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36 Cards in this Set

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The process by which an individual acts or reacts to others
Social Interaction
Treating others as friends or supporters
Supportive Interaction
Interaction in which 2 people offer each other something in order to gain a reward in return
Interaction in which 2 or more people work together to achieve a common goal
Treating others as competitors or enemies
Oppositional Interaction
2 or more people following mutually accepted ruled trying to achieve the same goal before the other does
2 or more people disregarding any rules trying to achieve their goal by defeating the other
People actively interpret each other's actions and reactions and behave in accordance with the interpretation
Symbolic Interaction
Body language and the use of body movements
The use of space in a way to communicate
Linguistic styles that reflect the different worlds of women and men
Method of analyzing social interaction as if the participants were performing on stage
The separation of our role-playing as outward performance from our inner self
Role Distance
The process by which people create through social interactions certain ideas, feelings, and beliefs about their environment
Social Construction of Reality
The analysis of how people define the world in which they live
The study of practice of humor
"If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences"
Thomas Theoreom
A modern Western organization defined by Weber as being rational in achieving its goal efficiency
Leaders who achieve group harmony by making others feel good
Expressive Leaders
A group whose activities are rationally designed to achieve specific goals
Formal Organization
The tendancy for members of a cohesive group to maintain a consensus to the extent of ignoring the truth
The privelege that allows leaders to deviate from their group's norms
Idiosyncrasy Credit
A group formed by the informal relationships among members of an organization-based on personal interactions, not on any plan by the organization
Informal Organization
The group to which an individual is strongly tied as a member
Leaders who achieve their groups goal by getting others to focus on task performance
Instrumental Leaders
Leaders who let others do their work more or less on their own
Laissez-Faire Leaders
Theories that suggest what we should do to achieve our goals
Normative Theories
A group of which an individual is not a member
The observation that "Work expands to fill the time available for its completion"
Parkinson's Law
The observation that "In every hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his or her level of incompetence"
Peter principle
Webers term for the process of replacing subjective, spontaneous, informal and diverse ways of doing things with a planned, objective, formally unified method based on abstract rules
A group that is used as the frame of reference for evaluating one's own behavior
Reference Group
A number of people who have something in common but who neither interact with one another nor gather in one place
Social Category
A number of people who happen to be in one place but do not interact with one another
Social Aggregate
A collection of people who interact with one another and have a certain feeling of unity
Social Group
A web of social relationships that link individuals or groups to one another
Social Network