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46 Cards in this Set

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Social Pschology
Scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another
Situational Forces
Often underestimated, can have a powerful effect on behavior
Subjective perceptions of reality
Construels come from 2 basic motives
Competence(need to be right)
Self Esteem(Need to be liked)
Triplett Bicycle Races (theory of dynamogenesis
Presence of others liberates latent energy(Social facilitation) heightens performence.
Integrated set of principles that explain and predict observed phenomena
Predict specific results
>Provide criteria
>GIve direction to research
Theory is sufficiently precise that one can imagine some evidence that would contradict the theory. Can be proven wrong
Prediction is
Key in science
Hindsight Bias
I knew it all along effect
Name of game in Wall Street Game
Effected competition levels dramatically
Naturalistic Observation
Study of behavior or mental processes in natural environments. No controlled observation
Survey Methods
Study random sample, up to 1000 people.. Must be 95% to be credible
Strategy for Research
Identify Pop of interest
Guard against sampling bias
Important Q's to ask about research
Who and How they were asked
**When evaluating a survey consider 4 factors
>Repressentativeness of sample
>Order or questions
>Response options supplied
>How are questions worded?
Correlation Method
Goal: Technique for determing the degree of relationship between two variables.
Correlation CoEfficient
-1 to 1 = perfect correlation in strength and direction
Measuring Desencitization
Amount of time
Amount of agression
Understanding a group or culture by observing it from the inside w/out imposing preconceived notions they may have
Experimental Method
Create lab. environment for causation).
Independant variable
Dependant variable
Internal Validity
Must keep everything the same or 3rd variable and reverse causality may occur.
Self fulfilling Prophecy
Ex. Horse example,
Rosenthal manipulates w.pre judging photos. **
Ethical Issues
Informed consent
Internal behavior aimed at causing physical/psychological pain.
Blowing off steam relieves agresssion..TorF?
Not true by any research
Defusing anger by?
Communication apology
Self disclusive
A subset of prosocial behavior...Voluntary act with no reward
Behavior includes any act of helping regardlessly of the helpers motivation
Bystander Effect
More people will cause people to do less to help..
Factors explaing Bystander Effect
Less Likely to:
>notive incident
>Interpret as emergency
>Assume responsibility
Difusion of responsibility
Responsibility is shared aboung bystanders=less responsibility/individual
Gender can cause a change in how we
Judge a situation or conflict between 2 people/
Social Exchange; MiniMax
Minimize loss's Maximize Gains
Quantitatively review of a number of studies
Mood's Effect on helping?
Good Mood improves helping percentage(penny example)
Increase helping by?
Upping responsibility.
Norm of Reciprocity
The expectation that helping others will increase the likelihood that they will help us in the future.
Batson: Empathy altruism hypothesis
When we feel empathy for another person, we will attempt to help the person for purely altruistic reasons.
3 Basic motives underlying prosocial behavior
>Evolutionary Psychology
>Social Exchange Theory
>Empathy alturism hypothesis.
Urban OVerload Hypothesis
People in large cities recieve more stimulus and keep to themselves.
Pluralistic Ignorance
Bystander assuming that nothing is wrong in an emergency because no one else looks concerned
Instrumental Aggression
Aggresion as a means to some goal other than causing pain (ex. football lineman)
Frustration-Aggression Theory
Perception that you are being prevented from attaining a goal increased probability of an aggressive response.
Social Learning THeory
We learn social behavior by observing others and imitating them... BOBO
Notion that blowing off steam relieves aggression