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55 Cards in this Set

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A condition marked by low levels of hostility and aggression and by mutually beneficial relationships.


A perceived incompatibility of actions or goals.

Divergence of Interest

Social trap (self-interest and collective-interest

Discontinuity Effect

People are more competitive and less cooperative in a group context

Social Dilemmas...

Include mixed motives and interests and underlie various problems

2-Party Prisoner's Dilemma

Both confess= 5 years each

Both deny= 1 year each

One confesses, one denies= 0 years for confessor, 10 years for denier

Tragedy of the Commons

Depletion of shared resources because individuals consume more than is necessary to sustain them.

Relative Deprivation

The perception that one is less well-off than others with whom one compares oneself.

Sherif's Boys' Camp Experiment

Showed group polarization and was similar to Lord of the Flies between the two groups

Changing payoffs to resolve social dilemmas...

Helps resolve conflict

Mirror-image Perceptions

Reciprocal views of each other often held by parties in conflict.

Deutch & Kruss trucking game

The truckers would rather take the long way than work together to open the gaits because they feel threatened by the other's success

Conflict Escalation

Use of progressively more contentious tactics (negative attitudes, dehumanizing other party, deindividuating the other party, blaming the other party).

Conflict Resolution: Antecedent

Ripeness (motivation to escape conflict escalation, hurting stalemate, and an enticing opportunity)

Conflict Resolution: Communication

Bargaining, mediation, arbitration, autocratic decision making


A neutral third-party offers suggestions to the parties that allow each party to make concessions and still save face


Having a mediator make the final decision

GRIT steps

1. Someone decides they want to deescalate a conflict and propose an initiative to do so

2. Initiative is carried out as proposed

3. Other party makes a more cooperative move and then the initiator and so on

Health Belief Model

Beliefs concerning effectiveness and consequence of a particular action determine whether one would act

Health Psychology

The study of the psychological roots of health and illness.

Downstream vs. upstream approaches to health

Downstream: individual

Upstream: environment


Natural and human-induced disasters

Significant life changes

Negative and happy life changes

Chronic daily hassles

Micro-stressors like crowding and pollution

General Adaptation Syndrome phases

Alarm, resistance, and exhaustion

Depressive Explanatory Style

. Failure is stable (it's going to last)

. Failure is global (I'm ruined)

. Failure is internal (it's my fault) and

Signal Detection Theory in the clinic

Illusory Correlation

Believing two things are associated when they really aren't

Confirmation Bias

Finding what you want to find that confirms your theory

Hindsight Bias

"I should have known"

Vicious cycle of depression

Seligman's explanation for depression

A rise in individualism and concomitant decline in commitment to common good

Minimizing wrongful convictions based on faulty eyewitness testimony

. Allow witnesses to give own answers first

. Practice with false lineup

. Reinstate the context

. Instant recognition vs. elimination

Signal Detection Theory of trials

Media effects

. Influence on specific cases

. Perceptions of crime prevalence

Bad interrogation...

. Leading questions

. Creation of false memories

Voir dire

A preliminary examination of a witness or a juror by a judge or counsel (to eliminate bias)

Death-qualified jurors are...

. More concerned with crime control than due process of law

. Authoritarian

. Rigid

. Punitive

. Closed to mitigating circumstances

. Contemptuous of the lower class

Misinformation effect

Post-event information changes the memory

Certainty and eyewitness accuracy are...


Dunning and Stern instant recognition vs. elimination

Instant recognition = more accurate

Eyewitness testimony

Makes conviction rate skyrocket

Recalling minute details & perception of eyewitness

Makes them seem more reliable to jury, but they may not be remembering the important details

Jury consensus building

. Encourages juries to consider info more carefully

. Minority can exert influence

Importance of 12-person jury

. To forestall excessive conformity pressures

. To ensure representation of minority groups

Things that work in the defendant's favor

. Similarities to jury

. Attractiveness

Judge's instructions

Make information to be ignored more influential

Population Crowding

Subjective feeling that there are too many people in a given space

Population Density

Number of people in a given space

Natural environmental disasters

. Global warming -> Greenhouse gasses

. Acid rain -> Destroying plants and marine life

. Industrial pollutants -> Urban smog

. Toxic waste -> Poor countries

. Pollution -> 1/3 people will get cancer

Human environmental disasters

. High crime rate -> Poverty & neglect

. Drug violence -> Economic & social situations

. Crumbling schools and reduction of workforce pool

. Overpopulation -> Resource depletion

Affluence and happiness

The more you have, the less happy you are

Promoting environmentalism

. Attitude change through education

. Changing payoff matrix

. Hypocrisy induction: dissonance

. Feedback provision

Toward sustainability and survival

. Close, supportive relationships

. Faith communities

. Positive thinking habits

. Experiencing nature

. Flow

Speth's role of identity in environmentalism

. Positive view of future generations

. Acknowledgement of our interdependency

. Valuing relational and spiritual wellbeing