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22 Cards in this Set

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hidden curriculum
students from different social class backgrounds are provided different types of education
cultural capital
speech patterns, demeanors, ect
dividing students into groups that recieve different instruction on the basis of assumed similarities in ability or attainment
achievement gap
education outcomes betweel different groups of students
level of intellectual ability
the bell curve
some ethnic groups have higher IQs than others
acting white thesis
achievement gap can be partially explained through black students reluctance to embrace school norms
abstract attitudes
consistent with mainstream ideas that place a high value on edu and credentials for success
concrete attitudes
based on students' experiences in school and perception that there are only few options for them in terms of entrance into higher edu and jobs
cultural navigators
students who draw from resources from home cultures and mainstream culture tend to be successful in school
stereotype threat
AfAm or female students believe they are being judged as members of a negatively stereotyped group- do worse on tests
local knowledge
knowledge of a local community, possessed by individuals who spend long periods of time in it
mass media
newspapers, magazines, movies, etc
the transfer of info from one person, context, or group to another
public sphere
sphere of communication in which public opinion is formed and attitudes are shaped
global village
people throughout the world see major news items unfold and participate in the same events as one another
reality is the string of images in the TV screens which defines something as a global event
mediated interaction
interaction between individuals who are not physically present
mediated quasi-interaction
interaction that is one-sided and partial
world information order
international system for the production, distribution, and consumption of information
the space of interaction formed by the global network of computers that compose the internet
information poverty
people who have little or no access to info technology