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32 Cards in this Set

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any act that violates a social norms


factors in determining what devianve is

time, place, public consensus/power

one historical period to another


one place to another


reflects the vested interests of the rich and powerful

public consensus/power

nuts and sluts

bag ladies, unemployed men

Trait of powerlessness

Alexander Liazos

people who threaten the wealthy by taking their property

Common thieves/political radicals

why do they use drugs

fullfil the needs for status

cope with the harsh oppressive realities of poverty

sense of purpose to shattered lives

all violent crimes, certain property crimes, and moral crimes

Conventional crimes

actions involving force or the threat of force against others

e.g murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault

anxiety provoking

Violent Crime

burglary, robbery,vehicle theft, arson

Property crime

involve an illegal action "voluntarily" engaged in by the participants

prosti, illegal gambling, illegal druga

Moral crime

people assert that such conduct should not be labeled as a crime

willing exchange of illegal goods/services among adults

Victimless crimes

illegal activities committed by people in the course if their employment/financial affairs

Occupational (white collar) crime

illegal acts committed by corporate employees on behalf of the corporation and with its support

Corporate crime

effects of corporate crime

polluting water and air

producing defective products

selling unsafe food and drugs

business operations that supplies illegal goods and services for profit

e.g drug trafficking, prosti, money laundering, hijackings

Organized crime

organized crimes thrives because....

of great demand for illegalvgoods and services

criminal orgs gain control of illegal activities by combining

threats and promises

ambitious minorities became successful during Prohibition

Al Capone

well-known example of organized crime

Italian Mafia

illegal or unethical acts involving the usurpation of power by government officials or illegal/unethical acts perpetrated against the gov. by outsiders

Political Crime

taking advantage of political position to gain money or property


aimed at gaining or maintaining political office or influence

illegal wiretapping and political dirty tricks

4 types of political deviance have been attributed to some officials

1. secrecy and deception designed to manipulate public opinion

2. abuse of power

3. prosecution of individuals due to their political activities

4. official violence liie police brutality against people of color

criminal against a person or a person's property by an offender motivated by racial/other bias

Hate crime

individuals are pressured by society to conform to social norms

Social control

frowning, gossip. criticism or ridicule

Informal controls

imposed by police, judges, prison guards

formal controls

believe that u should kill a person who has wronged you

The Mayan Indians of South Mexico

network of police, courts and prisons

Criminal justice system

police would restrict freedom of movement and invade privacy by...

tapping phones, reading mail, searching homes, blockading roads