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38 Cards in this Set

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a movement for the equal division of landed property and for the promotion of agricultural interests
something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time, esp. a thing or person that belongs to an earlier time
(anthropo - from Greek meaning “human,”) (morphous - Having a specified shape or form) (ism - A distinctive doctrine, system, or theory) attributing of human characteristics and purposes to inanimate objects, animals, plants, or other natural phenomena, or to God.
opposed to the influence and activities of the clergy or the church in secular or public affairs.
the doctrine that matter and all things were not created by a God, but rather evolved into what it is today.
Theology The doctrine or belief that the Gospel frees Christians from required obedience to any law, whether scriptural, civil, or moral, and that salvation is attained solely through faith and the gift of divine grace; The belief that moral laws are relative in meaning and application as opposed to fixed or universal.
predicting or presaging imminent disaster and total or universal destruction.
the branch of theology concerned with the defense or proof of Christianity; Serving as or containing a formal justification or defense: an apologetic treatise on church doctrine.
deify or glorify
the doctrinal teachings of Jacobus Arminius or his followers, esp. the doctrine that Christ died for all people and not only for the elect; rejected the Calvinist doctrines of predestination and election and who believed that human free will is compatible with God's sovereignty.
the doctrine that a person can attain a high spiritual and moral state by practicing self-denial, self-mortification, and the like.
a spiritual power or personal quality that gives an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people; the special virtue of an office, function, position, etc., that confers or is thought to confer on the person holding it an unusual ability for leadership, worthiness of veneration, or the like.
the doctrine of Christ's expected return to reign on earth for 1000 years; millennialism.
(communitarian - A member or supporter of a small cooperative or a collectivist community) (ism - A distinctive doctrine, system, or theory).
Contemplative religion
is alien to Mormons. We are busy-->we don't isolate or go into meditation. We are too busy.
willingness to believe or trust too readily, esp. without proper or adequate evidence; gullibility.
made up of what is selected from different sources; not following any one system, as of philosophy but selecting and using what are considered the best elements of all systems.
A movement promoting worldwide unity among religions through greater cooperation and improved understanding.
a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something.
a branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge.
out of nothing; from nothing.
any system or mode of thought or action in which human interests, values, and dignity predominate; a variety of ethical theory and practice that emphasizes reason, scientific inquiry, and human fulfillment in the natural world and often rejects the importance of belief in God.
exact representation or portrayal, without idealization, as in art or literature.
A thousand-year period of holiness mentioned in Revelation 20, during which Jesus and his faithful followers are to rule on earth; A hoped-for period of joy, serenity, prosperity, and justice.
a method of divination through alleged communication with the dead; black art; magic in general, esp. that practiced by a witch or sorcerer; sorcery; witchcraft; conjuration.
belief in the existence of secret, mysterious, or supernatural agencies; A belief in occult powers and the possibility of bringing them under human control.
Of or relating to essence or the nature of being; the branch of metaphysics that studies the nature of existence or being as such.
in theology, the doctrine that divine grace is provided only for the elect.
a philosophy, form, or system of patriarchal government (patriarch - A man who rules a family, clan, or tribe) (patriarchal - Ruled by a patriarch).
the doctrine of or belief in more than one god or in many gods.
agreeableness to reason; reasonableness.
the form of religious activity that manifests itself in revivals; the tendency to revive what belongs to the past.
Adhering or confined to the dogmatic limits of a sect or denomination; partisan; Narrow-minded; parochial.
The view that religious considerations should be excluded from civil affairs or public education; Religious skepticism or indifference.
the doctrine that final causes exist; the belief that purpose and design are a part of or are apparent in nature.
a manifestation or appearance of God or a god to a person; a manifestation or appearance of God or a god to a person.
Lying beyond the ordinary range of perception; Surpassing others; preeminent or supreme; In Kant's theory of knowledge, being beyond the limits of experience and hence unknowable; Being above and independent of the material universe.
having regard to utility or usefulness rather than beauty, ornamentation; Exhibiting or stressing utility over other values; practical