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39 Cards in this Set

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What is the power elite?
occupy positions of great importance and make big decision that impact society.
societal power
ex's of powerful decision making: gov and corporate positions
What is the upper class?
those with great wealth like income, stocks, property.
capitalist class
Why are wealth and power linked?
Wealth is the most important resource in our capitalistic society which can be converted to power
Why do the wealthy make a lot of policy decisions?
Money is driving force of political system
Describe Mills belief in the relationship between upper class and power elite.
-Mills="power elite" were made up of top politicians, corporate and military officials. These members were quite similar in outlook, interests and social background (school and careers) therefore were socially cohesive. Because their careers often overlapped they strengthened their common social and psychological orientations. Mills also predicted business leaders/corporate were the most influencial
Describe Domhoffs belief in the relationship between upper class and the power elite
Domhoff "governing class theory" close ties between upper class and power elite.
societal wealth is found in corporation and those who dominate them is through ownership/management influence public policy forming process=the governing class.
corp based capitalist class governs itself as a social upper class
social interaction among group influences policy making
Describe Dyes belief in the relationship between upper class and the power elite
Dyes "institutional model"=similar to Mills and Domhoff. BUT does NOT believe close relationship among wealthy and powerful.
institutional wealth as more important than personal wealth
like wells and dom=economic power in society among small group of corp managers and members of inner group as link between corp world and gov
Explain Baltzell's beliefs
3 groups= 1. Elite:top leaders in decision making. 2. upper class:descendent of elite members. 3. Establishment (ruling class) combines its wealth and status with functional power while simutaneously being elite members.
Ideal: establishment is made of inherited pwer and prestige but is also open to those on the basis of talent and ability
modern day: no close relationship between upper class and power elite cuz less accepting of minorites who made it on their ability
What is the Horatio-Alger myth?
idea that anyone regardless of social standing can reach the pinnacle of wealth and power with enough striving and preserverance
What is the elite recruitment process?
1. talent pool=poss leaders with skills educ and qualifications competing in a pool. harder for middle class cuz not as many resources to enter more prestigous schools.
3 ways one can make it into the elite pool?
1. talent pool
2. social connections-those of social classes closer to the elite in hierarchy have better connections
3. self-selection-individual aspirations from experiences and background
What are the two dimensions classes are seen as?
1. economic
2. behavioral

a class will share economic dimensions as in educ, income, etc and behavioral dimensions as in lifestyles and things they do/participate in
What is socioeconomic status?
SES. sociologists use this instead of social class.
Ses based on 1. income and wealth 2. occupational prestige 3. educational level.
same ses=same lifestyles
What occs are upper middle class comprised of?
govt, corps, media, educ, medicine. all critical to function and the "running" of societies major institutions.
income from salaries
what occs are lower middle class comprised of
middle managers, semi pros. income from salaries and wages
What is household income
both families or those who live by themselves, roomates or those co habitating.
What is family income
2 or more persons live together and are related by marriage or blood. includes all earners like child if contributing to total income
What are the 3 levels of the middle class
1. upper middle
2. lower middle
3 working class

these 3 come together as one because they are drastically diff from the very top and bottom

these 3 are sep cuz they are diff in ses characteristics
What is a bourgeoisie
replaced landowners once upon a time once industrial production began. This would be our middle class/merchant class
What are white collar workers
upper middle class
mental not labor work
sometimes belongs to lower mid class
what are blue collar workers
working class.
manual labor
skilled trade people and craft workers
what is proletarianization
the haze between white and blue collar workers
some jobs considered white collar are losing autonomy and becoming routinized therefore blurring into blue collar work
How did OPEC oil embargo forever effect our global economy
led to globalization because us realized we need to be dependent on outside sources. globalization
what is the middle class squeeze?
aka bifurcation
two-tiered wage structure
middle classes being pushed either up or being pulled down
"shrinking the middle"
how does the middle class squeeze affect growing inequality
causes gap between top and bottom earners so middle class and working class emerge into a two tiered society and wage structure=either you keep up or fall further behind.
work no longer against poverty or downward mobility
therefore jobs in middle decline
t or f

growth in bottom portion and private sector=little opp for upward mobility mainly affecting men.

rapid growth in middle income for women in fem dom occs
what is economic restructuring
Reich's model. cause of shifting patterns among middle classes due to changes in economy because of shifting in manuf based to service based
because of new tech and globalization
what are transnational corporations
aka multinational corporations.
corps manufacturing and sales in several world locations
Explain Reich's model
us workforce as been restructed as a result of the global economy.
explains how globalization has impacted the middle classes
According to Reich what are the 3 subdivisions workers are increasingly put into
1. symbolic analysts=upper middle classes. wages increase. managerial
2. routine production workers=blue collar/white collars due to routinization and increasing technology
3. routine personal service workers=perfrom routine tasks like rout prod wrkrs. DIFF is these are not in competition with sim wrkrs abroad bc they are waitresses, janitors, secs, maids, etc
what is downsizing and how does it affect upper mid classes diff from others
downsizing is when large corps cut workforce to become more efficient and profitable. global economy is often responsible

upp mid class who experience downsizing have hard time adjusting bc of expensive assets they have and once comfortable lifestyle is now gone
Diff between Mead and Reichs theories on what happens to wf when women enter
mead= 1 woman at work household income rose but millions of women at work labor becomes cheaper

reich= opposite of mead. it was the low wages that made women enter wf to maintain fam income
What is new consumerism
aka upscale spending
classes using upward comparisons to aspire to lifestyles of those with higher economic hierarchy
most common in upper middle class because they are right behind upper class
What is the two-income trap
in dual income fams
this starts bc of the bidding war for best neighborhoods and education for children.
housewife use to stay home for household care and backup day care but they enter wf to support this and their lifestyle but then usually end up in debt
what is gender essentiallism
idea that there are unique male and female traits that make men and women naturally suited for diff occ roles.

male in maunal labor
female in nonmanual
what is comparable worth
attempts to close gender pay gap. says both should be paid the same for equal jobs or comparable worth
what is equity feminism
liberal feminism

stereotypes block and handicap women from opportunities

goal to change social institutions and the workplace
what is radical feminism
all institutions are dom by male and their dominance is supported by their male gender ideology involving the use of aggression and violence to maintain societal power
what is multicultural feminism
women experience diff feminisms based on sex, class, age, race, religion and on the basis of their socal and economic characteristics