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39 Cards in this Set

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created by congrress to oversee policy toward American Indians
Bureau of Indian Affairs
authorized the removal of Indians who lived east of the mississippi river
indian removal act
an 800 mile forced march that lasted from 1838 to 1839- almost 1/4 of the cherokees died
trail of tears
area containing most tf the present day oklahoma as a new homeland for removed tribes
indian territoy
supreme court ruling that the cherokee nation was a distinct territory over which only the federal government had authority
worcester vs. georgia
an agreement that gave more than 10 million acres to mississippi
treaty of dancing rabbit creek
agreement that gave the us fishing rights off parts of the newfoundland and labrador coasts and established the border between the US and canada
Convention of 1818
group of american artists in the mid-1800s who painted beautiful pictures of the American landscape
hudson rier school
republican who was elected pres. in 1816
james monroe
group of informal advisors that often met in the white house kitchen
kitchen cabinet
politicians practice of giving government jobs to their supporters
henry clay
cherokee who was well known for creating a system of writing
belief that the power of the states should be greater than the power of the federal government
states rights
led the sminole in the second seminole war
political organization formed in 1834 by a group of Jacksons opponents
whig party
political organization formed in 1834 by a group of Jackson's opponents
Whig party
plan for using high tariffs to pay for internal improvements
american system
agreement that limited naval power on the great lakes to the us and british canadad
rush bagot agreement
historical fiction author who published a new england tale
catherine maria sedgewick
person who led many fights for independence- nicknamed the liberator
simon bolivar
meetings to select a party's presidential and vice presidential candidates
nominating convention
belief that staes have hve the right to disobey federal law w/ which they disagree
invaded florida w/out permission from monroe; ran for president against adams
Andrew jackson
agreement in which missouri would enter the inuion as a slave state while main joins free
missouri compromise
first federal road project ran from cumberland maryland, to wheeling, WV
cumberland road
agreement in which spain gave up all of florida to the US
adams onis treaty
a financial cirsis that led to economic depression
panic of 1837
best known writer who wrote about the west and american indians
james fenimore cooper
tribe of indians
agreement in which spain gave up all of florida to the US
adams onis treaty
a financial cirsis that led to economic depression
panic of 1837
best known writer who wrote about the west and american indians
james fenimore cooper
tribe of indians
first indians sent to indian territory
group of indians that signed the treaty of dancing rabbit creek
first indians sent to indian territory
group of indians that signed the treaty of dancing rabbit creek
first indians sent to indian territory
group of indians that signed the treaty of dancing rabbit creek