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31 Cards in this Set

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Competitions that require large investment

-sizable talent pool

-highly prepared competitors

-Performance influenced by preparation

-Low level of luck/performance fluctuation

Choosing the right pond

Competitors pick fields for which they have the highest potential for rewards

Leap of faith

commitment to intense investment in pursuit of an outcome in the face of deep objective uncertainty about the outcome

Race to the bottom

unregulated competition leads to erosion of morals unrelated to winning (young players)

Taboo market

Market where exchanging money for goods/services is morally controversial


Restriction on eligibility of competitors based on rewards received in past play

Cumulative advantage/Matthew Effect

success provides resources helpful to further success

Fair-weather fan

A sport consumer whose expenditures on a team are based on team performance

Feedback mechanism

when a chain of causes and effects form a loop over time

reinforcing mechanism

feedback loop increasing inequalities over time

death spiral

a reinforcing mechanism with negative results that could result in the elimination of the entity

How to achieve competitive balance


-Salary Cap

-revenue sharing

Balancing mechanism

feedback loop that reduces inequality between entities

Redistribution of wealth

mechanism by which resources are shifted from richer to poorer

Principle agent problem

when a person with a stake in the outcome is dependent on someone else to act on their behalf

aligned incentives

When a behavior that best rewards the agent also best rewards the principle

Fundamental attribution error

tendency to overstate internal attributions and understate situational attributions

Locus of control

the extent to which individuals feel they can control what happens to them

Specialized investment

High investment in skills optimal for particular athletic activity

Morphological selection

social process by which particular body types become dominant in particular competitions/roles

Big Bang of Body Types

All athletes had the same body type, then it shot out everywhere

Result of high competition on body types

More competitive=fewer people w/ the right morphology

Each athlete type is more distinctive from others

Anna Karenina Contest

Contest by which any number of deficiencies prevent winning

10,000 hours

deliberate practice necessary to be an expert at something

Deliberate practice

repetitive work intentionally designed for skill development rather than maximizing enjoyment or accumulating experience

Result of increased popularity

Fun activities are less fun because of the increased emphasis on deliberate practice and decreased variation among competitors

Self-fulfilling prophecy

reinforcing mechanism in which one's belief about what will happen prompts the actions that makes the event more likely to happen (I think I can)

Monopoly of violence

Sovereigns claim exclusive rights to authorize legitimate violence (referees)

Why is violence regulated

-Intimidation is a key factor in sports

-Violence provokes fights over rank, b/c rank ambiguity


claims to level of deference and respect with which one deserves to be treated


collective understanding of acceptable behaviors in particular settings