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88 Cards in this Set

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How many 90+ were there in 1980 and 2010?
in 1980- 720,000 people
in 2010- 1.9 million
How much is the rate of 90+ individuals expected to go up?
quadruple by 2050
On average today, how old are men living to/ women living to? And, what is the ratio of women to men today?
men- 75
women- 80

1 to 4 ratio of women to men
Prior to 1800, old age was not a social problem but rather a...., and today old age is a ....
rather a personal problem and today old age is a social problem
Social interaction
how words determine our thoughts and actions
STD rate for seniors
is high
All aspects of society function properly so that society is stable and cohesive and change is not needed. It is self-correcting.
Manifest Function
the intended function outcome. Example- the intended outcome of social security money is helping old people financhially
Latent Function
An offset of the manifest function, not the intended function but is created and beneficial. Example. 62,000 jobs are created through Social security agency
Latent Dysfunctions
creates red tape making it more difficult to get help, A negative
Conflict Perspective
social problems are outcomes of power arrangements. Dominant group exploits subordinate group which leads to crime because of inequality.
What does the dominant group over the subordinate group create?
social problems
How expensive are nursing homes per month
7,000 per month
Manifest function of nursing home
provide care for elderly
Latent function of nursing home
increases relationship between child and parent
Home health care
solution to save money
Sandwhich generation
Not only does child have to take care of their children, but they have to take care of elderly parent. A nursing home relieves stress because the child is able to fully take care of children and visit elderly parent.
Study by Pillemer and Moore = What percentage of staff witnessed physical abuse
Study by Pillemer and Moore = What percentage of staff witnessed psychological abuse?
Latent Dysfunction of Nursing Homes?
People often die, so, it's a depressing environment.
What is the crime of the 21st century and how expensive is it?
Elder Financhial abuse is $2.6 Billion/ annually
Mandatory Retirement age discrimination at what age? And who's right is it?
40 years old, and the Business has the right
American Association of Retired People (AARP) has how many members and does what?
has 40 million members and offers benefits.
Raging grannies
radical group of elderly who went to sign up for military
Crack house post has how many customers per week?
96 customers per week
Typical prostitute has how many customers per year and per week
694 customers per year and 16 per week
What is the average number of working years for prostitutes?
5 years
Up to 2009, indoor prostitution was legal in what state? and what was loophole?
Rhode Island, and, to have it be legal, it had to be indoors
Who tend to favor prostitutes?
white, male graduates, with high incomes
and 50-64 year old men
3 ways prostitution is an outlet for people
1) just got out of relationship
2) unsatisfied in marriage
3) men who don't want a long term relationship
Normal Sex
mainstream heterosexual monogamous sex. Meaning anything other than that is deviant.
Deviant Sex/ Behavior
Paraphilia : sexual arousal to objects, situations, or individuals that are not part of normative stimulation
achieves sexual gratification by inflicting pain
achieves sexual gratification by receiving pain
Elite Prostitutes
Call Girls- selective in choosing customers. Entrepreneurs
Corporate Prostitutes
specialize in conventions/ entrepreneurs
Parking Lot Lizards
truck stop prostitutes
Street Level Prostitutes
lowest status among prostitutes, most likely to be arrested, walk the streets in view of customers and police
Stage 1 of Becoming a prostitute: Drift Stage
going from casual sex to prostitution. Choices they make channel them towards prostitution. They have causal sex for about 4 years before they drift into prostitution.
Stage 2 of Becoming a prostitute: Transitional Role
Experience role ambivalence meaning that they are not sure that they want to become a prostitute, To get over it, they normalize what they are doing.
3rd Stage of becoming a prostitute: Professionalism
Becomes identity. They defend the selling of sex.
CT House Bill 5504
Newspapers and websites are criminally liable if they publish ads sexually exploiting minors. Can result in up to 10 years in prison and 10,000 in fines.
Child prostitution and free speech?
Child prostitution is NOT protected by free speech.
Top searches on internet:
teen sex and teen porn
Top key words and top cities:
key words: "Porn" "XXX" "Sex"
cities: Elmhurst, Illinois Meriden CT
What is the most popular day for watching porn?
Porn is the largest industry than microsofy, yahoo, ebay, good, and netflix...
Every minutes, how many people are watching porn?
2 million people
How many porn websites are there?
24 million
Every 39 minutes what happens (porn)
a new porn video is being made
Is more, less, or the same amount of men and women watching porn demographically?
Demographically, just as many women are watching porn as men
Oprah passed what ACt
Protect Our Child Act
how many children are being bought and sold annually
1/2 million
how many children worldwide are ensalved
27 million
How much did the Protect Our Child Act allocate in money?
320 million dollars
What are three things that the Protect Our Child Act Allocated?
1) law enforcement to protect child exploitation over a 5 year period
2) child protection equals top priority for law enforcement
3) funds for high tech computer programs to track predators
What did the Roth vs. U.S. case do in regards to porn?
materials are pornographic when they disrupt social standards and social value
What did the California vs. Miller case do in regards to porn?
Community standards are different from community to community
U.S. has become pornified because of what
What determines people's percepetions of what is and what is not porn?
Social Class
What did the Supreme Court decide in regards to "tastes" of different porn material?
That nudity (art) is not pornographic but stripteasing is pornograhic.
Donna Palumba - Law
Removed statue of limitations for sexual assault where there is DNA evidence
2002 Supreme Court Case- Ashcroft vs. Free Speech Coalition
ruled that it is legal to possess virtual child pornogrpahy because the child is not real and there is no victim..and impression that someone is under 18 years old (girlscout uniform)
What prosecutors must prove with child porn? Yale Professor.
Prosecutor must prove that images are real victims and not digital.
President Reagan: Meese Commission: 1980
concluded that pornogrpahy poses a serious threat to women because of a TRIGGER theory that assaults are preceeded by watching porn.
1970- National Comittee on Obsenity and Pornography showed:
Porn is not a threat to women because of the SAFETY VALUE theory meaning that there is no need to sexually assault women because porn fills that urge.
Today in our society, homosexuality is considered
a deviant in many areas. and there are sanctions against adult homosexuality in every society.
Until 1973 what did the DSM of American Psychiatric Assocation state?
That homosexuality was a mental illness and could be cured.
Sexual Preference
implies choice
Sexual Orientation
implies biological determinance
accept w/o problems
accept as different than you
What percentage of yale studnets are openly gay
Research by Lauman found that what percentage of men define themselves as gay in the U.S.
Tea Rooms
rest areas off high way where gay people would meet for sexual gratification
what percentage of men at tea rooms were married to women
Supreme Court Case- Snyder vs. Phelps
Homosexuality as a way to punish U.S. Protestors would show up at military funerals with threatful signs. Soldier's father went to Supreme court but they overturned and said that protestors had right to free speech
Pres. Bush's Respect for Fallen Soldier's Act:
protestors would have to stand a certain amount of feet aways
Ideologies about homosexuality in out LAw.
In our law, there is a line against homosexual behaviors.
US Supreme Court Case 2003- Lawrence vs. Texas
legalized sodomy in all states which lifted the restrictions in homosexual behavior.
Clinton 1993 Don't Ask Don't Tell Law
We don't ask you if you are gay// don't tell us if you are.
2011 Obama Appeal of DOn't Ask Don't Tell Law
homosexuals can now come out of closet in military without fear of being discharged from military.
Contact Hypothesis
interact with each other so that we understand and become more tolerant
Gay marriage is legal in what states
NY MA CT NH VT D.C Iowa Wash state MD
Gay marraige in Ct?
CT legalized then repealed it through Opposition 8
How many couples in CT got married before opposition 8
Relgious followers blame acts of 9/11 on whom?
gays, lesbians, abortionists, feminists
Percipitating Event- Stonewall Jackson Riot 1969
rainbow flag denotes places that are gay friendly.