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48 Cards in this Set

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What is true regarding attitudes?

-largely learned

-can foster love/hate

-can be predictive of behavior

-enduring behavioral/cognitive tendencies

People look for models based in part on what?
similarity of yourself
In a two side argument, the communicator recounts the oppositions arguments in order to ....?

What are love languages?

-words of affirm

-quality time

-receiving gifts

-acts of services

-physical touch

Which of the following may be experienced as a part of deindividuation?


-diffusion of responsibility


-focus on emerging group norms rather than own values

Based on opinions of others, which of the following age groups changed the most?
The factors that influence the effectiveness of persuasion include..



-trustworthiness of communicator

-attractiveness of communicator

What is the key in the development of group thinking
dynamic leader
What are the elements in the triangular model of love?




which of the following love languages includes positive verbalizations?

words of affirmation

Which element of persuasion involves following the lead of similar others?
the immediate environment in which a persuasive message sent is ...... of the message?
in regards to prejudice the level linked to expectations that member of the target group will behave poorly is the...
cognitive level
the factor in the triangular love model that includes a couples closeness, mutual concern, and the sharing of feelings and resources is...
in social perception the tendency to evaluate other in terms of first impressions is the...
primary effect
an assumption or belief about why people behave in a certain way is referred to as..
attribution theory
in attribution theory the tendency to ascribe our success internal, dispositional factors, but our failures to external situations factor is...
self-serving bias
the decision making scheme often used when there is no single objectively correct decision is the..
majority rule
the group behavior in which there is a failure to make a significant effort because others have made or making such an effort is referred to as..
social loafing
a state in which people are willing to follow a norm that emerges in a specific situation even if it means ignoring their own values is referred to as...
what theorists believe that consciousness and choice play a key role in aggression?
social cognitive theorist
the hormone most attached to aggression is
factors that increase the likelihood of conformity include all of the following..

-collectivist society

-desire to be liked

-low self esteem

-social shyness

-lack of familiarity

in the Milgram study ...% of participants administered shocks of 450 volts
for reference participants in the Millgram study were administered a ... volt shock
the attribution which involves ascribing a person's behavior to internal factors such as personality traits and free will
dispositional attributions
in the triangular love model the type of love combining all three elements is...
consummate love
the type of love that may turn obsessive is
marrying someone in our neighborhood is due to ..... the state of being close to someone
according to the 2010 census only ...% of people marry outside of their race
people who have .......... of education are more likely to marry outside of their race
higher level
the ....... hypothesis states that people are more likely to develop romantic relationships with those similar to themselves
attraction similarity

the aspects of female attractiveness which seem to be cross cultural include all of the following..

large eyes

high cheekbones

narrow jaw

the source of prejudice in which we learn to like or dislike groups is

social learning

.... is any behavior based on prejudice
a persons behavior that is inconsistent with her beliefs is using ..




an audience is more likely to be persuaded if which one of the following characteristics is present?
high social anxiety and low self esteem
when people avoid information that counters their views they are employing what strategy?
selective avoidance
the route of persuasion that inspires thoughtful consideration of arguments and evidence is the .... route
developing attitudes through direct experiences is considered .....
predicting behavior based on attitudes is effected by all of the following factors...

strength of attitude

vested interest


according to the video, the science of persuasion, people tend to look for .... to use in making decisions due to our overload lives
according to the video, confronting cognitive dissonance, people are willing to change their belief or even their ...... to achieve consonance
perception of reality
according to the video, the science of attraction- familiar faces, ....... hypothesis states that repeated exposure to something will increase its perceived value
mere exposure
in the video Attraction: the matching game, researchers found that people chose partners who had a .... level of attractiveness


one of the rule of thumbs used in persuasion is ..... which looks and asks for commitments that can be made
when people experiencing cognitive dissonance are confronted with information that counters their belief they may become ....
a proportional face indicates that the body is well prepared to ...
fight off infection