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63 Cards in this Set

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Mayflower compact

signed agreement to ensure peace between two groups carried by Mayflower ship to America. It established a model of self ruled small-town Base government that was adopted throughout the New England colonies

The belief that the United States should control all of North America

Manifest Destiny

Most important reason the Westward expansion occurred


Cultural diffusion

the movement of cultural ideas or materials between populations independent of the movement of those populations.

Which u.s. founding father is credited with founding the Federalist Party

Alexander Hamilton

What does suffrage mean

The right to vote

The catastrophic 1972 Summer Olympics in which terrorists killed 11 Israeli athletes was held in?


Israel border countries

Jordan Lebanon Egypt

Put civil rights historical events in order:

Economist who advocated government intervention to prevent and remedy recessions and depressions was:

John Maynard Keynes

Latin America

Everywhere in the Americas that Spanish or Portuguese is predominantly spoken including south of the United States and the Caribbean

Which supreme Court ruling was the first to strike down a state law as unconstitutional?

Fletcher vs. Peck

The ruling mandated at the state of Georgia can repeal a corrupt land-grant previously made

What initial principles of Jacksonian democracy changed most overtime?

Strict constructionism

Belgium a country considered to be behind the iron curtain and post world war II Europe


Which ancient civilization were warlike and aggressive due to highly organized military that use a horse-drawn chariots


Which ancient civilization were sea traders well known for their manufacturing skills and glass and metals and the development of their famous purple dye?


The process of putting the features of the Earth onto a flat surface is called...


What type of map show the shape of the land surface for example flat rugged are steep

Relief maps

Elevated land forms that usually level on top or known as:


First ten amendments to the US Constitution

Bill of Rights

This article was adopted on November 15th 1777, creating a league of free and independent states

Articles of confederation

This is considered to be the first modern document that sought to limit the power of the state of authority

Magna Carta

1215 England drafted under King John

This is the petition addressed to King Charles the first by the British Parliament in 1628:

Petition of Right

Parliament demanded the cessation of housing soldiers & sailors in a home of private citizens and also stopping impossible new taxes without its consent

the area of the United States was effectively doubled through purchase of the Louisiana territory under which president

Thomas Jefferson

Purchase from France in 1803

international organization established to work for world Peace at the end of the second world war

the United Nations

Why is the system of government in the United States referred to as a federal system

There are different levels of government.

the United States is composed of 50 states, each responsible for his own affairs, but United under a federal government.

This is considered to be the first modern document that sought to limit the power of the state of authority

Magna Carta

Interpretations of historical materials are also called...

Secondary sources

These sources can also be biased or lack accurate information

Democracy was first established in Greece where education was valued and political theory debated


How old is earth

The Earth is estimated to be approximately 4.5 billion years old

Prehistory - is divided into three periods

Paleolithic - old Stone age, lived in small groups and used tools.

Mesolithic, middle Stone age... domesticated plants

Neolithic, new stone age period, engaged in systematic agricultural practices

Roman Catholicism, Eastern orthodoxy, and protestanism, are the three major branches of what religion


A major feature of the Aztec society in Mexico was human sacrifice Aztec government was centralized we've been elected king and a large army


What is the black death

The plague, also called the Black death, was a rampant pandemic of the middle ages it was carried by fleas in on rats the disease arrived in Europe in 1347 invite 1358 kill 25 to 40% of the European population as well as about 1/4 of the world's population

Between 1618 and 1648 European powers for the series of war what was The war called

The 30-year war

Industrial revolution

transition when machines begin to significantly replace human and animal power and methods of producing and distributing goods.

Karl Marx

Father of communism

German scholar who wanted to replace utopian hopes and dreams with a militant blueprint for socialist working-class success

Basically, Marxists believe that governments should be used to prevent individuals from controlling and monopolizing economic prosperity. Because of this, Marxism is directly contradictory to capitalism, which supports a free market economy controlled by individual producers and consumers.In fact, Marxism was intentionally developed as an alternative to capitalism, which Marx and Engels saw as ruining Western society in the industrialized and unregulated world of child labor, income inequality, and monopolies that was the 19th century. It was a compelling idea, and one that reshaped the world.Karl Marx and Friedrich EngelsMarx and EngelsBasic GoalsWhile Marxism is a pretty complex ideology, we can boil its goals down to two basic ideas:1. Marxism aims to expose the contradictions of capitalism.Marx and Engels believed that capitalist ideologies were misleading, meant to keep workers submissive. For example, the free market was described as a democratic institution, one of the people, but is built to benefit individuals above the collective good.Basically, the workers spend their time and labor to produce goods, but the free market (not the workers) determines the value of their work. As a result, the workers are alienated from society because their labor is appropriated by the market, a process that also alienates the other social classes from the humanity of the workers.2. Marxism is meant to introduce a pathway for the creation of a communist society.A communist society is one in which the means of production are taken away from individuals and controlled by the collective (represented by the state). Communism is an alternative to the free market system, something with which Marx and Engels could replace capitalism. The two were not meant to coexist.ClassTo explore these ideas, Marxism is focused on the idea of social class, which it defines as a group of people categorized by their role in the economy, and specifically their relationship to the production of goods.In the capitalist society of the 19th century, Marx and Engels identified two primary social classes (each with minor divisions within it).At the top are the Bourgeoisie, the people who own the means of production. These are the business owners, factory managers, and other people who do not actually make anything but oversee those who do.The opposite class is the Proletariat, the workers who actually produce things.Marx and Engels felt that capitalism kept the proletariat oppressed by the bourgeoisieproletariatsClass is the most important unit of human society to Marxism, and so all of human history can be explained through the struggle between social classes. Marx specifically identified five eras in human history.The Five ErasFirst was the era of ''primitive communism'', when the first human societies shared and benefited equally from the products of everyone's labor. Next came the ''Ancient Epoch'', where slavery was introduced and economies were split between the exploited slave who worked and the owners who did not.That eventually turned into a ''Feudal Society'', where the peasantry worked, but all the benefits of their labor went to the landowning aristocracy and nobility. That relationship evolved into a ''Capitalist Society'', where technological changes let the bourgeoisie exploit the proletariat.However, since the bourgeoisie do not actually own or control the proletariat the way masters owned slaves or nobles controlled peasants, capitalism allowed for the creation of greater freedom and the expansion of political rights.

Monroe Doctrine

After the revolution. 1823

That the people in the American hemisphere were henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European

On April 14th 1865 President Lincoln was shot in the back of the head while watching a play in Ford's theater in Washington dc


Freedmen's bureau

1865 Congress created the Freedmen's bureau to provide food clothing and education to former slaves and to look after their interest

Civil Rights act of 1866

Passed by Congress. Declared that all citizens born in the United States are regardless of race equal citizens under the law

15th amendment

Gave the vote to black men

Construction of the Panama canal begin in 1904 under President Roosevelt ended in 1914

Panama canal

Who was president at the start of world war 1

Woodrow Wilson


When did the Holocaust begin

the Holocaust, the systematic ethnic cleansing, begin about 1933 and continue to the end of world war II in 1945 during this. Adolphe Hitler was a German leader

Vietnam war took place in late 60's to early 70s.


Civil Rights act of 1964

Bans discrimination on the basis of race color or national origin

Title 9 of the education amendments 1972... Prohibits what?

Discrimination on the basis of sex

The three British documents that were important to creating the US Constitution

Magna Carta, petition of Rights, and the Bill of Rights

Six basic principles of the Constitution

Equality of states, three branches of government, each person richer poorer is equal before the law, no person is above the law, ability to change the government by altering the Constitution, Constitution as the highest law of the land.

What are the criteria for becoming a u.s. president

Be a natural-born US citizen, be a resident of the United States for at least 14 years, be at least 35 years old

Who is widely regarded as the father of the US Constitution?

James Madison

Credit unions are owned by the people who puts money in them


The great Awakening focus on what


What was the result of the treaty of Paris of 1782

Declared America independent

Conic cylindrical and elevated are map types

Map types

Where was the first great human civilization located

The first great human civilization was the Sumerian civilization which was located in Mesopotamia

Keynesian economics is based on what notion that government can stimulate the economy through...

taxation, adjustment of interest rates, and the funding of public projects.

Articles of confederation

Formally established the name of the United States of America, allocate one vote to each state in the Congress, maintain every power jurisdiction and right which is not by this confederation

The greatest contributions of the Romans include language, engineering, building, law, government, roads, trade, and the pax Romana

Contributions and accomplishments of the Romans


demography includes the analysis of a population on the basis of such ideas as age, parentage, physical condition, race, occupation, or civil position, given the actual size and density of each separate area and changes in a population as a result of birth marriage and death

Judiciary act

allowed for the organizing of the supreme Court of the United States and establishing a system of federal courts of inferior jurisdiction

The Emancipation Proclamation, or Proclamation 95, was a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by United States President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863. It changed the federal legal status of more than 3.5 million enslaved African Americans in the designated areas of the South from slave to free. WikipediaDate: January 1, 1863
