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60 Cards in this Set

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Social cognition
what is the influence of human interactions on behavior
Causal attributions
what makes you act that way
what makes someone else act that way
Situational attributions
ex) it was so hot outside that he lost his temper
Dispositional attributions
ex) he is a naturally irate person
ex) North America
:people more likely to use dispositional attributions
ex) Japan
:people more likely to use situational attributions
Fundamental attribution error
the difference between how we look our own behavior vs. others' behaviors
Cognitive schemas
shortcuts, usage to explain behavior
one type of schematic thinking
Out-group homogeneity effect
ex) all artists are alike, but we scientists are SUCH a diverse group
Confirmation biases
ex) see, all those artists dress weirdly
Self-fulfilling prophecies
you are what you believe
you act in accordance with the belief of others
:a phenomenon whereby observers bring about what they expect to percceive
Stereotype threat
you act in accordance with beliefs about group
to use stereotypes when we judge
"Robbers cave" experiment
devided 12 years-old boys into 2 groupes and treats differently
=competition increases prejudice
=cooperation decreases prejudice
belief, feeling, predisposition to act in a certain way
Central route to persuasion
we attend to the message, the message-bearer, and make decision accordingly
Peripheral route to persuation
context in which information is given is capable of determining our attitude
Cognitive dissonance
we try to justify our own behavior - if we cannot, we experience it between beliefs and actions
Self-perception theory
the idea of how we think about ourselves and how we change ourselves
Milgram's experiments
series of experiments which test obedience run that have influenced decades of thought and follow-up studies
:devide people into two groups (teacher and students) and teachers give shock if students cannot answer
Norm of reciprocity
we feel compelled to comply when someone has helped us in the past
door in the face
large, unfulfilled request followed by smaller request
"that's-not-all" technique
initially unreasonable amount seems better when something added in
ex) tv shopping
Social loafing
ex) people work less hard in groups
:the tendency for people to expend less effort when in a group than alone
others' presence make our behavior less responsible
:disinhibited, cruel, vicious
:a phenomenon that occurs when immersion in a group causes people to become less aware of their individual values
The Stanford prison study
random assigment of "prisoner" and "guard"
="guard" became sadistic
="prisoner" began to experience full psychological breakdowns
The Bystander Effect
our understanding of the situation influences our decisions on acting or not acting
Pluralistic ignorance
if others are not doing anything, probably nothing needs to be done
Diffusion of responsibility
if there are more people, people feel less responsible
:the tendency for individuals to feel less diminished responsibility for their actions when they are surrounded by others who are acting the same way
people like that which is familiar, and it increases familiarity
something they put value such as race, ethnic origin, social/educational backgroung, income, religion strongly affect choice in marital partner
the three features of love
Romantic love
a "wildly emotional state" tender and sexual feelings, elation and pain, anxiety and relief, altruism and jealousy...
Companionate love
"gender state of affairs" after romantic love:
result in dislike/indifference
behavior whose purpose is to harm another
Frustration-aggression principle
a principle stating that people aggress when their goals are thwarted
behavior by two or more individuals that leads to mutual benefit
behavior that benefits another without benefiting oneself
Kin selection
the process by wihich evolution selects for genes that cause indiviuduals to provide benefits to their relatives
Reciprocal altruism
behavior that benefits another with the expectation that those benefits will be returned in the future
Bystander intervention
the act of helping strangers in an emergency situation
Group polarization
the tendency for a group's initial learning to get stronger over time
Mere exposure effect
the tendency for liking to increase with the frequency of exposure
Social exhange
the hypothesis that people remain in relationships only as long as they perceive a favorable ratio of costs to benefits
Comparison level
the cost-benefit ratio that people believe they deserve or could attain in another relationship
a state of affairs in which the cost-benefit ratios of two partners are roughly equal
Social influence
the control of one person's behavior by another
Observational learning
learning that occurs when one person observes another person being reqarded or punished
a customary standard for behavior that is widely shared by members of a culture
Normative influence
a phenomenon whereby one person's behavior is influenced by another person's behavior because the later provides information about what is appropriate
the tendency to do what others do simply because others are doing it
Informational influence
a phenomenon whereby a person's behavior is influences by another person's behavior because the latter provides information about what is good or true
a phenomenon that occurs when a person's attitudes or beliefs are influenced by a communication from another person
Systematic persuasion
a change in attitudes or beliefs that is brought about by appeals to reason
Heuristic persuasion
a change in attitudes or beliefs that is brought about by appeals to habit or emotion
Perceptual confirmation
a phenomenon that occurs when observers perceive what they expect to perceive
an inference about the cause of a person's behavior
Correspondene bias
the tendency to make adispositional attribution even when a person's behavior was caused by the situation
Actor-observer effect
the tendency to make situational attributaions for our own behavios while making dispositional attributions for the identical behavior of others