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73 Cards in this Set

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What are most deaths in the US due to?
heart disease and strokes
In developed countries, what is the number on killer?
increase in child mortatlity, due to diet...in devloping, childhood mortality is due to government structure
what percentage of patients don't stick to medical treatments?
1/3...20-30% don't comply
What did Rodent and Janis find about doctors?
That doctors will keep patient in the dark since they have specialized skills and knwledge. other reesarch showed that 63% failed to include instructions...and so after patients hear a bad news. they don't really attend to it...taking notes is extremely helpful.
What are factors that contribute to people not understanding doctor's orders?
1. too difficult to comprehend
2. lack knowledge about the body
3. Inaccurate preconceptions.
What are disengagement beliefs based on
It helps us to lower of fear and anxiety...make
What are some characteristics of doctors that increase compliance?
-if doctors are happy, it increases compliance
-more patients the doctors see, it increases compliance
-more questions patient ask doctors, more compliance...
With patient, what are characteristics that increase compliance
-increase compliance from those who are older
-More satisfied with their medical care if

less likely to comply if
-less clear explanations
-not appropriate support and encouragement...
What realm of psych does attribution theory fall under?
Social cognition
What is attribution theory?
how we explain the causes of things. (internal vs. external)
what is the difference between discount and augemntation?
Discount: they are doing it because they need something
Augment: they do things because that is the way they are
What are Weiner's 3 types of attribution of causes of success or failure?
1. internality vs. externality
2. Stability vs instability
3. controllability vs. uncontrollable
What are Weiner's three combo that cause Ability aptitude?
Internal, Stable, and Unconrollable...
What are Weiner's three combo that cause typical effort exerted?
Internal, unstable and control.
What is the Pessimistic Explanatory Style?
General tendency to explain bad events with internal, stable, and global attributions, and to explain good events with external, unstable, and specific attributions.
If it is Global, Stable, and internal...
Low self esteem and potentially serious depression.
According to the PES, what is the best to have to avoid derpression
Nonblobal, unstable and external
According to Peterson and Seligman, what is one way to measure their attribution
Attributional Style Questionnaire (ASQ)...ask them to think about a certain situation, and then content analyze their responses
What is the Cave Method? what does it stand for?
Another way to judge people's attribution style...Content, Analysis of Verbatium, Explanations
In Seligman and Peterson's 49 year study at harvard, what did they find?
analyzed health and the attribution style...and at age 25 coupld predict poorer physical health at age 45 if they were more pessimistic... at age 60, there was a .25 correlation. If keeping health status constant, all had positive correlation with .42.
In another study of 55 years, used open ended quesiton of difficult events, and found what?
That global explanatory style predicted early death...it caused death to increase by 25%...males had 3 years shorter death.
What is the mechanism that happens with PES?
Passivity (don't do recommendation) and Pessimism (fail to resolve problems, low self-esteen) lead to Exacerbation (things get worse) and also lacking social support and lower immune system functioning also cause exacerbation
How to cure PES?
Have reattribution training. Can you retrain them to make health promoting attribution?
How is self serving bias good?
Good things, attribute to self. bad things blame others.
In the depression study, what had a positive correlation
If they found good events to be unstable, it correlated positively with depression. Bad things occur caused more depression.
In study of 5th graders and 3rd greaders, what was found
Good and bad events predict depression 5th graders explanation significatnly predict depression...showed that depression predict PES which predicts Depression.
illusory correlation
appear to go together, even though they don't (inkblot, TAT...
Chatman et al studied correlations...and illusory correlation...what happened?
That they were subject to illusory correlation..see a correlation where there isn't one.
Three challenges in clinical interview
1. Self-fulfilling prophesy
2. Illusory correlations
3. Hindsight bias
How does hindsight bias affect study of clinicians with depressed?
when people commit suicide more likely to say I would have expected it.
Statistical analysis v. clinical...which is better?
Statistical..together, worse outcomes.
Therapies from social psychology
1. Vicarious extinction (based on social learning theory)
-we can learn by observing others...
2. Relaxation technique,
3. Symbolic Vicarious Extinction
4. Attribution theory
In a study of modeling, what was found...party and model and party and no model and control ... no party no model...
whether in party or no party they did better if they did the behavior themselves.
What is symbolic vicarious extinction
Show a film or fearless models...and cause them to model that..it is cheaper than vicarious extinction.
In study of insomnia, what was the result...with attribute to external or internal
Found that pill would make you go to sleep increased the time it took for people to go to sleep.
Found that pill would make you aroused caused people to sleep 11 to 12 minute sooner. Saw veridical reattribution
What is Veritical Reattribution
Have people attribute to legitimate external cause
What was the result of paternity leave in some countries?
1. can't gget men to do it...
only 20% of swedes take paternity leave. They won't even take it even if they'll lose it.
What are quantitative differences of men and women in work force?
1. men hold more paid positions.
2. women take care of children more than men
3. Men work longer hours
4. Women earn less for doing the same work.
According to the 2000 Census, men earn what and women earn what
W earn 73 cents of what men make
2010 went up to 83 cents.
With education and experience taken into account, what is W and M wage difference?
W gets paid 81 cents of what men make.
In terms of equality, what is the trend?
that women have higher expectations for equality, higher than the past.
What are some gender differences of men and women?
Men: thrive in competitive jobs, and test if they are better, and are more interested in doing the right job.

Women: interested in doing the job right, value more the relationships, pink collar with fewer advancement opportunities, and grow up with limited expectations
Are W and M different on motivation?
Prior view was that women have fear of success but NOT TRUE...have fear in the opposite sex dominated areas...same with male nurses.
How are M and W objectives different?
M: higher in competitiveness and mastery
W: work hard
How are M and W different in wants?
W: congenial, co-worker
M: pay and upward movement.
and even with lower pay, women report same level of job satisfaction
What happened to Ann Hawkins?
Senior manager at PWH...and said that sex stereotyping had gone on...
What is PWH say that Ann Hawkings wasn't
She wasn't female enough...too assertive.
How to evaluate if comment is sex sterotyping?
1. is gender info important?
2. Evaluate credentials due to group stereotype
3. Selectively perceive and interpret...
4. Making based on stereotype?
When does sterotype occur?
1. Target is one of a kind/isolated
2. Previously excluded group move into a job not traditional...
3. When info/criteria are ambiguous.
How does sex role spill over?
M have image of what is a W. W therefore treated as such and their stereotype is brought into the work place.
What is modern sexism
W discriminated in ways less obvious...
-use justifiable reason..
If used as a way to keep peopl out, it is sexism.
WHat is hostile vs. benevolent sexism?
hostile is abusive. benevolent is that we are delicate frail creatures...Hostile and benevolent correlate in .4, .5 range.
What is the Hawthrone effect?
any change would cause an increase in effectiveness...(unplanned improvement and increased condition cause a change...
In study of leadership in the boys club, what was found?
1. authoritarian leader: effective but no repoir
2. Laissex faire: hardly get anything done
3. Authoritative leader: high productivity and high levels of satisfaction.
What did Lewin say when decision making worked best?
when those involved in decision making make it together
Coch and French untilized Lewin's decision making intervention...what happened?
Some came with representatives, some involved workers...the one with TOTAL participation had highest increase in productivity, and no aggression, none quit, and output increased to 72.5 units/hour.
With reps, none quit, one instance of aggression, 68 units per hour.
Contro;: 17% quit, and made 48units per hour.
In participative management, what is the Scanlon plan?
Intervention to increase cooperation with laborers and management. they formed committees at higher management level. Said any savid was put in bonus pol and given to all employees...Results was that increased productivity and increased satisfaction...more favorable with employees.
What are plans in participative management?
1. Scanlon plan
2. Quality Circles
3. Industrial democracy
4. Employee ownership
What is Quality Circles within participative management
small groups put together to brainstorm. Only groups that have savings reap savings...not sure if it produces the desired effects...
What is Industrial Democracy?
System european countries do...and require a board of director who is not on management side. not sure if it really works due to crisis but seemed to.
What is Employee Ownership?
employees own stock, and participates in that way.
In Organizational Leadership, what are the three main approaches?
1. Trait
2. Behavioral
3. Contingency
Who championed the contingency approach?
In the communication of gender video, what are different lenses?
M look through lense of one up you...and women communicate with connection.
In the communication of gender video, what are ritual apology?
Women always say I'm sorry
Men often play devil's advocate
In the communication of gender video, how to M and W
M give direct and sometimes W see it as overbearing.
W: Indirect, and try not to appear bossy.
In the communication of gender video, who are better? M or W?
All can be successful with own style. Not all Women and Men have this type of style...
What are two questions that immigrants face?
1. to what extent do I want to maintain the host culture.
2. To what degree will I accomodate my new culture.
What are six areas of psychological functioning?
1. Language
2. Cognitive Styles
3. Personality
4. Identity
5. Attitudes
6. Acculturative stress
In Jigsaw classroom, what were the results
1. More liking...
1. Liking for school decreased for all anglo, blacks, and Mexican.
For Jigsaw, No change in general liking
black decreased slightly, and mexicans decreased more since they had to speak more.

Competitive increased in control, decreased in jigsaw, can learn from others increased in jigsaw, decreased in control , and grades decreased in control, increased in jigsaw

*when eliminate teacher expectancy, jigsaw increased.

* higher performing still performed well,
* lower improved as well.
What is the Social identity theory/
Our identities come from groups we belong to...
individuals strive for a positive identity and want to belong to groups we feel good about.
According to social cognition perspective, what can help differences go away?
Broaden people's' group boundaries will cause a change...
What is the common in group identity model?
If in the in-group, you are treated differently so we want to create a greater group identity.