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50 Cards in this Set

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Define a Market Economy
An economic system in which economic decisions and the pricing of goods and services are guided solely by the aggregate interactions of a country's citizens and businesses and there is little government intervention or central planning. This is the opposite of a centrally planned economy, in which government decisions drive most aspects of a country's economic activity.
Define a Mixed Economy
An economy in which there are elements of both public and private enterprise.
Define a Command Economy
An economy that is planned and controlled by a governing body (Ex: Soviet Union)
Define Scarcity
The basic economic problem which arises from people having unlimited wants while there are and always will be limited resources. Because of scarcity, various economic decisions must be made to allocate resources efficiently.
Define Monopoly
When a corporation monopolizes a certain aspect of an economy. Ex: A company called Steam is monopolizing buying games online because they are the sole provider for online game purchase services
Define Competition
When two companies fight for your buisness. Ex: "We at Company 1 will undercut Company 2 by 25%!"
Define Publically Owned
A company or service which is publically owned, in which everyone has a say
Define Privately Owned
A company or service that is privately owned, where only a sole person or C.E.O has a say
Define Supply, Demand, Prices
Supply and demand changes as prices change. If there is an item that is small in supply but the demand is very high, the price of the item is going to go up
Define Enterprenure
A person who owns, operates, and creates a buisness in a risky endeveour
Define Enterprise
A large company, or group of companies. Ex: Donald trump owns an enterprise, Trump Corporation
Define Crown Corporation
A corporation owned by Canada. Ex: Air Canada is a Crown Corporation
Define Quality of Life
How well a person lives, or wants to live. Ex: My quality of life is quite well, because I live in a good home and have everything I need
Define Public Good
Anything that is for the Public Good
Define Equalibrium
A state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces
People who produce a product
People who buy products from stores
Ammounts of money that the government gives, these are like loans
Unenployment rate
The rate of unenployment in a City, Province, or Country
Announcements, posters, spray paint, etc.. that makes you beleive a certain thing
Reintegrating into Society. This means that you are put back into society to coexist with other people
Who you are
What you are accountable for. Ex: If I break a Lamp, I am accountable for my actions of breaking that lamp
Collective Identity
The identity of a collective group of people; who a collective group of people are
The beleif of superiority in ones own ethnic group
To try to get you to do something else (Ex: You can be rehabilitated to stop taking drugs)
Your country of origin, and your rights in that country
Civil Service
A service that is supplied by someone who works for the Government (Ex: Fire Department)
What made our country what it is // The first set of Laws ever established
Collective Rights
The rights established of the Collective
People who lobby for a certain thing to happen. Ex: Environmentalists can be said to be lobbyists
Peoples values, or what they beleive in
Quality of Life
Peoples Quality of Life, so how good they live
To try and turn people over to a new religion
To affirm collective identity
Inherient Rights
Rights you inheret from your ancistors
Black Market
A market that sells illegal goods
Sales Tax
A tax put onto the sales of all items that is sent to the government
Kyoto Protocol
A protocol to try to battle Global Warming
Climate Change
Temperature rising in the climate, or our environment changing for better or worse
Carbon Tax
A tax that is used to tax refineries based on how much CO2 they put into the environment
How people are diverse
When people refuse to buy a product, or use a service
Corporate Tax
A tax that a corporation uses to place on their items, that gives money back into the corporation
Tax Base
The base taxes in an economy
Public Healthcare
Health Care that is paid for by taxpayers, and everyone has access to it
Private Healthcare
Health Care that is paid for solely by people who use it, and only people who can pay have access to it
When people immigrate into another country to live there, normally to better their quality of life
How healthy you are
The total ammount of Emissions being pumped into our atmosphere by a factory