they would never see
for a time being they agreed to disagree
- landslide election for Nixon in 1972 was due to this
- Nixon and kissinger realized that most important relations was with one other superpower the Soviet Union
Seeking stability in U.S Soviet relations
- strove to find ways to stablize power relationship and curve their expansionism
- most crucial of all was to reduce possibility of U.S soviet nuclear war that could destroy both countries and probably whole planet
- Terms kissinger used were linkage and detente
- all aspects of U.S soviet relations were to be seen as part of a package
- if the soviets wanted to borrow money and purchase products from U.S and if they didnt want new U.S China relationship to become too friendly, didnt want U.S to make agreement to limit nuclear weapons then they would have to do things like help U.S extricate from Vietnam and cooperate for stability in problem spots like the middle east
- tradeoffs and agreements coming from linkage would lead to detente
- detente, relaxtion of U.S and Soviet tensions
- amounted to adapting U.S position in world to gains Soviets made during war
- Vietnam provided soviets will advantage to close power gap
- lower nuclears
- do all they could to defend and strengthen U.S interests in various places on the globe
- didn't do so badly
Salt I
- strategic arms limitation talks
- idea behind it was to stabilize nuclear balance of terror between 2 superpowers
- mutual assured destruction
- ABM agreement
-froze bases of launching missles for 5 years
Nixon Doctrine
- terrible experience in Vietnam prompted this
- proclaomed hence forward the U.S wouldnt send large numbers of ground forces to fight in defense of friendly countries
- would supply money and airpower but would expect friendly countries to bear brunt of fighting
- ex: Vietnamization
Middle East
- Iran and Israel became 2 most important Nixon doctinre countries
- Israel had been threatened with anhiliation by Arab nations
- 6 day war it fought of extinction and seized Sinai peninsula from Egypt
Nixon felt that it was importnat to keep Israel well armed until surrounding nations accept it
Jordan Crisis
- occured with Syria, backed by Soviets sent tanks into Jordan, in effort to overthrow American government in favor of Palestinian one
- U.S was still in Vietnam and coming directly to Jordan's defnse would have been difficult
- Nixon asked Israel to defend King Hussein's government on U.S behalf
- responded right away and confronted Syrian attackers
- Syria withdrew forces and ended the crisis
- Nixon and Kissinger saw this as working, Nixon doctrine and were both pleased
- Believing Israel had proved itself as good Cold War ally sent them more economic aid
Yom Kippur War in Oct. of 1973
- Lasted 3 weeks
- major confronation of cold war
- Nixon was drowning in Watergate scandal
- what he wanted was a stalemate that would restore pride of arabs but leaving Israel in control of most of the land it had seized in 6 days war
- after he would try to convince Egypt's presidency that American diplomacy offered Egypt a better recovery of property than Soviet sponsored war
- Once Israel's preserved army was revealed, war turned into their favor
- Israel using weapons quickly, but Soviets were replenshing arms to Egypt
- Kissinger instead pushed them to seize fire by Egypt refused to go along
-Kissinger launched airlift to Israel with weaponry and defeated Egypt
- Brezhnev said he would bring Soviet troops in
- Kissinger said to put all nuclear arms ready for use and Soviets withdrew from threat to intervene
- Yom Kippur and cold war then came to an end while Israel had won against Syria and left them into small pieces of Sinai as Kissinger had intended
- claimed Kissinger had steered Yom Kippur war to an end
- he was just getting started he proceeded to travel between Arab capitals to stabilize cease fire and lay ground work for peace negotiations in process that became known as shuttle diplomacy
shuttle diplomacy
- stabilize cease fire and lay ground work for peace negotiations
- Sinai II- on road to peace treaty between Israel and Egypt
- Called Egypt most popular and strongest Arab country, moved them into U.S orbit and out of Soviet orbit
- huge success for Kissinger who believed soviets violated detente by supporting Arabs in war
Constructive era in U.S diplomatic history
- there were mistakes but record is very commendable
- detente with soviets despite problems did contribute to stabilization of dangerous relations
- Kissinger's management in Arab/Israeli conflict advanced negotiations and bought later peace treaties
- opening to China was bold innovative and well concieved
- U.S conditons were better after he was around than before
- Reagan's secretary of state
- Carter stood alone on cold war presidents, only one who had doubts
- he was affected by Vietnam syndrome
Vietnam syndrome and Jimmy Carter
- those affected by Vietnam syndrome didnt know whether the Soviets were a threat
- said that U.S military was problematic
- carter ridiculed what he referred to as Americans fear of communists, felt cold war had been big misunderstanding
Vance and Brzezinkski
- 2 conflicting advisors
- Vance emphasized negotiatons and concessions, downplayed military strength
Foreign policy
- beacuse of advisors got confused foriegn policy that hostile nations as well as American's themselves couldnt understand
- his subdued speaking style gave impression that he lacked confidence in America's future
Carter's major successes
1. carrying forward Kissinger's policies
2. panama canal treaties
3. egypt- israel peace treaty
Panama canal treaties
- negotiated by Theodore Roosevelt, guaranteed permanent U.S control of Panama canal
- carter signed Panama canal reaties in 1977
- called for immediate transfer of Panama canal zone, including management of canal itself
- U.S would defend canal against outside threats
Egypt- Israel peace treaty
- 2nd triumph
- first ever treaty of peace between Israel and Arab state
- influence of Kissinger's work
- entered Presidency to reject Kissinger's approach to Middle East
- Neither carter or Brzezinksi favored Israel
- Abandoning Kissinger's effort to exclude Soviet union from Arab-Israeli diplomacy
- Carter administration issued joint statement with Soviet Union regarding middle east, egyptian presidentcy got nervous
- In Nov. 1977, Saddat, pre-empted Carter by flying to Jerusalem to speak with Israeli leaders
-Saddat was ready to make peace with Israel which foreced Carter to pursue Kissinger approach
- peace agreement was brokered by the U.S
- once carter adopted Kissinger's approach he was successful
finished job by helping to construct Egypt- Israel peace treaty
- Sinai peninsula transferred in stages from Egypt to Israel and demilitarized
Full diplomatic relations with China
- in 1978 he carried forward Kissinger's work
- terminate former links to Taiwan
- establish full diplomatic relations with China in Jan 1979
pledged the U.S would help Taiwan defend itself in event of Chinese agression
Salt II
- Carter wanted it to be altered
- wanted nuclear arsenals to be cut
- Soviet Leadership preferred to stick with original statement
- eventually he agreed to remain at original limits
- when Soviet union invaded Afganistan Carter withdrew treaty from teh Senate
Soviet expansionism
- Soviets took advantage of Carter's weakness to expand
- in S. Africa they consolidated control over angola where 10s of thousands of cuban troops propped up Soviet Regime
In eastern africa, won control of ethiopia, former U.S client
- In western hemisphere prosoviet governments came to power
- S east asia unified vietnam was major soviet dependency
soviet invasion of afganistan ended Carter's acquiesense in Soviet expanision
Afganistan and Carter Doctrine
- carter doctrinw, use any means necessary to defend Persian gulf against soviet attack
- ended detente
Carter and Human rights
- long term effects harder to judge
- short term not success
- one place where policy may have contributed to major setback was Iran
Iranian revolution of 1979 and Hostage crisis
- spoke out against Iran's human rights crisis and thretening to halt sale of arms to them
- although he later reaffirmed relation with shah, islamic revolutionary movemtn picked up steam
- in jan of 1979 shah gave up radical virulent anti-american regime took over
- nov 1979 after sha was permitted to U.S for cancer treamtne
-Iranians stormed U.S embassy and seized dozens of Americans
revolutionary iranian government in gross violation, 53 American hostages and held for more than 5 months
many americans blammed carter
Cambodian horror and disgrace
- cambodian leader slaughtered well over 2 million
all military invention by outside power would have been justified
- poltiical the u.s couldnt play role after Vietnam
- ironically took invasion of cambodia by vietname to dispose command rouge and end carnage
U.S response to occupation of cambodia by vietnam was cynical
vietnam was soviet client
Brezinksy convinced carter to side with China anad recognized command rouge as legitimate government of Cambodia
made mocker of carters human rights crusades
Ronald Reagans strenghts and shortcomings
- possessed some qualities that would be assets
- believed deeply in America
- an uplifiting change for country recoverying from Vietnam
still recovering from incompetence of carter administration
staff did its best from imoproptu meetins and unscripted press conferecnes, knew little of foriegn policy issues and confused about what he thought he knew
- deficiencies didnt both the president, profound ignorance of international relations and self delusion
- needed help in area of foriegn policy
poor judge and manager of people - reqularly appointed people to freign policy decisions without considereing their abiltiy
Bureaucratic chaos
- only 8th year was Shultz able to exercise complete control
- forced out, lasted only a year and a half as secretary of state
- he had rough edge personality and arrogant demeanor
- lack of skills needed
- found choatic disorder of Reagan intolerable
- made contributions
George Shultz
- secretary of state, key figure
- accounts for foriegn policy successes
- serious and capable statesman who forged effective diplomacy
- before becoming secretary of state he fought in WWII and earned PH.D in economics, served as Preisdent of huge international cooperation
came into state department very knowledgeable about ceontemporary world and it's history
- capable of rigorious rational thinking, mult-national issues
- set very high ethical standards for own personal and professional conduct
was mentally tough and could think clearly under pressue, keen understanding of American interests under his ear and could prioritize those interests
reagan could n
Shultz and phillipines
- corrupt pro american regime of Marcos in Phillipines, his regime was clearly decaying
- pressure from within and out agreed to hold elections
- he lost deicisvely to his charismatic pro-democaracy component -
- he tried to steal election and Shult believed that U.s was required to support democracy and through Marcos might force americans to abandon military bases on island
- reagan was reluctant to break with marcos Shutlz worked with him to change his mind and support legitimate claim to victor
his rlationship with reagna badly straing but shultz saw stakes as enormous so he kept at it
- was planner of U.S military force in reagans presidency
U.s military action in Grenada and Libya
- Grenada invaded and overthrow raidical regime, eliminated potential new soviet base
- Libya ruler, soviet client and leading sponsor of terror
April 5th 1996- bombed discotech in west berlin, series of air strikes launched from british bases against libyan targets
had affect on taming them and bolstering ant- terrorism message shultz had been trying to send for years
- later that same year 1986 revolutions of Iran contral scandal undercut U.S terrorism policy and almost destroyed regans presidency