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25 Cards in this Set

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Social Psychology is
the scientific investigation of how the thoughts, feelings and behaviours of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined or implied presence of others.
The social cognitive theories attempt to explain behaviour in terms of the way people actively
interpret and represent their experiences then plan their action.
What are the 5 research methods used in social psychology?
1. qualitative studies
2. correlational studies
3. field studies
4. lab experiements
5. field experiments
Qualitative studies are descriptions of social events
to develop theories/hypothesis to explain them.
A correlational study is the measurement of the
relationships between social behavioural events
Field studies are the measurement of
real life events without manipulation variables or intruding
Lab experiments are the manipulation and control of
social contexts to assess the causal nature of events.
Field experiments are the manipulation of variables in
real life settings to asses validity.
In correlational studies internal validity is ______ as ________ cannot be established.
In correlational studies such as surveys and case studies the results can be biased as participants can suffer from
evaluation apprehension
In a laboratory experiment one draw back is that social variables are
not easily measured and manipulated.
In a laboratory experiment causality ____ be established and replication is ______.
In laboratory experiments external validity may be
threatened due to lack of ecological validity.
What are 2 ways that lab experimenters can reduce bias?
1. minimising demand characteristics such as evaluation apprehension and social desirability
2. using a double blind experiment design.
In lab experiments internal validity may be threatened due to
demand characteristics and social desirability.
To increase ecological validity problems and reduce demand characteristics most social psych experiments use
Field experiments are conducted in the _______ _______ and _______ remain unaware of any _______ or direct _______.
natural environment;
In field experiments social cognitive processors must be
inferred from overt behaviour.
Field experiments are higher in ecological validity because they eliminate
demand characteristics
What are the 5 levels of analysis in social psychology?
1. Individual/intrapersonal
2. Interpersonal
3. Group
4. Inter-group
5. Societal
Analysis at the individual level studies
a persons thoughts, feelings, intentions and behaviours.
Analysis at the interpersonal level examines
the relationships and communication between two people.
Analysis at the group level studies
processes operating in defined groups
Analysis at the intergroup level studies the
processes between defined groups
Analysis at the societal level is the psychological analysis of
social and political processes and social norms.