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52 Cards in this Set

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Ethnic Group
a group whose members are united by a common culture, which may include language, religion, tools, music, habits, and socialization practices.
When any group, ethnic, social class, etc is changed to be thought of as a race.

makes a group easier to stereotype.

ex. Jews in 1940's by the Nazies, represents social construction of race.
the creation of a new ethnic identity

ex. American Identity created when nation formed, indienous people's became known as Indians when Columbus mislabeled and merged them, intermarriage
primordialist view
asserts that ethnic identity is something is rooted in biological facts.
social construction of race
argument that racial identity is something that is constructed via historical, political, and cultural changes over time rather than biological differences
ethnocide, culturcide, genocide
ethnocide- destruction of an ethnic identity

culturcide- destruction of a culture but not necessarily an ethnic identity

genocide- actually killing of members of a ethnic group
white privilege
structural realities that result in benefits for whites even in absence of purposeful discrimination

the fact that white people will have advantages that are not a product of any individual effort or ability but are built into the structure of society.

white structural advantage- whites occupy the position of dominance in the racial heirarchy

white normativity- normalization of white cultural practices, ideologies, and location for all groups within the white heirarchy

ex. white access to housing, school districts, employment networks, ability to get bank loans
reverse racism
claim made by many that white people are now victimized in the contemporary racial order.

no data to support such a claim

ex affirmative action
color blindness
endorse blindess when assessing the effects of color.

lends tacit support to white supremacy when there is not an equal playing field
racial/ethnic passing
being raised with a certain type of identity and changing it at some point in life. more focus is put on race
"Ethnic Miracle"
the success and social mobility of waves of thousands of descendants of European immigrants
symbolic ethnicity
identity that is individualistic in nature without any societal cost to the person
hyphenated identity
german-american, irish-american etc. gives people a sense of specialness or uniqueness
symbolic ethnicity
ethnic identity that is chosen, generally by whites, for its uniqueness and inidivudalistic nature. stresses importance and equality of individuals but ignores their social costs as stated by mary waters in her piece
William J Wilson
Wrote most heavily about the deurbanization of industry and how this is causing black unemployment inequality to rise. also wrote about social acts and processes
Mary Waters
wrote about optinal ethnicities for whites, and how symbolic ethnicities can be dangerous for society
Karen Brodkin
• Jewish success is not a product of its individuals own ability but the removal of powerful social barriers
Orlando Patterson
article on Ecumenical America, he argues that typical arguments about globalization homogenizing and destroying local cultures are not true. instead there are now regional cosmos that are influencing and interacting on a two way street with the center.

ex, reggae music

American Cosmos- tradtional, multicultural, ecumenical. Ecumenical cosmo is one of universalitization of culture
regional cosmos
sattelite countries that interact in a flow of cultures and ideas with a metropolitan center
H1B Program
• Attracts very highly skilled immigrants, you need at minimum a bachelors degree to enter under this program. Most of these people are doctors and engineers.
• Indian immigrants have disproportionally entering through H1B program, so it’s the crème de la crème.
• Groups that are here are not necessarily representative of Indian population.
Asians as model Minority's, Min Zhou
argues that Asians are not becoming white phenotypically or racially, just adopting white values and White American traditions.

-hides clevages in "asian" communities between upperclass chinese and indians who come on the H1B visa program, and refugees that end up in slums.

-Asians as a whole on the American Human Development index have the highest levels of income and educaiton, but very disproportional among Asian groups

-pits minorities against one another, and shows that meritocracy should be accepted and ignores social injustices against other minorities

-channels Asians towards certain success paths
Post-Racism for Obama, Thomas Pettigrew
His election does not signal that this society is past racism. Perfect storm politically, rascist attitudes and actions in exit polls, etc. shows progress but main problems are structural, voluntary segregation, housing discrimination, poverty, job accession
racialized society
one that allocates different economic, political, and social rewards to groups on racial lines.

ex. Jenkins school district, zoning new school for white parents who did not want their kids in schools with minorities
the term for practice by which mixed race individuals have been relegated to the identity of parents whose racial status is lowest. Black and White mix will be black, white and hispanic mix will be hispanic. etc.
Geert Wilders
dutch politician who is blatantly ethnocentric and anti-islam. thinks it is okay to say "my culture is better than yours"

-thinks that beyond just secular adherence, that muslims should renounce their faith and religious identity
racial classification
hierarchy and linkage of physical features with cultural and character traits. intertwines biology and culture.

new concept that arose in the 18th century.

ex. slavery needed a way to be justified. make them inferior then it is okay AAA statement on race, blacks were a separate species

inferior race concept used to justify human dfference the world over. Britain utilized the caste system, nazis under hitler
Jared Diamond, Race Without color
the traditional races do not have concordant biological traits. swedes and navajos would be in same category if genetic variation was what was at stake.
AAA statement on race
discounts idea of biological variances between races, highlights more genetic differences within races that between them. says that all behavior is learned, so culutral aspects should not be assigned based on biological differences anyways
racial formation
social and historical process by which groups come to be defined in racial terms and it specifically locates these processes in state-based institutions, such as the law. also defined as the socio-historical process by which racial categories are created, inhabited, and destroyed

In Michael Omi and Howard Winant, Susie Phipps tried to change her race from black to white but could not due to laws about how much black blood was required to make someone black in 1983
Michael Omi and Howard Winant
talk about racial formation and how it is in general a social and legal process. define race as "a concept which signifies andsymbolizes social conflicts and interests by referring to different types of human bodies"

while race ivokes biological characteristics, assignment of value to these characteristics for racial significance is always and social and historical
Rebekah Nathan
anthropologist that posed as a college student and commented on how much of university life is segregated. most people had friends in their own race, most minorities ate with other people of color, and dining halls and public locations were generally "white space"
multidimensional subordination by a dominant majority due to a perceived characteristic; label is subjective and majority and minority labels are dynamic

-differences tend to be ethno-racial. does not have to necessarily constitute pure quantity of beings.

ex. apartheid.
Richard Shermerhorns Typology of Majority and Minority Groups
based on power and size:

Small/Powerless: Minority Groups, native americans, african americans

Large/Powerless: Subordinated Masses, south african blacks

Small/Powerful: Elites, south african whites

Large/Powerful: White Americans
Ethnicity Conception I
Racial and Ethnic Groups are Separate Phenomenon. This is dominant view in America.

Races: Asians, Blacks, Native Americans

Ethnic Groups: Jews, Muslims, Hispanics
Ethnicity Conception II
Ethnicities are all subsets of Fixed Racial Groups. Culturally subordinate.

Asians: japanese, chinese, laotians

whites: french, norwegians, armenians

blacks: nigerians, kenyans, african americans
Ethnicity Conception III
Ethnic Group is dominant category, and race is simply one type of ethnic group.

Ethnic Groups: Racial Groups, Linguistic Groups, Religious groups
Construction of Identity
Depends on a groups Agency and Labeling. Ethnic Identity: Whites, Agency Primary, Labeling Secondary. Racial Identity: African Americans, Labeling Primary, Agency Secondary.

hispanics fall somewhere in the middle
Takao Ozama
mentioned in hggenbotham and andersons piece on immigration. Japanese immigrant in California, wanted American citizenship in 1915. Had white skin than most caucasians, kids went to American schools, had white practices. Courts denied him citizenship. He was said to be of "mongol" race
national origins system
system of immigration that existed from 1921-1965 under which immigration policies tried to attract only immigrants that congress viewed as being "assimilable" tended to be northern europeans and discouraged others
the complex processes by which immigrants and their descendants integrate themselves into the host country
immigration act of 1924
restricted those groups that could immigrate, lessened easten and southern europeans, and compeltely banned east and south asians
Milton Gordon's Three Types of Assimilation
Anglo-Conformity- minority immigrants conform to the superior norms, values, and institutions of the majority Anglo group. Also know as straight line assimilation because it takes place in stages and in only one direction

Melting Pot- different racial/ethnic groups interact and collectively create a new culture that incorporates elements from all groups

Cultural Pluralism- different racial/ethnic groups keep their unique cultural norms/traditions, and behaviors while still sharing some common national values, goals, institutions
Loving vs Virginia
supreme court case in 1967 that legalized interracial marriage

reduced social distance, but not that greatyl
social distance
how much proximity both physical and social you would like between yourself and some other individual
• Assimilation-a process by which social distance is gradually closed
• A response to diversity that seeks to articulate the social conditions under which difference can be incorporated and order achieved from diversity.

not only about tolerating diversity but also working for social justice and rightings of past wrongs. a majority race obligation

descriptive-what is actually happening based on ethnic, cultural, national plurality

normative- prescriptive actively celebrates the proliferation of diversity, insisting on relative values of different cultures
the negative and unequal treatment of members of a social group based on their perceived membership in a particular group
hostile attitude toward a group or person simply because as that person is presumed to be a member of said group is also perceived to have the negative characteristics associated with it
a principle of social domination in which a group that is seena s inferior or different because of presumed biological or cultural characteristics is oppressed, controlled, and exploited, by a dominant group
institutional racism
• key concept is that normal operation of organizations systematically harm minority groups

the complex and cumulative pattern of racial advantage and disadvantage built into structure of a society.

system of power and priviliege that gives advantage to some
color-blind racism
the belief that race should be ignored and that race-conscious practices foster more racism.

but in reality to be colorblind to race makes one blind to the realities of race.

in a broken and unequal society and adoption of colorblindness will lead to an adoption of the racial status quo

facet of minority obligation, deemphasizes historical and institutional impact and moves the responsibility to correct racialization to the poor and people of color
modern racism
much less direct and overt than in the past, not as concerned with direct oppressing and violence but rather insensitivty to effects of history and institutional racism

teachers help white students first even as far as job recommendations and hiring positions

group interest theory- individuals help themselves by supporting public policies that aid members of their social group, so it is in the interest of the majority group to maintian the status quo
white supremacy
belief that whites are superior in all ways to other ethnic groups or races in the world

obviously perpetuated through slavery and institutional racism, not only slavery but also jim crow laws school segregation etc

not only against blacks either, take the immigration act of 1924, excluded asians

eugenics movement in the 1920s, science of breeding a better human race white traits