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32 Cards in this Set

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Which Empires had the most impact on Europe toward the end of the middle ages and the beginning of the Renaissance?

Asian & African Empire had the most impact on Europe toward the end of the middle ages and the beginning of the Renaissance

What was the name of the route used to move trading goods?

The name of the route used to move trading goods was the Silk Road

Give some examples of different trading goods?

Examples of different trading goods: Glass, Silk, Cloth, Spices

What negative thing was spread through the silk road?

Diseases were negative things was spread through the silk road

What made the Muslim Empire the Centre of learning during the middle ages?

The Muslim faith encouraged and promoted scholarship & Inquiry

How did the renaissance begin?

The renaissance begun when change occurred, contact with other groups & culture

In what country was the change happening more rapidly?

Italy was changing more rapidly

What was the worldview of most Christians in Europe during the middle ages?

A religious worldview that god was the centre of human existence, and harsh short lives would be rewarded by going to heaven

What influenced the art and architecture of the Middle Ages?

Religion influenced the art and architecture of the Middle Ages

Why was was change happening in Italy more rapidly?

Change was happening more in Italy more rapidly because better sea trade, fall of the roman empire, etc

Who was Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci

Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci was a merchant who travelled the world with his father and found many well-known mathematical situations today

Social Structure of the middle ages?

King - Was the most powerful
Higher Clergy - Helped make decisions
Nobles - Owned Land
Lesser Nobles, Knights, Lower Clergy - Less powerful than Higher clergy and normal nobles
Serfs/Peasants - Worked the land and could not move up the hierarchy social ladder

Explain what the black death was, and its effects?

Pus and blood oozed from painful black lumps in their armpits and groin their skin looked bruised because of internal bleeding and the smell of their breath, sweat, blood, urine, and excrement was horrible, most sailors died within 3-5 days of catching it, this disease was the bubonic plague, a highly infectious disease

Who became a powerful new class outside the heirarchy of the feudal system

The merchants became a powerful new class outside the heirarchy feudal system

What possibility did people begin to see?

People saw that their was a chance to become wealthy.

Why did the cities begin to grow?

The black death struck and people wanted jobs

Who was the head of the church and what was his position in society?

The pope was the head of the church, ruled roman catholic and papal state with rome in centre. Influenced kings and kingdoms, and peoples actions

Explain the crusades

The crusades were armies from the middle ages that tried to recapture areas of the middle east that were in control from the muslims

What was the biggest result from the crusades

They gained ideas & knowledge outside of their own cultures & religions

How did the life of people change

They had a chance to become something other than a serf/peasant and could have a good job and become rich

What were the causes of urbanization?

The black death drove people to come to the cities because peasants weren't getting much pay and nobles had no one to work the land

What is a republic?

A state where power is held by representatives

Which powerful family took control of Florence?

The medici family

What did Florence become when the Medici family came to power?

A renaissance culture with arts & architechture

What kind of Social System did Florence have?

People could move up the ladder

What helped Venice to become one of the most prosperous trading cities in Europe by the 13th century

Exotic trade goods from asia and the islamic world to venice and sea trade

Which three social classes existed in Venice?

Upper class was the aristocracy, they controlled venice. Below was the Cittidani Originarii, they held the office but couldn't vote, third was the common people who could vote

What kind of Government did Venice have?


What was the Scuola

Associations met for prayer session, collected money for good causes and held masses for their members who were sick, dying, or dead (Social Institution)

Why did Venice become an important city-state?

Venice became an important city state because it had a stable form of government, merchant class, sea trade, book trade, university, etc

What was a major factor in the success of Genoa as a trading city?


What was the Peace of Turin?

Joined Venice and Genoa the two city states and made it so that neither of them could overpower eachother