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82 Cards in this Set

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what is the most popular theroy for why the first people came to north america
land bridge theory
what were the 3 reasons why people came to america
followed their food
warmer climates
meet their basic needs
what were the 3 theroys why people come here
costal route
creation story
land bridge theory
what was the development of civilization
what is it called to move to meet basic needs
what is it called to settle to meet basic needs
what doe settled needs met extra food=extra time=extra activities equal
what causes a change from one stage to another
how did different cultures deal with different geographic surroundings
they adapted to their surroundings so they could meet their basic needs
where did the europeans go to get new spices skills and technology
the far east
why were the Aztec Maya and Inca called civilizations
built cities
had names and languages
religon and
this was in central mexico, they had floating gardens, and causeways
this was in mexican peninsual, religon, slash burn farming, writing
this was in south america, road system, terrace farming, and hierogyphics
who used trees for housing,longhouses
eastern woodland
who was nomadic and used tepees and horses
it was dry and they used irrigation and adobe housing
who had the power in the middle/dark ages
who sent the people in the middle/dark ages to war
the church
what did the people from the middle/dark ages gain from war
"renessions" which was a new beginning or rebirth
what product did the Spanish want more than anything
god gold glory
fur trade(2)
France and dutch
what is the name of the forced economic system where the colonies provided resources and a market for the home country
what was the major impact on native american culture
the had many deaths because of diseases
what is the name given to crops like tobacco that were grown for selling
cash crops
what is the name of the initial constitution given to start each colony
what started in jamestown in 1619
what was the primary crop of the jamestown colony
why did the Pilgrims come to the new world
freedom of religon
what was the name of the pilgrims colonial charter/constitution
mayflower compact
what was the primary economic function of the south
which country was most of the colonist from
what set of laws forced colonies to send their raw materials to england
navigation acts
why did France and England both want the Ohio river valley
for it fertile soil, water ways, and transportation
what law prevented colonist from moving west into the new frontier
proclamation of 1763
what does the British what was the problem that the colonist had with the British tax government do to repay debt after the French and Indian war
taxed the colonist they had no representation
how did the colonist protest these British actions
they boycotted
what did the First Continental Congress advise each colony to do to prepare for fighting
start storing guns and create a militia in each colony
what was the name of the document that was the last attempt at peace for the colonist
the olive branch petition
why did the colonist write the declaration of independence
to explain why they are breaking away and why they should be created equal
what was significant about the battle of bunker hill
america proved they can fight
after saratoga which nation joined the patriot side
the french
why did the articles of confederation fail
they were to weak
what was the primary issue when they sat down to revise the articles
representation in congress
what was the main difference between the Virginia and new jersy plan
Virginia wanted bicameral and new jersey wanted unicameral
how did Virginia and new jersy settle their problem
the great compromise
how did they settle the arguement about the constitution what did they add
the bill of rights
according to the preamble who has the power under the constitution
we the people
what did the preamble do
it set the goals of the constiution
what are the goals of the constiution
government is here to protect us
what process does the united states use to elect the president of the united states
electoral college
what does the principle of federalism do to limit the power of the government
it divides the power between border states and federal government
what did Washington create that would help him run the government
a cabinet
who did Washington put in charge of solving the financial debt of the united states
alexander hamilton
what type of people make up the federalist party
educated and wealthy
who was the leader of the republican party
thomas jefferson
what was Washingtons advise for the young united states as he retired from office
thy should stay nuteral
why were the alien and sedition acts hated by republicans
they violated peoples rights
what was Jefferson main goal when he became president
to reduce the size of the national government and make to country more democratic
what power did the case of Marbury vs. Madison give the supream court
the power of judicial review........to declare laws unconstititional
who did Jefferson buy the lousianna purchase from
the french
what was the primary job of lewis and clark
to explore and reach the pacific coast
what were the british and french doing that forced jefferson to pass the Embargo act
practicing a policy of inpressments
what did the monroe doctrine say
European countries should stay in their own hemisphere and leaver north and south america
what is the name of the process of rewarding supporters with jobs after you win
spoils system
who did jackson want to make happy by passing the Indiana removal act
white settlers or his voters(constituents)
what is states rights
the ability to question and or not follow federal laws
where did the industrial revlution start
what process brought all the factors of production into one place
factory system
what are 2 reasons immigrants come to a new place
push and pull factors
why was a change in transportation so crucial to the develpoment of the economy
it made things faster, cheaper, easier, and more efficient
what invention increased cotton production the most
cotton gin
what was the major challenge to grow into the westeren frountier
weather or not to have slavery in the west
what is it called when you want to change society to make it better
social reform
after the 2nd great awakening how did people see their lives diffrently
they now have choice
what could wemon not do during the early 1800's
they couldnt vote,serve on juries, or go to college
where did a collection of women meet to discuss the women rights movement
Seneca falls
what document did these women base their argument on
declaration of independence
with new education what new careers opened up to women
teachers journalist and scientist
what is an abolistionist
one who wishes to abolish and end slavery
what was the name of the abolistionist that created the liberator to pormote the end of slavery
William Lloyd Garrison