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29 Cards in this Set

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assumption of offender deficit
-offenders who break the law have some psychological deficit that distinguishes them from normal law-abiding citizens
assumption of discriminating traits
-offenders are distinguished from nonoffenders by, for example, their high levels of impulsiveness and agression
community psychology
-sees social problems and crime as largely a product of organizational and institutional characteristics of society..
-closely related to sociology
-the most inaccesible and primitive part of the brain
-biological urges that strive for gratification
the ego mediates between
-between teh id and the superego
-the rational part of the brain
-deals with reality and making decisions
-the ethical and moral part of the brain, and the conscience
-the interactive process where ppl learn and internalize the culture of their society or group
moral devpt theory
-individual psychology that looks at how moral reasoning emerges in the individual and develops as the individual matures
classical conditioning
-a stimulus is paired with another stimulus to get a response, then the neutral stimulus gets the same response without the pairing
-a personality characteristic associated with sociability, impulsiveness, and aggresion
-learning that occurs as a result of watching and imitating others
autonomic reactivity
-a measurement of the extent to which an individuals physical organism reacts to external stimuli
operant conditioning
-an individuals' behavior is shaped by reinforcement or by punishment
token economy
-a behavior therapy based on operant learning
-ppl are rewarded with positive behavior, and punished for negative behavior
antisocial personality disorder
-disregard for the rights of others, impulsivity, irresponsibility, and aggressiveness
psychological theory
-primarily concerned with the explanations of behavior at the level of the individual
community psychology
-view social problems from a "level of analysis" perspective
levels of analysis
a. individual
b. small group
c. organizational
d. institutional
e. community
psychoanalytic theory
five stages of devpt:
3 components of personality
a. id
b. ego
c. superego
psychoanalytic theories of criminology
-state crime occurs when the ego and superego are unable to restrain the id
kohlberg's moral devpt
-criticized from feminist perspective
Eysenck's theory of crime and personality
-based on classical conditioning
Eysenck's 3 dimensions of personality
a. extraversion
b. neuroticism
c. psychoticism
social learning theory
-integrates sociology and psychology to explain crime
how can an individual LEARN aggressive behavior (social learning theory)
a. family
b. subcultural influences
c. symbolic modeling
what deterrance occurs through
a. legal sanction
b. social sanction
c. self sanction
(often confused with antisocial personality)
-a pattern of behavioral features similiar to antisocial, but also has a lack of remorse, guilt, or shame