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75 Cards in this Set

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poor people in 2005
Gap between have and have nots...
- growing wider in the last 25 years
- amount of money a person receives a year
- A person's total economic assets
(2005) Top 20% amount of income pie....
-over 50% of all income
(2005) Income pie for poorest...
3.4% of total income
1975 vs 2005 changes in income distribution...
rich 20 ::: 43% => 50%

poor 20 ::: 5% => 3.4%
top executives vs average worker wages
400x's more
Findings on wealth distribution...
rich 1 ::: 40%
rich 20 ::: 84
Why is US so high in comparison to other industrial economies...
- lower government involvement
Forces Driving Inequality in America
1) Globalization leading to foreign exploitation and lowering domestic reinvestment

2) Technology reducing the need for high skilled laborers; increase in the low paying service field

3) lowering in taxes on the rich (since 1981) and cutting poor and working class benefits
Having insufficient resources to provide a minimum standard of living. Being significantly worse off financially than the average person in one's society
Absolute Approach
-most accepted by government agencies

-dividing poor and non poor on some fixed standard of living

-poverty line
Relative Approach
-dividing poor and non poor and basis of wealth and income of average person
1970 to 2004
-families headed by a single woman 10 => 23%
Fastest Growing Segment of Poverty Population
- single woman with children
Official Poverty Rate of the US (2005)
-12.6% of the population
Who are poor?
-single mothers (3x's likely than traditional family)

- under 18

- largest group with white

-Living in Rural Areas
Poverty and Race (2005) Percentages of Populations
white = 10.6%

black = 24.9%

latino = 21.8 %
Trends in Poverty
- 1960's 22% => 1970's 11%
- econ prosperity/ gov action

-1980's 15% drop then returned to 15% 1990's

-11.9% 1999

-12.6% 2005
Extreme Poverty
-The poorest of the poor

-less than half the poverty line
Life of Poverty
- under educated
- violent crime rate is higher
- less likely to vote
- higher rate of divorce
- dead end jobs
- second rate health care
The Homeless
-figures range 228k to 3mil
-grown over recent years
-50% black
-13% Latino
-25% White

-Mental hospital population reduction
- reduction in government subsidized housing
-shitty jobs
-increase in rental housing costs
The Underclass
Those in the lower part of the poverty class who are excluded from the economic and cultural mainstream of society

Defined::: extreme poverty/ poor communes/ long term impoverished

-raised in poverty
- trapped in cycle of poverty
The Working Poor
- full time employment does not free one from poverty ::: low wages

- fastest growing population amongst the poor
The Types of Impoverished
Homeless, Underclass, working poor
Ideology of Individualism
The belief each individual is responsible for success or failure

1. work hard/ compete
2. hard work = success
3. failure = laziness

Americans favor a dispositional view of the poor and a majority do not want to help
Origins of Welfare
- 1930's Great Depression
- The New Deal new government agencies/ work relief
- New Deal => Social Security
"Welfare Explosion" of the 1960's
--ADFC direct financial aid to mothers

-- ended in 1996 had increased 107%
1960 Lyndon Johnson War on Poverty
- work programs
-criticized for male bias
-did help reduce poverty
1980's Regan Time
-1981-1985 welfare spending dropped 19%

-cut families from ADFC
-cut food stamps
-"Studies show that this increase in poverty during the 1980's and early 1990s was largely related to welfare cuts during the Reagan years
The Bell Curve
-Murray and Herrnstein
-poor are biologically inferior
Social Security
-pensions for older Americans
-voting power class and wealthier
-largest welfare program
-Too complex
-cost ineffective
-discouraged mothers from getting jobs
-bad example for kids
"Welfare Reform Bill"
- 1996 Billy Clit
-state design own welfare system
-more strict on work requirements causing single mothers to enter workplace
-2 years on welfare roles 5 years a life time
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- a government program that provides financial assistance to poor people who are blind, disabled or elderly
-pays portion of the meidcal expenses over 65
poor/ blind/ disabled pay for medical care
The real value of welfare benefits in the US has been ....
.. falling for the last two decades

...provides less help for the poor than any other industrialized country
Explanations For Economic Inequality
A problem with distributing wealth

1. economic structures

2. political relationships among power groups

3. culture of the poor
Economic Explanations
- too few jobs/ low wages
- "digital divide"
-new jobs added to economy paid below poverty line
-no account for those who stop looking for work
-market competition = low wages
Political Explanations
-poor not politically organized
-low wages subsidize wealthy consumption
-poverty = low-unpleasant workforce
-agencies around the poor depend on poverty for job stability
- poverty = middle/upper class comfort
Cultural Explanations
-Oscar Lewis "Culture of Poverty"
Culture of Poverty
- a theory that holds there is a self-perpetuating subculture among some that helps trap them in poverty
-develops in capitalist minded countries
-poor degraded and isolated
-personality type
Those who believe that the lifestyle of the poor is the product of their social situation rather than a culture of poverty
-conditions imposed by outside forces rather than internal metal structures
Improving Welfare
-flexible comprehensive measures that include job training, placement and good child care
-keep track of absent fathers
-Reduce administrative costs
-non-categorical programs = no eligibility requirements
Redistribution of Wealth
-progressive taxes for wealthy individuals
Organizing the Poor
-poor need to be politically active and initiate/fight for change through political measures
Functionalist Perspective on Poverty
-dysfunction in economic system
-rapid industrialization
-disorganized welfare system
-stabilize economy and reintegrate underclass
Conflict Theorist on Poverty
-poverty exists because of exploitation of the rich
-charity blunts the need for real structural change
-need more political power to influence government action to aid underclass
The Feminist on Poverty
-special attention to the plight of singe mothers
-retribution for dead beat dads
-egalitarian pay
-less stigma of single mothers
The Interactionist on Poverty
-the culture of poverty is self perpetuating
-poverty traps psychologically, economically and socially
-internalize blame
- give children of the poor a fair chance and reshape their life view
Ethnic Group
-A group whose members share a sense of togetherness and the conviction that they form a distinct group or people

-shared cultural characteristics

-ethnic group is powerful = individual opportunity
Ethnic Minority
-ethnic group that suffers prejudice and discrimination at the hands of a larger dominant group
- a group of people thought to have a common set of physical characteristics and a common ancestry

-meanings of characteristics are socially determined

-race is an idea constructed by people to organize and categorize society and themselves
- the tendency to view the norms and values of one's own culture as absolute and to use them as a standard against which to measure other cultures

-one's own culture is superior

-opposite of Bisby and uncle Ruckus
- a belief in the superiority of one racial group over another that leads to prejudice and discrimination
Racism vs Ethnocentrism
Physical characteristics vs cultural differences
- one group holds power and uses it to keep other groups subordinate

-likely to occur when two groups come into contact with one another => ethnocentrism and competition => one has advantage => domination
-must keep subordinate groups weak and divided
Segregation vs Integration
separation vs unification of ethnic groups

- in integration ethnic backgrounds are ignored
-distinct groups that are equal

-likely to occur when two groups come into contact with one another => ethnocentrism and competition => no advantage => pluralism
Interationist Perspective on Inequality
-internalize feelings of inferiority => personal problems/ segregation into ethnic communities

-Can be unlearned
-communication between ethnic groups and attacking stereotypes

-reduce economic competition

-abandon traditional models of ethnic groups and adopt more scientific understanding
Feminist Perspective on Inequality
-Focus on women of color that are doubly disadvantaged

-educate to undo the ignorance spread by socialization
The Conflict Theory Perspective on Inequality
-Institutionalized discrimination is thus a technique for keeping the dominant group in power and protecting it from competitors

-Key to power is organization for political action

-Powerful want peace and stability and the oppressed want change
The Functionalist Perspective on Inequality
-North America lacks the unity, consensus, an organization essential to a harmonious society

-unity is ultimate goal whether achieved through domination, pluralism, or integration
Affirmative Action
-1960s Civil Rights Act forbids discrimination

-came along which require effort for diverse employment

-minority employment
Economic Justice
Interrelated with problems of ethnic inequality are other social problems such as poverty. Fixing the conditions that effect minorities we can bring forth inequality indirectly.
-A view of the world or an educational curriculum that takes an exclusively European perspective.

-1950s and 1960s presented stereotypes or ignored minorities
Multicultural Education
-includes broader range of ethnic perspectives and experiences
Civil Rights Movement
-social movement that brought the end of segregation

-blacks and liberal whites
1965 Immigration Act
-Increased flow of of immigrants from Asia and Latin America

-now 85% come from these countries
High Point of Immigration
-1910 14.7% were foreign born
Immigration in the Future
-whites drop from 80% - 40%
-Latinos are largest minority
-supply jobs needed

-take jobs away from citizens
-drive wages down
-high concentration in immigrant states
Conflict and Competition
-equal power = equitable solution to problem

-inequal power = taking of resources/ domination

-overtime military power turns in political and economic power

-stronger ethnic group exploit and pass down wealth to descendants

-establish an order based around preservation of dominance; the structured imposed is recognized as the natural way
unsupported negative view of a group/ individual based on group affiliation